发布时间:2019-01-20 17:22
【摘要】: 整个冷战过程中,并非仅仅存在着美苏之间的“冷”,同时也存在着诸多的“热”,其中以朝鲜战争与越南战争为最,两者作为发生在冷战格局下的著名热战而彪炳史册。本文将以两次战争的异同比较为主线,以美、苏、中三国间的关系变化为切入点对论题展开具体论述。 首先,两次战争都是冷战格局下的热战,都对冷战格局产生一定冲击,最终都没有改变冷战的基本格局。但美苏在两次战争中的攻守态势不尽相同,朝鲜战争时期,美国处于对苏主动进攻的有利地位,表现为积极介入朝鲜内战,并把战争扩大为局部战争;苏联由于种种原因处于防守状态,具体表现为对战争的不介入态度,并以中国出兵为盾牌,成功保住自己的势力范围。越战期间,美苏间的攻守开始发生变化,越战前期,美国虽然仍处于进攻方,苏联处于防守方,但该时期,美苏间实力对比已发生着量变,最终到越战后期,这种量变的积聚导致质变,长期美攻苏守的局面为苏攻美守所取代。 其次,中苏两国都对朝鲜、越南人民的抗美斗争进行坚决的支持,但两次战争中中苏间的国家关系发生剧变。朝鲜战争期间两国结为同盟,并在对朝援助中进行亲密合作。中国参战前,两国为应对朝鲜危机进行秘密协商,最终达成“中国出人,苏联提供装备”的默契;战中,苏联进一步落实对华武器装备方面的承诺;停战谈判期间,苏联积极奔走交战各方,为中美间停战协定的达成提供便利。越战期间,中苏间默契的国家关系为中苏交恶取代,两国对越援助增加了争取越南对抗对方的色彩,最终,苏联取得在越南的优势地位,中越关系随之恶化。 再次,中美两国在两次战争期间均处于对抗的关系中,但两次对抗的方式不同,具体表现为朝鲜战争中的直接对抗和越南战争中的间接对抗。同时战争结局对中美关系的影响亦不相同,朝鲜战争后,中美间存在的缓和可能被炮火彻底击碎,两国走上长期对抗的道路;越战后期开始,在北方统一南方的必然趋势下,中美两国开始透过意识形态的铁幕寻求缓和,两国关系逐步解冻,最终实现关系正常化。 最后,两次战争都对美国霸权产生深远影响,成为美国在20世纪60年代末70年代初衰落的重要因素。朝鲜战争是美国霸权地位衰落的开始,越战则成为美国霸权地位衰落的转折。
[Abstract]:In the whole process of the cold war, there is not only the "cold" between the United States and Soviet Union, but also a lot of "hot", in which the Korean War and the Vietnam War are the most famous hot wars that took place under the cold war pattern. In this paper, the similarities and differences between the two wars as the main line, the relationship between the United States, Soviet Union, China and China as the starting point to discuss the topic. First of all, both wars are hot wars under the cold war pattern, both have a certain impact on the cold war pattern, and neither of them has changed the basic pattern of the cold war. During the Korean War, the United States was in a favorable position of taking the initiative to attack the Soviet Union, which was manifested by its active involvement in the Korean Civil War and the expansion of the war into a local war. The Soviet Union was in a defensive state for various reasons, manifested in its attitude of not intervening in the war, and used China as a shield to successfully protect its sphere of influence. During the Vietnam War, the attack and defense between the United States and the Soviet Union began to change. In the early part of the Vietnam War, although the United States was still on the offensive side and the Soviet Union was on the defensive side, the strength ratio between the United States and the Soviet Union had changed in quantity during that period, and eventually reached the late stage of the Vietnam War. The accumulation of this quantitative change led to qualitative change, and the long-term situation of the United States attacking and defending the Soviet Union was replaced by the Soviet attack on the United States. Second, both China and the Soviet Union strongly supported the struggle against the United States between the people of North Korea and Vietnam, but the relations between the Soviet Union and China changed dramatically during the two wars. During the Korean War, the two countries formed an alliance and cooperated closely in aid to the DPRK. Before China entered the war, the two countries held secret consultations to deal with the Korean crisis, and finally reached a tacit understanding that "China will send people and the Soviet Union will provide equipment." during the war, the Soviet Union further implemented its commitment to China in terms of weapons and equipment. During the armistice negotiations, the Soviet Union actively rushed the warring parties to facilitate the conclusion of the armistice agreement between China and the United States. During the Vietnam War, the tacit relations between China and the Soviet Union were replaced by the evil relations between China and the Soviet Union, and the two countries' aid to Vietnam increased the color of fighting for Vietnam against the other. Finally, the Soviet Union gained its dominant position in Vietnam, and the Sino-Vietnamese relations deteriorated. Thirdly, both China and the United States are in the antagonistic relationship during the two wars, but the two confrontations are different in the form of direct confrontation in the Korean War and indirect confrontation in the Vietnam War. At the same time, the impact of the outcome of the war on Sino-US relations is also different. After the Korean War, the detente between China and the United States may have been completely shattered by artillery fire, and the two countries have embarked on the road of long-term confrontation. Since the late Vietnam War, under the inevitable trend of the unification of the north and the south, China and the United States began to seek relaxation through the iron curtain of ideology, the relations between the two countries gradually thawed, and finally realized the normalization of relations. Finally, both wars had a profound impact on American hegemony and became an important factor in the decline of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Korean War was the beginning of the decline of American hegemony, while the Vietnam War became the turning point of American hegemony.
