本文关键词:宋代御史台制度研究 出处:《苏州大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 御史台制度是中国古代一项非常重要的政治制度,其之萌芽早在秦汉时期就已经出现,经过长期的发展,隋唐时期御史台制度已臻于成熟,而在随后的宋代,御史台制度迎来了自己的黄金岁月。宋代御史台由台院、殿院、察院三个机构组成,得益于此时台谏合流的制度变革,宋代御史台不仅加强了其传统的监察百官有司的职权,而且还获得了谏诤君主,参议朝政的巨大权力。这一权力的获得在中国监察史上堪称首次。同时,由于此时士大夫阶层的崛起和政治生态平衡势态的形成,宋代御史台获得了空前绝后般适宜的运作环境,而正是在这样的环境下,宋代御史台在两宋三百余年的多数时间里充分有效地运转,有力地抑制了君主滥权,武将专权,官僚腐化,地方离心这些向来困扰中国历代王朝的问题的产生和恶化。虽然由于君主制度的固有原因,宋代御史台制度最终随着王朝本身的衰亡而逐渐衰亡,但是其运行的经验和教训能够为当下监察制度的完善提供一些有益的启示。
[Abstract]:The imperial history of Taiwan system is a very important political system in ancient China, its germination as early as the Qin and Han dynasties, after a long period of development, the Sui and Tang dynasties imperial history Taiwan system has reached maturity, and then in the Song Dynasty. The imperial history platform system ushered in its own golden years. The Song Dynasty imperial history platform was composed of three institutions: Taiyuan, Temple Yuan and Inspection Yuan, which benefited from the system reform of the confluence of remonstrance and remonstrance at this time. The Song Dynasty imperial court not only strengthened its traditional supervisory authority, but also obtained the great power of advising the monarch to participate in the government. This power was the first time in the history of Chinese supervision. At the same time. Due to the rise of the literati class and the formation of the political ecological balance, the Song Dynasty imperial court obtained an unprecedented and suitable operating environment, and it was in such an environment. During most of the 300 years of the Song Dynasty, the imperial court of the Song Dynasty operated fully and effectively, and effectively restrained the power abuse of the monarch, the monopoly of the martial arts and the corruption of the bureaucrats. The emergence and deterioration of these problems which have always troubled the dynasties of China, although due to the inherent reasons of the monarchy, the system of imperial history in the Song Dynasty eventually declined with the decline of the dynasty itself. However, the experience and lessons of its operation can provide some useful enlightenment for the improvement of the present supervisory system.
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