[Abstract]:With the innovation and popularization of network communication technology, a new type of bullying-network bullying has become the focus of psychological researchers in recent years. The phenomenon of online bullying exists widely and has a significant negative impact on the physical and mental health of individuals (especially adolescents) and social adaptation. It has caused widespread concern in all walks of life. Cyberbullying refers to the deliberate and repeated communication of hostile or offensive information by an individual or a group through the use of electronic or digital media. Online bullying can be defined as the intentional injury of individuals who are repeatedly injured by other individuals or groups in the process of using electronic or digital media. Online bullying, as a risk factor, has a significant impact on individuals' mental health, social function adaptation, and behavioural problems, such as online bullies who often experience mockery, neglect, frustration and anger. It also produces symptoms of anxiety and depression. Being bullied on the Internet can also reduce the self-esteem and self-worth of individuals, and cause problems such as difficulty in sleep, decline in academic performance, and even the occurrence of suicidal ideation and self-injury behavior. A large number of studies have confirmed that bullying on the Internet can lead to anxiety, but few studies have explored the internal mechanism of anxiety in individuals affected by Internet bullying from the perspective of protection. Self-esteem as an internal psychological resource, the buffer between negative life events and psychosocial adaptation variables has been supported by relevant theories and confirmed by a large number of studies. Based on this, this study aims to explore the intermediary role of self-esteem between online bullying and anxiety, and formulate a group counseling program to intervene the after-effects of online bullying. Specifically, this study mainly consists of two parts: sub-study 1 in the context of Chinese culture, to explore the basic characteristics of online bullying in youth groups and the relationship between online bullying and adolescent anxiety. On the basis of this, we further investigate the intermediary role of self-esteem. Second, we intend to use group counseling to intervene the self-esteem and anxiety level of online bullied adolescents, and to explore feasible intervention programs to alleviate the anxiety of online bullied adolescents. In sub-study 1, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 428 students in a middle school in Wuhan. The experiences of online bullying, self-esteem and anxiety were investigated, and SPSS 23.0 and SPSS PROCESS were used to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) Internet bullying positively predicted adolescent anxiety; (2) Self-esteem played an intermediary role between online bullying and adolescent anxiety. On the basis of the study of sub-study 1, sub-study 2 established a group counseling program for the effect of network bullying, and used the test group and control group before and after the test method to test. The results showed that: (1) the self-esteem level and anxiety level of the subjects were significantly increased through group psychological counseling intervention, and (2) the subjects in the control group were tested before and after the two tests. The level of self-esteem and anxiety did not change significantly. (3) the results showed that the level of self-esteem in experimental group was significantly higher than that in pre-test group after three months. After 3 months, anxiety level was significantly lower than pre-test anxiety level. Finally, this paper expounds the theoretical value and practical significance of this study, puts forward the deficiencies of the study, and makes a reflection and summary, and puts forward the direction and assumption of the future research.
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