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发布时间:2018-11-05 11:04
[Abstract]:The thought of etiquette and music in ancient China is a combination of "propriety", which regulates people's external behavior, and "music", which edifies people's inner feelings, and is the basis of educating people, changing customs and governing the state of the people. In ancient Japan, from the 7th century to the beginning of the 9th century, it was the period of the construction and development of the law and order country. While introducing a large number of Chinese laws, the legal system and the bureaucratic system, Japan also copied the idea of etiquette and music as an ideology. After the middle of the 9th century, Japan launched the music system reform, and the narration of rites and music in the history of Japan disappeared, but this did not mean the death of the idea of etiquette and music in Japan, but symbolized that it had changed from a political slogan to a concrete form of nourishing people's hearts and cultivating morality. It is the expression of the acceptance of the idea of rites and music that tends to deepen. Moreover, the Japanese thought of Rites and Music also developed into the guiding ideology of compiling the Book of Harmony, and the collection of Ancient and Modern Harmony songs is its representative achievement.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学外语学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“日本古代和歌和儒家礼乐思想”(10YJC752048) 山东省“十二五”强化重点建设人文社科基地“东亚文学与文化研究”规划课题资助成果之一


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