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发布时间:2019-01-08 12:00
【摘要】: 在世界三大宗教中,对国际政治冲击最大并不断引起国际社会强烈关注的伊斯兰教,它以伊斯兰传统文化为底蕴对现代西方文化保持疏离与批判姿态的行为越来越受到世界的重视。本文以伊斯兰教在中亚地区传播、发展的历程,以及冷战结束后大国势力在这一地区的角逐与争夺为切入点,重点论述了中亚伊斯兰教的发展状况及伊斯兰教复兴运动在中亚地区兴起的原因。 戈尔巴乔夫担任苏共总书记后,苏联党和政府一直以来对宗教和宗教组织的严格管理与监督出现失控,长期受压抑的中亚伊斯兰教呈复苏态势。苏联解体使中亚地区的意识形态领域出现真空,原有的社会文化结构趋向解体,外部伊斯兰势力乘虚而入,已经沉淀为民族意识重要组成部分的中亚伊斯兰教复兴并迅速发展,渗入社会生活的各个领域。 中亚地缘政治地位十分重要,美国对中亚地区一直十分关注,苏联解体和中亚五国独立后,美国借口打击阿富汗塔利班政权和基地组织恐怖活动驻军中亚,并利用所谓民主、人权,推动中亚各国进一步西化,把中亚纳入自己的势力范围,使其成为制约俄罗斯的潜在伙伴的行为,危及到中亚社会稳定和伊斯兰民族因素的存在,因此,大国的争夺促进了中亚伊斯兰教的复兴。 此外,苏联解体和中亚五国的独立,原有的社会文化结构趋向解体,转型中的中亚社会贪污腐败层出不穷,社会财富分配严重不均,贫富悬殊,严重的社会问题和政治、民族问题是伊斯兰教在中亚五国复兴的内在原因。 本文主要分为三部分:第一部分回顾了伊斯兰教在中亚传播的历程及特点;第二部分介绍了中亚伊斯兰教复兴运动的状况、特征;第三部分深入分析了当代伊斯兰教在中亚迅速复兴和发展的深层次原因。期望通过本文的论述和分析,能够使人们进一步了解中亚伊斯兰教复兴的原因,对中亚伊斯兰教复兴有一个比较全面认识。
[Abstract]:Of the three major religions in the world, Islam, which has the greatest impact on international politics and continues to attract strong attention from the international community, Its alienation and critical attitude towards modern western culture with Islamic traditional culture as its intrinsic information are paid more and more attention by the world. This paper starts with the spread and development of Islam in Central Asia, and the rivalry and contention of great powers in this region after the end of the Cold War. This paper mainly discusses the development of Islam in Central Asia and the causes of the rise of Islamic revival movement in Central Asia. Since Gorbachev became the general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, the Soviet Party and government have been controlling and supervising religious and religious organizations out of control, and Islam in Central Asia, which has been repressed for a long time, is in a state of recovery. The disintegration of the Soviet Union caused a vacuum in the field of ideology in Central Asia, the original social and cultural structure tended to disintegrate, the external Islamic forces took advantage of the false entry, and Islam in Central Asia, which had been precipitated as an important part of national consciousness, was reviving and developing rapidly. Infiltrate into all spheres of social life. The geopolitical status of Central Asia is very important. The United States has always been very concerned about the Central Asian region. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the independence of the five Central Asian countries, the United States used the pretext of cracking down on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and the terrorist activities of Al-Qaida to garrison troops in Central Asia and to use so-called democracy. Human rights, promoting the further westernization of Central Asian countries, bringing Central Asia into their sphere of influence, making it a potential partner to constrain Russia and endangering the social stability of Central Asia and the existence of the Islamic national factor, therefore, The scramble for great powers promoted the revival of Islam in Central Asia. In addition, the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the independence of the five Central Asian countries, the disintegration of the original social and cultural structure, the emergence of corruption and corruption in the Central Asian society in the course of transformation, the serious imbalance in the distribution of social wealth, the disparity between the rich and the poor, and the serious social problems and politics, The national issue is the internal reason for the revival of Islam in the five Central Asian countries. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part reviews the course and characteristics of the spread of Islam in Central Asia, the second part introduces the status and characteristics of the Islamic revival movement in Central Asia. The third part deeply analyzes the deep reasons for the rapid revival and development of contemporary Islam in Central Asia. It is expected that through the discussion and analysis of this paper, people can further understand the causes of the revival of Islam in Central Asia and have a more comprehensive understanding of the revival of Islam in Central Asia.


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