
发布时间:2018-04-18 09:33

  本文选题:齐民要术 + 农产品 ; 参考:《南京农业大学》2004年博士论文

【摘要】:《齐民要术》是我国现存最早最完整的一部大型综合性农书,是我国古代农书中最有影响的一部,并且也是世界上最早、最有系统的农学名著之一。贾思勰将农产品加工列为该书的主要Qg容之一,除广泛搜集、整理农产品加工技术方法之外,还亲自实践,不断创新。因此,《齐民要术》是一部内容丰富具体,资料真实可靠,全面系统的反映当时农产品加工状况的文献。 本文在阐述魏晋南北朝时期的社会、经济状况以及农产品生产与消费等相关情形下,以农产品加工技术为主线,按粮食作物、蔬菜果品、畜禽水产三大类进行细致的分析与研究。首先对粮食作物的初加工、精加工和主、副食的不同加工方法予以全面梳理;然后对蔬菜果品的干制、腌制及果脯、蜜饯生产技术进行研究;再就畜禽水产品的加工、烹制工艺作系统探究;最后,对利用酶及微生物生产酱、醋、豉、糖、酒、浆、酪的农产品深加工发酵技术进行深入研讨。本文对《齐民要术》农产品加工的研究是在系统搜集史料的基础上,全面论述对农产品的开发利用状况,揭示加工工艺手段和技术成就,并进行定量分析,运用现代农产品加工原理,利用笔者掌握的食品科学、微生物学等方面的知识,作出较为深入的分析和评价。 粮食加工部分主要论及粮食的脱皮脱壳、稻粟米粒的精制、麦类的制粉以及各种饭、粥、饼(面条、蒸饼、烤饼、糕)、糗(干粮)、粽的加工方法。首先从加工工具入手,讨论从臼、碓、磨、碾的特点及其在粮食加工中的作用予以阐述,这些工具与筛罗等配合使用,已经可以加工很精白的米、面;其次,着眼加工动力,分析杵臼、足踏碓以及畜力、水力碓、磨的使用情形,指出:畜力、水力等动力的加入,不但逐渐将人力从繁重的粮食加工中解放出来,而且提高了加工效率与加工质量。但水力、畜力工具的使用均需要一定条件,相比较而言,应用杠杆原理可减省人力的工具,如足踏碓的使用更具有普遍意义。因此,动力的改变、机具的革新,对粮食加工技术的影响是巨大的,这种影响一直持续到近代轧米机与磨粉机的传入。加工硬件的变革,必然带动以米、面为原料的食品生产极大变化。表现在面食品种大增,加工技术多样。《齐民要术》中记载了烘烤、油炸、水煮三大类,共15种有名称的饼(包括面条)。研究可知,魏晋南北朝时期,人们已经掌握面酵法,即用酵母来发面加工馒头之类的糕点;认识到温度对酵母活力的影响,并使用酒、白米粥等物助发酵;运用专门的技术预先生产“饼酵”,以便发面。这说明,当时发面技术相当成熟。面点加工从使用不发酵的死面到发酵的发面,使面食变得更加容易消化、具有更佳的口感,是面食加工技术史上的一次巨大飞跃。由于发面具有更好的韧性,因此更适合进行各种加工,所以,面 酵法的影响相当深远.此外,,专用的烤炉一一胡饼炉已用于糕饼生产,动物油脂 用于炸制各种小吃,并且出现了用稻米饭捣烂、作丸、油炸、裹糖这样复杂工艺 的糕点一一白茧糖(因形似白色蚕茧得名).说明魏晋南北朝时期的粮食加工已 不局限于满足人们吃饱的要求,而是向品种、花色多样,色、香、味俱全的纵深 发展. 蔬菜果品加工内容丰富,各种加工方法有数十种.首先,蔬莱加工技术有干 制、腌渍、酱制等多类,其中,蔬莱腌制称为“作范”,分为发酵与不发酵两类, 不发酵加盐腌制称为“咸范法”,就是利用食盐的渗透压使蔬菜细胞脱水,同时 使蔬菜获得咸味,其特点是能保持蔬菜绿色,供于冬季缺少新鲜蔬菜之时,因其 简便实用居于作范法首篇;发酵腌制的方法很多,既有加盐发酵,也有不加盐发 酵,前者如“咸范法”中菱普、蜀芥的再发酵,后者如“淡范法”,更多的则是 低盐发酵。利用微生物中的乳酸菌进行发酵,既可抑制杂菌生长,又可使腌制蔬 菜获得酸香之味.但因为乳酸菌在盐浓度高时会受到抑制,所以,低盐发酵成为 魏晋南北朝时期蔬菜腌制加工的特色.这既是加工的需要,也符合当时人们口味. 在作范的各种发酵工艺中,已经能够通过控制生产过程中的盐度、酸度、温度等 来保证成品质量.当时蔬菜加工中干制、昔制技术相对单调,干制技术主要是利 用自然脱水,而昔制也只是将少数瓜类蔬菜沉于普中.不过,昔制技术的出现, 为今后的酱掩菜的发展拓展了崭新的空间.其次,果品加工包括千制、果沙、以 及果脯、蜜饯的生产,其中干制技术包括自然脱水与人工脱水两种,出现了以“火 焙令干者”,以及熏干的新技术,这是果品加工技术的一大进步.在葡萄干加工 中则是利用蜂蜜、油脂预煮,使果品产生生理脱水,是一种先进的果脯、蜜饯生 产技术.除了单纯硒干外,还通过将果品盐腌、蜜渍或用灰汁浸泡达到防腐、增 味目的.果沙生产技术有水煮取沙、酒泡取沙,也有直接将干果磨捣成粉的做法, 此类技术大约受米麦类粉状干粮生产的启发,在魏晋南北朝时期首次出现.另外, 果品腌制技术无多少创新,但出现了果醋的生产技术,现在仍然在一些地区使用. 畜禽水产加工技术较前代有长足发展,这主要由于民族融合、人员交流以及 农牧生产发展提供了物质、技术基础.畜禽水产品加工方法有几十种,技术相当 成熟,创新程度很高,在加工理念上也有发展.干制技术先进,主要
[Abstract]:It is one of the earliest and most complete agricultural books in our country . It is one of the earliest and most systematic agricultural sciences in our country . Jia Sixie has listed the agricultural products as one of the most important agricultural sciences in the world . Jia Sixie has listed the agricultural products as one of the main Qg volumes of the book .

