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发布时间:2019-05-19 20:46
[Abstract]:There are some differences between the interpretation of modern Chinese classical medicine and the original appearance of classical medicine. Under the background of the spread of western learning and scientism, even the proponents of classical medicine have been unconsciously influenced by western medicine, thus forming such a mode of thinking: when rebounding against the strong pressure of western medicine, In fact, the traditional medical profession is repeatedly expounding its "scientific" according to the style of western medicine, and it also becomes its image when it stands opposite the western medicine. In addition to the simple avoidance of the so-called superstition, the discussants have one thing in common, even if they disagree completely-they measure classical medicine by Western medicine. In the eyes of the people, the concept of "western medicine treating symptoms and traditional Chinese medicine" is, on the one hand, the recognition of the rapid curative effect of western medicine, on the other hand, the reinterpretation of the value of traditional Chinese medicine. In the past hundred years, the Chinese people's re-examination of ancient Chinese surgery can also reflect such a problem. In the face of the invasion of western learning, the Chinese medicine profession not only caters to or evades it, but also has the confidence to reconstruct. Once there are cases in line with the modern medical concept, it often becomes the symbol and pride of the achievements of Chinese traditional medicine. From not believing its authenticity to promoting pride, the attitude of Chinese people towards Hua Tuo surgery in the past 2000 years is a typical example. In the medical branch, we can also see the influence of western learning on the issue of pharmacopoeia. Whether it emphasizes the antiquity of Chinese branch departments, or emphasizes that the new revision of Herbal Medicine is the first Pharmacopoeia in the world, in fact, it is intentionally or unintentionally measured by western learning. And "applied" the concept of Western learning.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学历史学院;


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