[Abstract]:More than 20 years from the establishment of Meiji government to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, it was a period of formation of Japanese militarism. During this period, the Japanese militaristic politics, economy, military, ideological system gradually established, complete. The establishment of military system is its important content, and the national economic strength and the government's financial funds are the basic conditions of military development. In this sense, the study of Japan's military is not only limited to the traditional aspects of military technology, system, ideological education, weapons evolution, and so on. Military finance, that is, military expenditure, is also a very good entry point, and it is an absolutely important aspect. The changes in military expenditures, as well as the various political and social contradictions surrounding military expenditures, can not only outline the development context of Japan's national defense forces, but also, more importantly, military expenditure as an important part of military development. Closely related to the formation of Japanese militarism. This study is based on historical materialism, with the help of econometric historiography. Taking military expenditure as a starting point, through the analysis of military expenditure content, expenditure status and characteristics, financial resources and related political and economic factors, this paper discusses the contradictions and the solutions to the problems surrounding military expenditure. This paper tries to explain the forming process of Japanese militarism, and then reflects the inevitable trend of Japan's superstition of force and its taking the road of militaristic aggression. In terms of research methods, this paper does not discuss military expenditure in isolation, but organically considers military expenditure, military development and its political objectives, with emphasis on reflecting the essence and formation process of Japanese militarism. The formation of Japanese militarism is a historical process, the development of history is always early signs, can be seen, the study of Japanese military spending is only a small hole to peep at this sign.
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