作者:胡亮 杨敏 温煦 朱乐乐
[摘要] 我国“宅一族”群体日益壮大,但目前学界缺乏对“宅”的测评工具。宅的行为表现、心理特征和对宅的态度是相互关联但又有所区别的概念,有关宅现象的研究需要根据研究目的的不同选取相应的宅量表。可以将宅的评价量表分为宅行为自评量表(“行为宅”的判定标准)和宅心理特征量表(“心理宅”的判定标准)进行设计与信效度检验。结果表明,这两份量表具有良好的内部一致性及重测信度、内容效度、区分效度和效标效度,可以作为宅现象相关研究的测评工具。今后的研究可以进一步对“主动宅”和“被动宅”进行更为深入细化的探索,揭示心理和行为两个维度上的宅对人的体质、心理和社会适应所产生的影响。
[关键词] 宅; 行为自评; 量表编制; 信效度检验; 心理测量; 心理健康干预
Abstract: With the fastgrowing coverage of the Internet and substantial changes in peoples lifestyle, the size of ″Zhai People″(those who stay home most of the time) has dramatically
increased in China. Increasing research attention has been directed to the impact of the ″Zhai″ lifestyle on their physical health, psychological wellbeing and social adaptation. However, no validated measures of ″Zhai″ are currently available, which places a great barrier to accurately
understanding ″Zhai.″ Therefore, the current study aims to develop and validate measures as regards ″Zhai People.″ First, a qualitative research revealed that behaviors, psychological
characteristics, and attitude toward ″Zhai″ were related but independent concepts, hence specific measures of these different concepts should be developed to suit different research purposes. The theoretical framework and initial item pools of the two questionnaires, namely ″Zhai Behavior Selfrating Scale″ and ″Zhai Psychological Characteristics Scale,″ were designed. Following
standardized procedures of the validity test, we examined the psychological properties of these two measures in two empirical studies. The results indicated that: (1) these questionnaires
demonstrated excellent internal consistency, testretest reliability, construct validity, convergent and discriminant validity, and therefore are recommended as the valid measures of ″Behavior Zhai″ and ″Psychological Zhai,,″ which can be used to sieve out ″Zhai People″ and investigate their behavior and psychological patterns; (2) ″Behavior Zhai″ and ″Psychological Zhai″ were
moderately correlated, but also independent from each other. These measures should be applied to future studies in larger samples, especially to those highly ″Zhai″ individuals, so as to better examine the validity and applicability of the measures. More indepth investigations are warranted to explore ″passive Zhai″ and ″proactive Zhai″ in an effort to reveal the influence of ″Behavior Zhai″ and ″Psychological Zhai″ on peoples physical, psychological and social wellbeing.