[Abstract]:This paper attempts to explore the issue of Malaysia segregation in British Malaya from historical, economic and cultural perspectives. In combing the historical development of Mahua isolation, this paper comprehensively analyzes the comprehensive role of cultural differences and artificial policies, which clearly points out the role of cultural differences in natural segregation. It also expounds the function of British colonial policy in artificial isolation. British Malaya is a pluralistic society in which Malay and Chinese are the two most populous ethnic groups. At the beginning of British colonial rule, the Malay Peninsula was not fully developed and the Chinese population was small. As a result of the differences in national culture and economic activities, the phenomenon of ethnic segregation naturally emerged, but the human factor was not particularly obvious. At the end of the 19th century, with the large-scale development of the Malay Peninsula, the Chinese population increased substantially. The promulgation and implementation of various policies of the British colonial government, such as land policy, language policy, educational programs and various legal systems, were more or less racial in nature, coupled with the introduction of racist ideas in Europe. The separation between Malaysia and China was deepened day by day. Finally, before the Pacific War broke out, the situation was completely formed. During the war, the policy of provoking dissension between the Japanese armed forces aggravated the antagonism between the two peoples. Ma Hua segregation mainly reflected in the social division of labor, professional attributes, residential areas and so on. The Malay people are mostly engaged in agriculture (mainly rice planting), except for mining and some agriculture (mainly cash crop planting), most of them are engaged in industry, commerce and service; Malays live in rural areas and the northeast of the Malay Peninsula, and Chinese live in cities, Straits colonies and the western coast of the Malay Peninsula. The thesis is divided into six parts: the first chapter discusses the reason of the topic, and defines the related concepts. Then the related academic research results are briefly introduced and commented. The second chapter summarizes the colonization process and ethnic situation of Malaya before the end of World War II, and lays the groundwork for the later part. The third chapter discusses the historical process of the formation and development of the Malay segregation, and expounds the concrete manifestation of the Malay segregation. In chapter 4, the main characteristics of Mahua isolation are discussed, and the complex situation of relative isolation and finite connection interweaving is analyzed. Chapter five gives a brief description and analysis of the new changes in the relationship between Malaysia and China from the end of World War II to independence. The sixth chapter reviews the full text, summarizes the views of this paper, and looks forward to the relationship between Malaysia and China.
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