
发布时间:2018-01-16 20:35

  本文关键词:曹魏西晋时期洛阳商业经济研究 出处:《河南科技大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 洛阳 商业经济 曹魏西晋时期 发展

[Abstract]:At the end of Han Dynasty, the commercial economy of Luoyang was completely destroyed. After Cao Cao took power, a series of policies and measures were adopted, which made the social economy of the north recover and develop preliminarily. After the establishment of Cao Wei. Continue to enrich the population of Luoyang, the establishment of three major markets, reduce customs tax, and promote the development of Luoyang commercial economy. After the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, tax relief, development of production, expansion of the market. The commercial economy of Luoyang continued to develop. The tax policy and monetary policy in the period of Cao Wei and the Western Jin Dynasty adapted to the needs of the development of natural economy after the chaos, which was conducive to the recovery and development of the social economy at that time. However, the development of commercial economy also has a negative impact. In this period, the types of goods on the market of Luoyang increased, and the foreign commercial exchanges of Luoyang also increased. After the Western Jin Dynasty calmed down the East Wu Dynasty, the world was at peace and arms reduction. To develop the economy, the whole country formed a unified large market, free circulation of goods, unhindered. Luoyang road to the south, connecting the maritime Silk Road. Luoyang became the junction of the Silk Road and the Silk Road on land. This powerfully promoted the development and prosperity of the commercial economy of Luoyang in the Western Jin Dynasty. The chaos of the eight kings seriously destroyed the commercial economy of Luoyang. After the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, the northern China fell into a long period of melee. The commercial economy of Luoyang did not prosper again until the Northern Wei Dynasty built the capital Luoyang.


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