发布时间:2017-12-31 11:44
本文关键词:论东察合台汗国与明王朝的关系及其民族文化融合 出处:《西北民族大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 东察合台汗国自公元1347年创立,到公元1680年被蒙古准噶尔部所灭,前后延续达3个世纪。公元14世纪到17世纪,是我国西北地区一个民族大融合的时期,处于这一时期之中的东察合台汗国,无论是经济形态、社会结构,还是文化艺术等,都发生了巨大的变化。东察合台汗国地处东西交通的要塞,各种文化交流、融合,汉族传统文化、中亚印度的佛教文化、伊斯兰文化、北方游牧文化再次交相辉映,不断影响着西北地区的少数民族及其文化,奠定了近代西北少数民族的分布格局,并最终形成了西北地区的多元文化。东察合台汗国的历史实际上就是公元14—17世纪后期我国新疆地区的历史,是我国西北边疆历史的重要组成部分。有明一代,明朝周边的民族关系错综复杂,既有北方与西北的蒙元旧势力力图恢复元朝的统治,又有兴起于辽东的女真给明朝造成的极大威胁。纵观整个明朝的历史,我们发现如何处理周边少数民族的问题一直是历代明朝统治者所关注的重点。东察合台汗国与明王朝之间的联系,始自明太祖年间。明成祖继位后,遣官携玺书、彩币出使东察合台汗国。虽然明朝与东察合台汗国的政治关系十分密切,封赐其王,授予官职,但明朝只是从外部施加了影响,并未在汗国内设置任何机构进行统辖,更未驻扎军队,其汗王的嗣立及其他贵族的分封,官职的授予,都是由东察合台汗国依蒙古习俗自行处置,明朝只是派使者赐印绶予以追认,并未从根本上进行统辖。在东察合台汗国与明王朝的关系中,一个最不可回避的问题就是对哈密的争夺。围绕哈密的归属问题,东察合台汗国与明展开了长达半个世纪之久的争夺,最终以明放弃哈密,退守嘉峪关一线为终结,哈密最终落入东察合台汗国之手。在这近乎矛盾的交往中,双方的政治文化交流更进了一步,特别是东察合台汗国,境内文化艺术发展迅速,不同的民族、宗教在此交汇融合,形成了以察合台语为代表的灿烂的文化,并为维吾尔、哈萨克等民族的最终形成奠定了基础,其文化更成为中华古老文明的重要组成部分,为中古文明注入了新鲜血液。东察合台汗国时期,是伊斯兰教在西北地区发展那并确立主导地位的时期,也是新疆诸民族共奉伊斯兰教的转折点。明代是我国西北地区一次大的民族融合时期,在这次民族大融合的浪潮中,东察合台汗国起到了至关重要的作用。这一时期,东西商道畅通,民族迁徙频繁,政治局势比较稳定,经济有了较大的发展,各民族通过政治、经济、文化活动紧密地联系在一起,加深了彼此的认识和了解,由众多的民族逐渐形成了几个相对单一的民族,为中华民族大家庭增加了新的成员。
[Abstract]:East Chahetai khanate was founded in 1347 and was destroyed by the Junggar Ministry of Mongolia in 1680. It lasted for three centuries. East Chahetai khanate in this period is a period of great national integration in Northwest China, whether it is economic form, social structure, or culture and art. Great changes have taken place. Eastern Chahetai khanate is located in the fortress of east-west transportation, all kinds of cultural exchange, integration, traditional culture of Han nationality, Buddhism culture of Central Asia India, Islamic culture. The nomadic culture of the north once again interacts with each other, which constantly influences the minority nationalities and their culture in the northwest region, and establishes the distribution pattern of the minority nationalities in the northwest in modern times. The history of East Chahetai khanate is actually the history of Xinjiang in the late 14-17th century AD. It is an important part of the history of the northwest frontier of our country. There was a Ming Dynasty, the national relations around the Ming Dynasty were complicated, both the old forces of the Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty in the north and the northwest tried to restore the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. There was also a great threat to the Ming Dynasty caused by Nu Zhen, who rose in Liaodong. Throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty. We find that how to deal with the issue of the surrounding ethnic minorities has been the focus of attention of the rulers of the Ming Dynasty. The relationship between the khanate of Eastern Chahetai and the Ming Dynasty began after the reign of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty and the succession of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty. Although the political relations between the Ming Dynasty and the East Chahetai khanate were very close, the Ming Dynasty only exerted influence from the outside. There was no authority in Khan's kingdom, not to mention troops, and the royal throne and other aristocrats, and the conferment of official posts, were dealt with by the khanate of Dongchahetai in accordance with Mongolian customs. Ming Dynasty only sent messengers to India to ratify, did not fundamentally rule. In the East Chahetai khanate and the relationship between the Ming Dynasty. One of the most unavoidable issues is the scramble for Hami. Around the ownership of Hami, the Han nation of East Chahetai and Ming began a half-century-long struggle, and finally gave up Hami with Ming. At the end of Jiayuguan pass, Hami finally fell into the hands of the East Chahetai Khan. In this almost contradictory exchanges, the political and cultural exchanges between the two sides took a step further, especially the East Chahetai Khan. With the rapid development of culture and art in China, different nationalities and religions converge, forming a splendid culture represented by Chahtai, and laying the foundation for the final formation of Uygur, Kazakh and other ethnic groups. Its culture has become an important part of the ancient Chinese civilization and injected fresh blood into the Middle Ancient Civilization. The period of East Chahetai khanate was the period in which Islam developed and established its dominant position in the Northwest region. The Ming Dynasty was a great period of ethnic integration in Northwest China, in the tide of the great national integration. East Chahetai khanate played a vital role. In this period, the eastern and western commercial road smooth, ethnic migration is frequent, the political situation is relatively stable, the economy has a greater development, the various nationalities through politics, economy. Cultural activities are closely linked to each other, deepen mutual understanding and understanding, from a large number of nationalities gradually formed several relatively single nationalities, for the Chinese nation added new members of the family.
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