[Abstract]:The purpose of the Soviet Union's invasion of Finland was to overthrow the Finnish ruling government and establish a pro-Soviet puppet government. the reason why it stopped the war without realizing that goal was to prevent several western powers from burning the war on the Soviet Union while carrying out armed interference in the war. In this war of great disparity in power, the Soviet army lost a lot of money and could not win for a long time because it waged a war without knowing the enemy's situation because of arrogance, the ability of the commanders at all levels was low, the Finn army fortified and flexible, and international assistance to Finland, and so on. The positive significance of this war to the Soviet Union is that it not only made the Soviet army baptized by the modern war, but also made it see its own defects, prompting it to draw lessons and make up for the shortcomings. The negative significance is that the low combat ability of the Soviet army exposed by it prompted Germany to launch an attack on the Soviet Union "ahead of schedule", resulting in the Soviet Union's passivity in the early Soviet War. At the same time, it pushed Finland to the German side and made Finland an accomplice to the German attack on the Soviet Union.
【作者单位】: 《潍坊学院学报》;
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