[Abstract]:The Turkish-American alliance, formed after the end of World War II, has lasted for half a century and is one of the longest-running international relations coalitions in the history of modern Turkey. The establishment of relations between Turkey and the United States stems from the common security consciousness of the two countries during the Cold War, and this close political and military relationship still plays a role in the uncertain international environment in the post-Cold War era. After more than half a century of ups and downs, the relations between the two countries have gradually developed from simple bilateral agreements to quite complex relations, ranging from regional security issues in the Middle East, the Balkans and Central Asia to the energy development of the Caspian Sea. And Turkey's domestic politics and a series of issues. Although the international and domestic situation has changed since the end of the Cold War, Turkey's relations with the United States have continued and are closer out of the needs of their respective national interests. Traditionally, Turkey's strategic position is the most important reason for the establishment of military and political ties between the two countries. During the Cold War, the United States regarded Turkey as a key partner against the Soviet Union. The international situation after the Cold War continued to emphasize the importance of Turkey's geopolitics to the interests of the United States and to the security of the Middle East, the Balkans and Central Asia. For Turkey, bilateral relations with the United States first mean support and assistance for its own security, and second, its long-term alliance with the world's leading countries also provides Turkey with important economic support and diplomatic capital. In the post-Cold War era, the EU issue, the Central Asia issue and the Iraq issue have become the leading factors affecting the Turkish-American relations. The national interests of Turkey and the United States determine the policies adopted by the two countries in these three aspects. Although the two sides also have some problems while cooperating, the two countries continue to promote Turkey-US relations for the sake of their main national interests. A series of events since the beginning of the new century have once again demonstrated the importance of bilateral relations for Turkey and the United States. The fiscal and economic crisis sweeping Turkey in February 2001 emphasized the influence of the United States in international financial organizations. It is very important for Turkey's economic recovery and development. Similarly, the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001 and the subsequent global counter-terrorism operations have become indispensable for the cooperation and support of Turkey.
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