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发布时间:2018-11-08 19:17
【摘要】:当今国际,风云多变。今日友国,也许是明天的仇敌;而今日仇敌,也许昨天曾是友国。这其中唯一不变的是国家利益。现今关系紧张的美国与伊朗,在尼克松政府时期却因各自的国家利益互相靠拢,两国关系一度友好。其主要表现是尼克松政府向伊朗提供了大量援助。 然而尼克松政府的援助伊朗政策,更多关注美国现状,注重解决美国的眼前危机,缺乏政策的前瞻性。在尼克松政府短期获益的同时,却带来对美国长远利益的损害,为美伊关系的恶化埋下隐患。所以尼克松政府时期的美伊关系既是美伊关系发展的高峰期,也是美伊友好关系走向破裂的潜伏期,在美伊关系发展史上是较为典型的一个时期。尼克松政府的援伊政策恰是催生特殊美伊关系的一个必然因素,对此政策进行研究有助于深入理解美伊交恶的原因;同时也有助于更好地把握外援政策的本质,进而在国际关系中恰当运用外援这一战略工具。 本论文由绪论、三个章节和结语构成: 绪论:主要回顾了与尼克松政府援助伊朗政策相关的研究现状。 一尼克松政府援助伊朗的战略考虑。笔者从传统战略与现实战略考虑两方面着手,分析了尼克松政府援助伊朗政策产生的历史与现实原因。尼克松政府对伊朗进行援助是符合美国利益的选择,但具体采取什么样的援助政策还需要兼顾受援国伊朗的需求。 二尼克松政府援助伊朗政策。在此部分,笔者对尼克松前任政府的美国援助伊朗政策作了简要回顾。将尼克松政府援助伊朗政策与前几任政府的援伊政策进行对比分析,突出尼克松政府援伊政策的新特点。 三尼克松政府援伊政策的影响。笔者依据尼克松政府援伊政策的目的,逐条分析尼克松政府援伊政策在何种程度上实现了援伊目的,又在哪些方面与援伊目的背道而驰,进而得出尼克松政府的援伊政策弊大于利。 结语:对整篇论文进行梳理与总结,重申笔者的观点。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the international situation is changeable. Today's friend may be tomorrow's enemy, and today's enemy may have been a friend yesterday. The only thing that remains the same is the national interest. Relations between the United States and Iran, now tense, were friendly during the Nixon administration because their national interests converged. The main manifestation was the Nixon administration's massive aid to Iran. However, the Nixon administration's aid policy toward Iran focused more on the status quo in the United States, on resolving the immediate crisis in the United States, and on a lack of policy foresight. While the Nixon administration benefited in the short term, it did harm to the long-term interests of the United States, laying hidden dangers for the deterioration of the relations between the United States and Iraq. Therefore, the U.S.-Iraq relationship during the Nixon administration was not only the peak period of the development of US-Iraq relations, but also the incubation period of the rupture of the US-Iraq friendly relations, which was a typical period in the history of the development of US-Iraq relations. The Nixon administration's policy of aiding Iraq is an inevitable factor to give birth to a special relationship between the United States and Iraq, and the study of this policy is helpful to understand the reasons for the evil relationship between the United States and Iraq. At the same time, it is helpful to grasp the essence of foreign aid policy and use foreign aid as a strategic tool in international relations. This thesis is composed of introduction, three chapters and conclusion: introduction: it reviews the research situation related to Nixon Administration's policy of aiding Iran. A Nixon administration's strategic consideration of aiding Iran. The author analyzes the historical and realistic reasons of Nixon Administration's policy of aiding Iran from two aspects: traditional strategy and realistic strategic consideration. The Nixon administration's choice of aid to Iran is in the interest of the United States, but what kind of aid policy should be adopted should take into account the needs of the recipient Iran. Nixon administration's policy of aiding Iran. In this part, the author makes a brief review of the American aid policy of Nixon's administration. This paper compares Nixon Administration's aid policy with previous administration's, and highlights the new characteristics of Nixon administration's aid policy. The influence of the Nixon administration's aid to Iraq. According to the purpose of the Nixon administration's Iraq aid policy, the author analyzes the extent to which the Nixon administration's Iraq aid policy has achieved the purpose of aiding Iraq, and in what aspects it runs counter to the purpose of aiding Iraq. Thus, the Nixon administration's policy of aiding Iraq is more harmful than good. Conclusion: combing and summing up the whole paper, reiterating the author's point of view.


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