[Abstract]:For American Jews, the period before the 1880s was an important period. During this period, American Jews faced great challenges and opportunities. In this context, the Jewish community in the United States survives tenaciously, the strength grows, they finally rise, become a powerful group with great energy in the American society, and have a great influence on the domestic and foreign policies of the American government. In the historical process of the rise of American Jews, the position of the synagogue should not be underestimated. With the change of the Jewish situation, the synagogue of Judaism has experienced three stages of development, each stage has its own characteristics, all have special significance to the American Jews, and have a great and far-reaching influence. A history of Jewish synagogue development is also a history of changes in the situation and status of Jews in the United States. Under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism, this paper studies the American synagogue of Judaism on the background of the Jewish situation in the United States before the 1880's with the proper combination of Toynby's Theory of "Challenge and response to War" and the background of the situation of the Jews in the United States before the 1880's. At the same time, the influence of the synagogue on Jews at various stages of development is analyzed. The main body of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part, the Jews of the colonial era are faced with a lot of challenges and opportunities. Under this condition, the synagogue began to be established. Its internal membership and operating mechanism are very special, and the revenue and expenditure of the synagogue is also an important issue in this era. These characteristics of the synagogue had a profound impact on the colonial Jews. The second part, the establishment of the United States brought a great impact on the life of Jews, Jews began to face a new social situation. In this environment, the synagogue was divided, faced with new competition and internal change. This series of new changes have deeply affected the life of American Jews. The third part, from the 1830s to the 1880s, this is the period of great development of the United States, but also the period of the great development of American Jews. During this half-century, American Jews came into contact with a new social environment. The synagogue expanded explosively, internal change deepened, the status of women rose, and Judaism was re-recognized. These characteristics of the synagogue had a profound influence on American Jews and even the Jews of the world. The conclusion summarizes the social situation of American Jews, the change of synagogue and the influence of synagogue on Jews. It can be found that the existence and continuous development of synagogue is of great significance in the history of the growth of American Jews. The synagogue is an important condition for the rise of American Jews.
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