[Abstract]:Ancient Egypt is deducing a thousand years of brilliant civilization, dynasties change well, social order is in order. Amazingly, this stable social order seems to have been completed without the restriction of law, the main reason is that the written code of ancient Egypt never came into being, so the law of ancient Egypt was covered with a mysterious veil. Domestic scholars have few monographs on this issue, but foreign scholars have different views. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of ancient Egyptian law based on a large number of original documents in the New Kingdom period, and to explore the stage form of its development, that is, unwritten law. Finally, the essence and characteristics of ancient Egyptian law are summarized and analyzed. This paper expounds the concept of ancient Egyptian law, and there are many controversies between different scholars on the concept of ancient Egyptian law and on the issue of legislator, for example, the law of ancient Egypt is a "code of morality", which is denied by the author. Morality is not equal to law, nor is it equal to the existence of law. In terms of etymology, the different meanings of law in Egyptian language also reflect the profound connotation of ancient Egyptian law to some extent. In religion, the form of religious jurisprudence embodied in the Book of the Dead reflects to a certain extent the legal thought of ancient Egyptians, from which the objective existence of ancient Egyptian law is reflected by indirect thought-form. According to a large number of original documents, this paper sorts out three forms of ancient Egyptian law: Royal decree, case law and international law. The law of ancient Egypt is objective, because it has the carrier of legal existence: the indirect carrier-the police and the direct carrier-the judiciary, which mainly includes the central court, the local court and the special court. The law of ancient Egypt not only has more mature judicial institutions, but also has a more sound and reasonable judicial procedure, namely appeal, arrest, custody, trial and judgment. The objective existence of ancient Egyptian law also contains profound functions and characteristics. To sum up, ancient Egyptian law is objective, it exists in the form of unwritten law.
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