[Abstract]:The outbreak of World War I and the defeat of Germany and Austria provided the prospect for Poland's return. After the war, under the support of the allies, Poland, after a hundred years of subjugation, was finally able to recover. In the 1920s, Poland, in order to maintain its hard-won territory and borders, was "one-sided" against France under the grip of Germany and the Soviet Union, two major neighboring countries. In the late 1920s, with the restoration of European power status, Germany's demand for Poland's territory and borders became stronger and stronger. In the atmosphere of Franco-German reconciliation, Poland changed its practice in the first half of the 1920s and adopted a neutral foreign policy against Germany. With the outbreak of the world economic crisis in the 1930s, the contradictions in capitalist countries intensified, and fascism came to power. This series of factors prompted Poland to adjust its foreign policy, abandon the European collective security system, and implement the "equal distance" foreign policy to Germany and Soviet Union. The study of the relationship between the two wars can provide an important clue for exploring the causes of the outbreak of World War II. Because of the unique geopolitical environment between Germany and the Soviet Union, Poland, a small country and a weak country, plays a role that is not dominant, but not to be underestimated, in the game between the two great powers. Looking at the relations between Poland and Germany, Poland misjudged the situation in this political game and failed to find an effective policy towards Germany. And Germany's external goals are clear, its priorities are clear, and it adjusts its policy toward Poland according to different conditions and needs, and plays Poland in the hands of its shareholders. Once Poland's utilization value is over, Germany immediately tears off its hypocrisy. Poland was brutally destroyed by war.
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