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发布时间:2018-11-04 09:45
【摘要】: 农民问题是自19世纪中叶以来影响俄国社会发展以及国家稳定的一个重要问题。由于俄国资本主义的发展以及农奴制危机的加深,农民问题日益突出。自上而下地改革农奴制度,解决农民的自由和土地问题,是沙皇政府维护自身利益、巩固统治的重要举措。农奴制改革后,俄国农民的社会生活等方面与改革前相比发生了很大的变化。但改革并没有让农民真正地拥有土地和获得自由,农民仅仅是从法律的虚拟层面上获得了拥有土地的权利,而村社则取代地主成为农民新的监护人。这导致改革后的农民问题产生了严重的危机,社会矛盾日益激化,农民的动乱和起义不断。为了摆脱危机、巩固政权,斯托雷平进行了农业上的改革。由于改革遭到广大农民群众的抵制,以及统治阶级内部的矛盾等原因,致使改革以失败而告终。农奴制改革和斯托雷平改革都是解决农民问题的重要尝试,但这两次改革都没有解决农民问题,农民的生活并没有得到改善,最终致使了农民走向革命的道路。解决农民问题的过程,反映了俄国现代化的不断发展,以及俄国的农民如何一步步走向革命的原因,这在俄国的历史上有着重要的意义。 本文共分五个部分: 第一部分主要是分析改革前农民问题突出的原因,一方面从俄国资本主义的发展入手,探讨资本主义工业对自由劳动力的要求;另一方面分析了沙皇统治危机的出现,通过对农奴制进行改革,解决农民的人身和土地问题,从而挽救沙皇的专制统治。 第二部分着重论述解决农民问题的初步尝试,沙皇政府对农奴制度的改革。探讨农奴解放所需要考虑的因素以及所要准备的工作,并论述农奴制改革的重要内容。 第三部分主要是对农奴制改革后农民现状的分析。从改革后农民的土地和人身状况入手,探讨出改革后农民在社会生活等方面所发生的重要变化,分析农奴制的改革对农民问题的解决程度。 第四部分从农民问题的危机入手,论述斯托雷平的改革。通过斯托雷平对农民问题的认识,分析斯托雷平改革的原因,改革的内容和措施以及改革失败的原因和影响。 第五部分主要是论述农民问题和十月革命的关系。分析农民最终走向革命的原因,论述农民和革命之间的联系,以及革命给农民带来的一系列变化和影响。
[Abstract]:Since the middle of the 19th century, the peasant problem has affected the development of Russian society and the stability of the country. Due to the development of Russian capitalism and the deepening of serfdom crisis, peasant problems become increasingly prominent. The top-down reform of serf system and the settlement of peasants' freedom and land problems are important measures for the tsar government to safeguard its own interests and consolidate its rule. After the serfdom reform, the social life of Russian peasants changed a lot. But the reform did not really allow farmers to own land and gain freedom. Farmers only acquired the right to own land on the virtual level of the law, and the village community replaced the landlord as the new guardian of the peasants. This led to a serious crisis after the reform of farmers, social contradictions increasingly intensified, peasant unrest and uprisings. In order to extricate himself from the crisis and consolidate the regime, Stolepin carried out agricultural reforms. The reform ended in failure because of the resistance of the peasants and the contradictions within the ruling class. The reform of serfdom and Storeping are both important attempts to solve the problem of peasants, but neither of these reforms has solved the problems of peasants, and the life of peasants has not been improved, which has led them to the road of revolution. The process of solving the peasant problem reflects the continuous development of Russian modernization and the reason why the Russian peasants step by step toward revolution, which is of great significance in the history of Russia. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is mainly to analyze the reasons for the outstanding problems of peasants before the reform, on the one hand, from the development of Russian capitalism, to explore the requirements of capitalist industry for free labor; On the other hand, it analyzes the emergence of the crisis of czarist rule, through the reform of serfdom, to solve the personal and land problems of peasants, thus saving the autocratic rule of the czar. The second part focuses on the preliminary attempt to solve the peasant problem and the reform of serf system by the tsar government. This paper probes into the factors to be considered and the work to be prepared for the emancipation of serfs, and discusses the important contents of serfdom reform. The third part is the analysis of farmers' status after serfdom reform. Starting with the land and personal conditions of the peasants after the reform, this paper discusses the important changes that have taken place in the social life of the peasants after the reform, and analyzes the extent to which the reform of the serfdom system solves the problems of the peasants. The fourth part discusses Stolepin's reform from the crisis of peasant problem. Based on Stolepin's understanding of peasants' problems, this paper analyzes the causes, contents and measures of Stolepin's reform and the causes and effects of its failure. The fifth part mainly discusses the relationship between the peasant problem and the October Revolution. This paper analyzes the reasons why peasants eventually move to revolution, discusses the relationship between peasants and revolution, and a series of changes and influences brought by revolution to peasants.


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