外销 的翻译结果
After late 19th century,export sales are a large proportion.
This paper focuses on several points, including to the system of overseas sales of Qimen's black tea, the relationship between trade seller of Shanghai and overseas market, the change of sales amount and price and the relation between domestic traditional farm produce and international market.
本文集中考察祁门红茶海外销售制度、上海外销商与海外市场的关系、外销茶的销售量及销售价格体系变动诸问题 ,以期对内陆地区传统农业产品与市场特别是国际市场关系问题有所认识。
But due to peach’s sensitivity to environment, clear regional distribution of cultivating, short and concentrative mature period and soft and putrescible pulp, which lead to the difficulty for sale abroad. So the economic benefit is lower.
Takies along the world wander once upon a time——foring sale abroad the porcelain informal discussion
But due to peach’s sensitivity to environment, clear regional distribution of cultivating, short and concentrative mature period and soft and putrescible pulp, which lead to the difficulty for sale abroad. So the economic benefit is lower, and the study in breeding and planting peach is comparatively backward in our province.
Influence of western ideas on Chinese export art,especially the porcelain for sale abroad is one of the most interesting and important issues concerning the 18th Century economic,art and cultural interaction and exchange between China and western countries.
Production Practice on JC 14.6tex Low Count Yarn for Export
Guangdong Porcelain Exportation in Ming and Qing Dynasties (1511-1842)
The paper also analyzes the exporting enterprises category, the exporting production structure and the competition of the mainly exporting market to explore the shortage, and provides the adjusting directions of industry and shoes export for their future developments.
Development and application of automatic weighbridge system for sales oil
The oversupply in northeastern market push down the soybean price and depress the increase of peasants revenue, the so called "new-northeastern phenomenon" arises against such background.
export sales
The spatial availability of information as a determinant of consumer choice and export sales is analyzed along with other spatial-economic determinants of export competition.
Model estimates of the role of spatial availability of information, market power, distance, and populati on demand thresholds on export sales are based on national data from The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care.
Information availability increases export sales of hospital Medicare services with the strongest impact occurring for the pair-wise model of information dominance.
The spatially dispersed information model shows a smaller and less significant impact of information availa bility on export sales.
Distance between Seattle and export markets has a strong, negative effect on export sales and on intra-regional patient mobility.
overseas sales
China's responses to the United States's supported by overseas sales.
During the night, the overseas sales office scheduled an emergency meeting first thing in the morning.
Exports, overseas sales by affiliates, and international financings and technology transfers have become fundamental components of economic success.
Exports expanded rapidly, with foreign-invested firms and TVEs playing major roles in overseas sales.
First, new staff was appointed and new resources allocated to upgrade overseas sales offices.
This paper describes the RF voltage standard built in the National Institute of Metrology of China.After having detailly investigated the influences of the pertur- bation of electromagnetic field on the coaxial line and the inductance of thin film bolometer,a new type bolometer and other devices have been developed.The fre- quency range of this standard apparatus is 10 to 3000 MHz and the voltage range is 0.1 to 2 volts.The total uncertainty is 0.25 to 0.7 percent.
本文概述了高频电压国家标准的研制结果。由于对电磁场扰动的影响及薄膜热变电阻的电感等理论问题进行了较深入的探讨,研制出新型测热元件——辐条电阻、无孔外销式高频座、无转接线同侧等臂电桥以及精密离合同步开关等,使标准达到了如下的技术指标:0.1~2V;10~3000 MHz;±(0.25~0.7)%
We have investigated and collected 19 samples on Saccharine Melon(Cucumis melo var.saccharinuo melo) and other Cucubits in 1980-1981 inShihezi,Tulufan and Changji,Xinjiang. The samples were identified on basis of host range,serology andelectron microscopy.Two entites of viruses were detected from thosesamples. The host range of first group is wide.They infect the Cucurbitace-ae,Lequminosae,Solanaceae,Chenopodiaceae,Compositae and other.Theyoccur clear precipitate line with antisera against CMV in immunodiffu-sion...
We have investigated and collected 19 samples on Saccharine Melon(Cucumis melo var.saccharinuo melo) and other Cucubits in 1980-1981 inShihezi,Tulufan and Changji,Xinjiang. The samples were identified on basis of host range,serology andelectron microscopy.Two entites of viruses were detected from thosesamples. The host range of first group is wide.They infect the Cucurbitace-ae,Lequminosae,Solanaceae,Chenopodiaceae,Compositae and other.Theyoccur clear precipitate line with antisera against CMV in immunodiffu-sion test.The spherioal virus particles have been observed by electronmicroscopy.The group have been determined as a strain of CMV. Second group infect Cucurbitaceae ,Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae.They occur clear precipitate line with antisera against WMV-2.The fi-lametous virus particles have been observed by electron microscopy.Thegroup have been determined as WMV-2.WMV-2 is most prevalent onSaccharine Melon in Xinjiang.
新疆哈密瓜是驰名中外的特产,是我国重要的外销产品之一。五十年代末,六十年代初,由于病毒病的感染,使哈密瓜产量降低,含糖量下降,严重地影响了哈密瓜的产量和质量。 1980~1981年,在新疆石河子,吐鲁番和昌吉等地进行调查时,在哈密瓜和其它瓜类上采集病毒病标样19个,通过鉴别寄主,血清学和电子显微镜的鉴定,把19个标样分为两大类。一类寄主范围广,除侵染葫芦科外,还侵染豆科、茄科、藜科、菊科等多种植物,与黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)血清发生明显沉淀反应,电镜下观察为球形粒体,确定为CMV的一个株系,另一类寄主范围狭窄,除侵染葫芦科外,还侵染豆科、藜科。电镜下形态为长线条状。与WM-V-2血清发生反应,应为西瓜花叶病毒2号(WMV-2)。WMV-2是哈密瓜病毒中发生最严重的毒源。占田间病株90%以上。
Henan province has witnessed bumper harvests of wheat over past successive years. Below are our tentative ideas of the conversion channel for wheat in the province, for example, the establishment of quality wheat production bases with high and stable yields and low consumption, the clear-up of circulation channels, the increase of sale abroad, the tapping of storage Potentialities, the practice of "store up surplus grain in peasants' houses" and at the same time "purchase more commodity grain from them" , the...
Henan province has witnessed bumper harvests of wheat over past successive years. Below are our tentative ideas of the conversion channel for wheat in the province, for example, the establishment of quality wheat production bases with high and stable yields and low consumption, the clear-up of circulation channels, the increase of sale abroad, the tapping of storage Potentialities, the practice of "store up surplus grain in peasants' houses" and at the same time "purchase more commodity grain from them" , the development of flour-milling industry, the improvement of flour quality, the expansion of sale abroad of finished grain products, the devotion to the development of wheaten food industry, the seeking of a nation-wide market for it, and last but not the least, the speed-up of the boost of feed industry.
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