
发布时间:2018-04-15 12:52

  本文选题:闰八月 + 天理教事件 ; 参考:《历史研究》2013年01期

【摘要】:闰八月不祥之说,始于清嘉庆间的天理教起义。嘉庆十六年,天理教徒众因本教宝卷 "八月中秋,中秋八月"等谶言,据《万年书》选定嘉庆十八年闰八月起事。但正式颁行的十八年《时宪书》中竟无闰八月,这对起事产生莫大困扰。为坚定信心,起事者又用十六年秋彗星见于紫微垣的天象宣传鼓舞教众。于是出现误将彗星见于紫微垣对清廷不利的星占学解释,混淆为对清廷八月改闰之举的解读。实则嘉庆十八年不闰八月,因八月置闰将不但导致该年冬至落在十月三十日,使清廷例行的郊祀大典无法按惯例在十一月举行,且出现各月中气与历法月序不合情形。晚清时局动荡,尤其在庚子之变的背景下,八月不祥之说又被进一步渲染、放大,成为近世流传最广的谶谣。
[Abstract]:Leap August ominous theory, starting from the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing between the Religion uprisings.Jiaqing 16 years, because of this treasure book, "August Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn August" and other prophecies, according to the book selected Jiaqing 18 years leap August.But the formal 18 years of the Gazette did not leap August, which caused great trouble.In order to strengthen their faith, the troublemakers encouraged the congregation with the celestial signs of the comet in the autumn of 16 years.Therefore, the misinterpretation of the comet in Ziwei Yuan was confused with the interpretation of the Qing Dynasty's reform in August.In fact, Jiaqing 18 years not leap August, because the August intercalation will not only lead to that year the Winter Solstice falls on October 30, so that the Qing Dynasty routine suburban ritual can not be held in November, and there is a month of qi and calendar month order is out of order.In the late Qing Dynasty, especially against the background of the change of Gengzi, the ominous theory of August was further exaggerated and magnified, and became the most widely circulated prophecy in modern times.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学历史系;台湾新竹清华大学历史研究所;


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