[Abstract]:The rapid development of British pressure groups since World War II has had an unprecedented impact on British politics, so British political scientist win Grant called that stage of British politics the era of pressure groups. This paper mainly discusses the development history of British pressure groups, the development background of pressure groups, the influence of government decision-making performance and the evaluation of pressure groups from the historical point of view. The main point of this paper is that pressure groups are organizations that are determined to influence government decisions. Pressure groups have been developed for more than 200 years. In the late 18th century there was the first climax of British pressure groups, which was mainly confined to activities at the local level, and the latter part of the 19th century was the second climax of British pressure groups, during which various types of pressure groups came into being. Its activities have spread all over the country; after 1945 the pressure groups reached a third climax, when the British pressure groups were at the centre of politics. The development of pressure groups had much to do with the decline of British political parties and the support of the government; the development of the British economy provided the material basis for the pressure groups; and the changes in class at that stage, The defects of social welfare function and the development of science and technology education have become important social and cultural factors of pressure groups. Pressure groups have pressed governments, the European Union, parliaments, courts and local governments at a wide range of levels to influence decision-making, and failed, but a number of pressure groups have succeeded. There is no doubt that pressure groups have had a major impact on British politics. It has become not only an important channel for individuals to participate in politics, but also an important source of information for the government and an effective assistant to the government; of course, pressure groups have their negative side, such as overthrowing the government. Obstructing the economy and so on. The theories related to the influence of pressure groups are related to the concepts of liberal democracy and neoliberalism.
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