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发布时间:2021-01-13 15:09
  当托马斯?杰斐逊在美国革命初期提出他的分区制度构想时,这一制度还只是一个公共教育体系,其目的是培养合格的共和公民参与自治,并培养德才兼备的“天然贵族”承担公民代表的职责。革命结束后,杰斐逊迫切感到有必要构建一个基层体制来为每一位共和公民提供学校教育和直接参与政治的机会。因此他提议将弗吉尼亚州的每一个县都划分成更小的区,以利于公民直接参与地方上的公共事务。杰斐逊希望公民的积极参政能够培养和加强他们的自治精神,保障他们的自由与幸福,并防止新生的共和国陷入腐化堕落。这样杰斐逊的分区制度构想就最终发展成为杰斐逊共和主义的制度保障。杰斐逊的共和主义思想是他的分区制度构想的理论基础。论文首先采用Iseult Honohan 的“共和主义基本要素”作为理论框架,从以下五个方面对杰斐逊的共和主义思想进行研究:(1)道德观,主要特点体现为对道德意识的普遍性和人民的自治能力持乐观态度;(2)自由观,主要特点体现为消极自由与积极自由相结合;(3)共和政府的标准以及共和国的范围,主要特点体现为人民直接参政与代议制相结合;(4)塑造共和公民,主要特点体现为学校教育与积极参与公共事务相结合;(5)共和国的经济基础... 

【文章来源】:对外经济贸易大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:65 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Scope and Purpose
    1.2 Methodology
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 On Republicanism
        2.1.1 Honohan’s Definition and Basic Elements of Republicanism
        2.1.2 On the Intellectual Source and Context of Jefferson’s Conception of Republicanism
    2.2 On Jefferson’s Conception of the Ward System
Chapter 3 The Theoretical Basis of the Ward System: Thomas Jefferson’s Conception of Republicanism
    3.1 Virtue: the Universality of the Moral Sense
    3.2 Freedom: the Synthesis of Negative and Positive Liberties
    3.3 Jefferson’s Criterion of the Republican Government and the Scope of the Republic
        3.3.1 Jefferson’s Synthesis of Participation and Representation
        3.3.2 Jefferson’s Synthesis of Participation and Representation in Retrospect: the Absence and Emergence of a Grass-roots Institution
    3.4 Shaping of Citizens
    3.5 Material Preconditions
Chapter 4 The Contents and Functions of the Ward System: the Institutional Preservation of Jeffersonian Republicanism
    4.1 Universal Free Education for the Shaping of Republican Citizens
        4.1.1 The Three-tiered System of Public Education
        4.1.2 Universal Free Education and Jeffersonian Republicanism
    4.2 The People’s Active Participation in Self-government within Each Ward
        4.2.1 The Institutions of Virginian Counties: Deviation from the Republican Principles
        4.2.2 From the County to the Ward: the New Republican Grass-roots Institution
    4.3 From the Ward to the Extended Republic
        4.3.1 The People’s Representatives: the Natural Aristocrats
        4.3.2 The Four-tiered Structure of the Republican Government
Chapter 5 Conclusion




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