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发布时间:2018-05-18 07:09

  本文选题:农村 + 学前幼儿 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:读写萌发的观点认为,读写是一个儿童自己主动参与并建构的持续萌发过程,幼儿其实从出生开始就已在环境中潜移默化的学习。汉字是世界上唯一延续发展下来的表意文字,具有极强的图形化特征,简而言之,汉字又可以称得上是一种二维平面空间图形。那么幼儿以汉字学习为内容的读写萌发和空间认知能力是否具有相关;二者关系如何;各自又具有怎样的发展规律。本研究旨在研究3-6岁农村学前幼儿读写和汉字空间认知发展及其相关研究。被试从安徽肥西县上派镇郊区的某两所农村幼儿园中选取。而以往读写萌发相关研究的被试几乎全都选自城市。国内读写萌发在农村幼儿教育与研究方面有待提高重视。第一部分读写萌发的测查工具是由日本的内田申子教授主持中国和日本两国一起合作编制的,主要是从文字阅读和临摹字卡两方面来考察幼儿读写萌发。第二部分空间认知能力测验通过幼儿动手操作,根据加拿大教育家John Del Grande对空间认知的划分编制的,在林泳海(2005)对3-6岁儿童空间认知能力的发展研究中引用。从空间位置感知能力、眼与动作协调能力、知觉恒常能力、空间关系感知能力、背景图形知识能力、视觉分辨能力和记忆能力,七个方面考察幼儿空间认知能力发展状况。由于测读写能力测验中临摹“-”、“㧏”、“○”、“太”、“朵”没有对汉字的不同结构进行细分,所以进行第三部分汉字结构书写测验,并根据中国汉字结构和使用频率找出不同结构的42个汉字让小、中、大班临摹,从而分析农村学前幼儿不同结构汉字书写临摹特点与空间认知的关系。本研究考察了3-6岁农村学前幼儿读写萌发的特点;通过作品分析法和描述统计法考察幼儿读写萌发中,不同结构汉字表现出的空间认知特性。研究结果表明:(1)不同年龄的农村学前幼儿读写萌发和七项空间认知任务皆具有显著的差异;小班幼儿无论是读写还是空间认知能力大多处于发展的较低水平,小班幼儿写字临摹多处于乱画阶段,空间认知中眼与动作协调任务完成度几乎为零;中班有所发展但水平依旧较低,临摹汉字经常出现笔形错误,笔画的不当配合等情况,空间任务完成出错率较高;大班读写和空间认知发展较为迅速,读写和空间认知都呈现较规范状态。(2)读写测验中的幼儿读和写具有显著相关。文字阅读成绩高的幼儿,临摹成绩也较高。(3)七项空间认知能力中每一项空间认知能力都与读写萌发中读写都存在较强相关。(4)通过作品分析,幼儿临摹书写也有显著的年龄差异。小班幼儿临摹几乎通过点或者线条乱画,分不清字形也无结构,或者直接拒绝照着字卡画出字形,但有少数小班幼儿能临摹出几个独体字;中班幼儿大部分愿意并认真临摹,独体字和上下结构字临摹较好,全包围字大多是画个圆圈或者方形表示;大班幼儿能较好临摹所有汉字,但在部件空间分配上做的不太理想。(5)本研究以汉语的独特性来研究农村学前幼儿读写萌发与空间认知的相关,从空间认知的角度来进一步证实引导幼儿读写能力发展的重要性,并通过实地调研给出切合实际符合幼儿其认知发展规律的读写建议。
[Abstract]:Reading and writing view that reading and writing is a child's own active participation and construction of the continuous germination process, children in fact from the beginning of the birth has been in the environment imperceptibly learning. The Chinese character is the only continuation of the development of the ideographic characters in the world, with very strong graphical characteristics, in short, Chinese characters can be considered as one. This study aims to study the spatial cognitive development of reading and writing and Chinese characters of 3-6 year old preschool children and their related research. The study was conducted from the Feixi County of Anhui, Anhui. Some of the two Rural Kindergartens in the suburb of the town were selected. While the previous studies on the study of the germination were almost all selected from the cities. The first part of the domestic reading and writing needs to be paid more attention to the rural preschool education and research. The first part of the reading and writing survey tool was conducted by Professor Uchida Shenko in Japan together with Japan and Japan. The study was made mainly from two aspects of text reading and copying card. The second part of the spatial cognitive ability test, which was compiled by the Canadian educator John Del Grande, was quoted by Lin Yonghai (2005) for the development of spatial cognitive ability of 3-6 year old children. From spatial location perception, eye to action coordination, perceptual constancy, spatial relationship perception, background graphic knowledge, visual discrimination and memory ability, the development of children's spatial cognitive ability is examined in seven aspects. The different structure of Chinese characters is subdivided, so third parts of the Chinese character writing test are carried out, and 42 Chinese characters with different structures are found according to the structure of Chinese characters and the frequency of use. The relationship between the characters of the different structure of Chinese characters and the spatial cognition of the different structure of the preschool children is analyzed. This study examines the age of 3-6 years. The characteristics of the reading and writing of preschool children in rural areas were observed, and the spatial cognitive characteristics of different Chinese characters were investigated through the analysis of works and descriptive statistics. The results showed that: (1) there were significant differences in the reading and writing of preschool children in different ages and in the seven spatial cognitive tasks of the preschool children in different ages. The writing or spatial cognition is mostly at the lower level of development. The small class children are mostly in the stage of chaotic painting, and the completion degree of the coordination task of eye and action is almost zero in space cognition; the middle class has developed but the level is still low. The rate of error was higher, the development of reading and writing and spatial cognition were more rapid, and both reading and writing and spatial cognition were more standard. (2) there was a significant correlation between reading and writing in the reading and writing test. The children with high reading and writing were also higher in copy achievement. (3) every spatial cognitive ability in seven spatial cognitive abilities and reading and writing were read and written. There is a strong correlation. (4) through the analysis of the works, children copy writing also has a significant age difference. Small class children copy almost through point or line drawing, can not clear the shape or structure, or directly refuses to follow the character card to draw the font, but a few small class children can copy several individual characters; middle class children are most willing to recognize and recognize. True copy, the single character and the upper and lower structure word copy better, the full encircling word is mostly a circle or square representation; the big class children can better copy all Chinese characters, but in the part space distribution do not be ideal. (5) this study is based on the uniqueness of Chinese to study the relationship between the reading and writing of preschool children and spatial cognition, from space recognition. The importance of guiding the development of children's reading and writing ability is further confirmed by the knowledge point of view, and the reading and writing recommendations which conform to the law of cognitive development of young children are given through field research.


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