[Abstract]:In the whole process of the cold war, there is not only the "cold" between the United States and Soviet Union, but also a lot of "hot", in which the Korean War and the Vietnam War are the most famous hot wars that took place under the cold war pattern. In this paper, the similarities and differences between the two wars as the main line, the relationship between the United States, Soviet Union, China and China as the starting point to discuss the topic. First of all, both wars are hot wars under the cold war pattern, both have a certain impact on the cold war pattern, and neither of them has changed the basic pattern of the cold war. During the Korean War, the United States was in a favorable position of taking the initiative to attack the Soviet Union, which was manifested by its active involvement in the Korean Civil War and the expansion of the war into a local war. The Soviet Union was in a defensive state for various reasons, manifested in its attitude of not intervening in the war, and used China as a shield to successfully protect its sphere of influence. During the Vietnam War, the attack and defense between the United States and the Soviet Union began to change. In the early part of the Vietnam War, although the United States was still on the offensive side and the Soviet Union was on the defensive side, the strength ratio between the United States and the Soviet Union had changed in quantity during that period, and eventually reached the late stage of the Vietnam War. The accumulation of this quantitative change led to qualitative change, and the long-term situation of the United States attacking and defending the Soviet Union was replaced by the Soviet attack on the United States. Second, both China and the Soviet Union strongly supported the struggle against the United States between the people of North Korea and Vietnam, but the relations between the Soviet Union and China changed dramatically during the two wars. During the Korean War, the two countries formed an alliance and cooperated closely in aid to the DPRK. Before China entered the war, the two countries held secret consultations to deal with the Korean crisis, and finally reached a tacit understanding that "China will send people and the Soviet Union will provide equipment." during the war, the Soviet Union further implemented its commitment to China in terms of weapons and equipment. During the armistice negotiations, the Soviet Union actively rushed the warring parties to facilitate the conclusion of the armistice agreement between China and the United States. During the Vietnam War, the tacit relations between China and the Soviet Union were replaced by the evil relations between China and the Soviet Union, and the two countries' aid to Vietnam increased the color of fighting for Vietnam against the other. Finally, the Soviet Union gained its dominant position in Vietnam, and the Sino-Vietnamese relations deteriorated. Thirdly, both China and the United States are in the antagonistic relationship during the two wars, but the two confrontations are different in the form of direct confrontation in the Korean War and indirect confrontation in the Vietnam War. At the same time, the impact of the outcome of the war on Sino-US relations is also different. After the Korean War, the detente between China and the United States may have been completely shattered by artillery fire, and the two countries have embarked on the road of long-term confrontation. Since the late Vietnam War, under the inevitable trend of the unification of the north and the south, China and the United States began to seek relaxation through the iron curtain of ideology, the relations between the two countries gradually thawed, and finally realized the normalization of relations. Finally, both wars had a profound impact on American hegemony and became an important factor in the decline of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Korean War was the beginning of the decline of American hegemony, while the Vietnam War became the turning point of American hegemony.
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