
发布时间:2018-01-14 16:27

  本文关键词:明代山西“节孝妇”研究 出处:《陕西师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 明代 山西 妇女 节孝

【摘要】: 本文通过对明代山西节孝妇群体进行统计与分析,试图突破此前研究将注意力主要集中在妇女贞节行为与思想之上的局限,从兼具守节与尽孝行为的妇女群体入手,在一定程度上拓宽妇女研究的领域,以期于明代妇女研究有所裨益。 本文共分为五部分。绪言部分交代了论文写作的出发点和意义,同时充分借鉴了前人研究成果中的闪光点,从而试图将本专题的研究建立在更为坚实的基础之上。 第二部分从历史的、发展的角度对节孝妇进行了整体考察。节孝妇的出现是男权社会、男尊女卑观念长期影响的结果,对妇女的贞节要求起源于原始社会末期,此后逐渐强化,最终成为封建统治阶级政治哲学的一部分。在中国古代漫长的历史发展过程中,各个时期对妇女节孝要求的松紧程度有一定差异,但整体而言,除了隋唐时期出现短暂的松弛之外,总体上呈现出逐渐趋于严格化的势头,到元明时期更是达到顶峰。节孝妇的品行特征包括守节与尽孝两个方面,只有在丈夫死后,既能坚守贞节又能曲尽孝道的妇女才是真正符合封建社会道德要求的节孝妇。 第三部分在对明代山西节孝妇群体进行数据统计的基础上对其进行了分析。本节对见于地方志记载的明代山西节孝妇的地域分布特点、所属阶层、孀居年龄结构、尽孝方式、保节方式、守节年限等情况进行了量化分析。结果表明,明代山西节孝妇在地域分布上呈现出南多北少的态势,这与南北部之间的地区文化、社会经济发达程度差异等有关系;受旌妇女广泛分布于各个阶层,其中占人口绝大多数的平民阶层妇女最多,而受封建礼教思想影响更深的官员和儒生家庭妇女也占有相当比重:见载于史书的妇女大多在30岁以下即开始守节,守节年限在40年以上者占总人数的半数以上,这与政府的旌表标准直接相关;节孝妇的尽孝方式有多种,养亲、抚孤是其中最常见的形式;节孝妇的保节方式多样,其中不乏自残等极端行为。 第四部分分析了节孝妇与社会之间的相互影响。明代山西节孝妇的观念和行为是社会的产物,其中理学思想的强化、婚姻制度的变迁、国家对贞节的禁戒与倡导、社会文化与风气的影响、受惠者的支持与塑造、妇女本身的接受与认同都是其中的重要影响因素。这些因素之间的相互强化为妇女们编织出了一张巨大而坚韧的罗网,处于弱势地位的妇女群体难以挣脱它的束缚。大量节孝妇的存在符合封建统治阶级的利益,它有利于父系社会结构的维系,有利于封建社会道德观念的成熟,客观上对社会文明的进步也有一定的积极意义。与此同时,社会上出现的违背贞节观念的另类行为也显示出贞节观念即将受到冲击的征兆。 结语部分对节孝妇的行为予以充分肯定,认为她们的节孝行为不仅是社会压力作用的结果,一定程度上也是她们自身选择的结果,历尽艰辛的节孝妇们对社会的稳定和进步做出了重大贡献。
[Abstract]:This article tries to break through previous research on the limitation of women ' s chaste behavior and thought , starting with the women ' s groups which have both conservation and filial piety , and broaden the field of women ' s research to some extent , with a view to the benefit of women ' s research in Ming Dynasty . This paper is divided into five parts . The introduction part presents the starting point and significance of the writing of the paper . At the same time , we draw lessons from the flash points in the previous research results , and try to build the research on this topic on a more solid foundation . In the second part , from the perspective of history and development , the whole investigation is carried out on the filial piety women . The appearance of the filial piety women is the result of the long - term influence of the patriarchal society and the inferiority of the men and women . In the course of the long history development of China , there is a certain difference in the degree of relaxation of the women ' s day filial piety . The third part is on the basis of data statistics on the filial piety of Shanxi Festival in Ming Dynasty . The present section analyzes the geographical distribution of the filial piety women in the Ming Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty . The results show that the majority of the minority women in the Ming Dynasty , the age structure , the filial piety mode , the conservation mode and the period of conservation , etc . The fourth part analyzes the mutual influence between the filial piety and the society . The idea and behavior of the filial piety women in the Ming Dynasty are the products of the society , in which the strengthening of the Neo - Confucianism , the change of the marriage system , the support and the shaping of the society , the acceptance and identification of the women themselves are the important influencing factors . The existence of many filial piety women accords with the interests of the feudal ruling class . The conclusion is that their filial piety is not only the result of social pressure , but also the result of their own choice .



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1 段颖惠;;从《明史·列女传》析明代妇女的贞节观念[J];殷都学刊;2005年04期




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