[Abstract]:Established after the outbreak of World War II, the Singapore Volunteer Welfare Organization was founded as a charity to deal with the social disorders and unease caused by the war and to protect the war victims and the poor and vulnerable groups. After the founding of Singapore, because the people's Action Party headed by Lee Kuan Yew rejected welfarism, voluntary welfare organizations played an important role in ensuring the gap between rich and poor brought about by Singapore's rapid economic development, children's education, the care of the disabled and the aging of the population. Since 1980 s, as an alternative to the general welfare state, voluntary welfare organizations and the state have moved towards cooperation. Under the overall planning of the state, voluntary agencies such as the Ministry of Community Development and Sports, the National Committee for Social Service and the Community Development Committee have been set up one after another. On the one hand, they assume the main responsibility for the management and implementation of daily welfare through a series of extensive voluntary welfare organizations, on the other hand, they manage and allocate the resources directly provided by the state for voluntary welfare organizations in the budget and the funds accumulated through voluntary means. Therefore, voluntary agencies have become a bridge between the government and voluntary welfare organizations to manage and control, communicate and cooperate with each other. In order to expand the scope of overall management of voluntary welfare organizations in terms of welfare delivery and implementation standards, the government has more closely linked voluntary agencies to the national bureaucracy. Nowadays, the management and control mode of voluntary welfare organizations is more mature, the government is the main supplier of social welfare resources, the voluntary agencies are the managers of voluntary welfare organizations, and the voluntary welfare organizations are the delivery and executor of social welfare organizations, and the control and response structure among the three is based on the giving and acquisition of resources. On the whole, in the process of Singapore's economic and social transformation, the role of voluntary welfare organizations in providing personal social services and basic welfare supplies and in reducing the extreme evil consequences of the differentiation between rich and poor brought about by the market economy is self-evident, and its contribution to the creation of a prosperous and prosperous society in Singapore is positive and worthy of recognition.
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