[Abstract]:The Soviet-Polish War in 1920 was an important event in the history of relations between the two countries. The war was started by Poland, then the Soviet Union launched a counter-offensive, the Red Army quickly into Polish territory. Lenin was determined to change the world's ideology and set off a world revolution through Poland. However, due to Soviet Russia's strategic mistakes and the influence of international factors, the Red Army failed to realize the intention of the war and eventually broke into Warsaw. Although the war ended in the defeat of Soviet Russia, its nature and influence can not be ignored. The defeat of the war prompted Russia to make a major diplomatic adjustment from the world revolutionary strategy advocated by Lenin to peaceful coexistence with capitalist countries. At the same time, Western countries also realized the importance of maintaining friendly relations with Russia. The war had an important and far-reaching impact on Russia, Poland and even the whole of Europe, and the Soviet Union and the Western capitalist world were able to maintain peace for nearly 20 years. Under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism, the principle of faithful historical truth, the basis of archival historical data, and the previous research achievements, this paper focuses on the causes and processes of the outbreak of the Soviet-Bo War. The result and its influence on the situation in Europe, the origin of Lenin's world revolutionary strategy and its transformation during and after the war were discussed. Through research, we can have a true and clear understanding of the Soviet-Poland War and Lenin's world revolutionary strategy, and have a deeper understanding of the role played by the national and national interests in foreign policy. At the same time, through the study of these problems, how to deal with the complex international diplomatic relations also has a good reference significance.
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