In this paper , in the light of the social , economic situation and the production and consumption of agricultural products in the period of Wei - Jin and Southern - North Dynasties , the paper analyses and studies the three types of food crops , vegetables and fruits and aquatic products of livestock and poultry .
Then the dry , pickling and preserved fruit and fruit production techniques of the vegetable fruits were studied .
then the processing and cooking process of the aquatic products of the livestock and poultry is systematically explored ;
In the end , the deep processing and fermentation technology of agricultural products using enzyme and microbial production sauce , vinegar , fermented soya bean , sugar , wine , pulp and cheese is studied .

This paper deals with the processing methods of grain husk , rice millet , wheat flour , rice , porridge , cake ( noodle , steamed cake , cake , cake ) , food ( dry grain ) and glutinous rice dumpling .
It is pointed out that the use of power , such as animal power , hydraulic and so on , can not only liberate the manpower from the heavy food processing , but also improve the processing efficiency and the processing quality .
The effect of temperature on the vitality of yeast was realized , and wine and white rice porridge were used to help ferment ;
A special technique is used to produce " cake yeast " in advance so as to face . This indicates that the dough processing technique was quite mature at that time . Surface processing was a great leap from the use of non - fermented dead noodles to the fermented dough , making pasta more digestible and better mouthfeel , a great leap in the history of pasta processing technology .

The effect of the fermentation is far - reaching . In addition , a dedicated oven , one - to - one , has been used for cake production , animal fat and fat .

is used for frying various snacks , and has the complex processes of mashing rice , making pill , frying , and wrapping sugar .

The pastry is white cocoon candy ( named as white silkworm cocoon name ) . It indicates that the grain processing in Wei - Jin and Southern - North Dynasties

The invention is not limited to the requirement to satisfy people ' s eating and clothing , but to varieties , colors , colors , fragrance and taste .

Development .

The vegetable fruits are rich in processing content , and dozens of processing methods are available . First , the vegetable and lime processing technology is dry .

The preparation method comprises the following steps of : preparing a plurality of foods such as pickling , bean sauce and the like , wherein the vegetable and lypickling is referred to as " normal " and is divided into two types of fermentation and non - fermentation ,

The non - fermented addition of salt is called the " Salty Law " , which means that the osmotic pressure of the salt is utilized to dehydrate the vegetable cell ,

The vegetable is salty , and is characterized in that the vegetable can be kept green , and when the vegetables are absent in winter ,

The method is simple and practical , and the method is simple and practical , and the method is simple and practical , and the method has many methods , not only the salt fermentation is carried out , but also the salt is not added .

The former is the refermentation of Trapp and Shu - mustard in the Salt Fan Act , which is , for example , the " Light Fan Act " , and more

Low salt fermentation . Using lactic acid bacteria in microorganism to ferment , not only can inhibit the growth of the bacteria , but also can make the pickled vegetable

The food has an acid flavor . However , since the lactic acid bacteria are suppressed when the salt concentration is high , the low - salt fermentation becomes

During the period of Wei - Jin and Southern - Northern Dynasties , the characteristics of vegetable pickling were studied . This was not only the need of processing , but also the taste of vegetables at the time .

In the various fermentation processes of the invention , it has been possible to control the salinity , acidity , temperature , etc . in the production process

The quality of finished products is guaranteed . At the time vegetable processing is dry , the technique is relatively monotonous , and the drying technology is mainly profit .

natural dehydration is used , and a few melon - like vegetables are also precipitated in general , however , the appearance of the technology of the invention ,

A new space is developed for the development of sauce mask in the future . Secondly , the fruit processing includes thousand , fruit and sand , so as to

and the production of preserved fruit and preserved fruit , wherein the dry technology comprises two types of natural dehydration and artificial dehydration , It ' s a great improvement in fruit processing technology . It ' s a great improvement in fruit processing technology .

In the traditional Chinese medicine , honey and fat are used for pre - boiling , so that the fruit product is subjected to physiological dehydration , and is an advanced preserved fruit and preserved fruit raw material .

In addition to the simple selenium drying , the fruit salt is pickled , honeydew or soaked with ash juice to achieve anti - corrosion ,

The fruit and sand production technology has the following steps of : decocting and taking sand in water , taking sand in wine , and directly grinding the dried fruit into powder ,

This kind of technology is about to be inspired by the powdery dry grain production of rice and wheat , the first appearance in the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the Southern and Northern Dynasties .

There is little innovation in fruit pickling technology , but the production technology of fruit vinegar is still in use in some areas .

The aquatic product processing technology of the livestock and poultry has a long history compared with the previous generation , which is mainly due to the national integration and the exchange of personnel and

The production and development of livestock and poultry has provided a material and technical basis . There are dozens of methods for processing livestock and poultry aquatic products .

maturity , high degree of innovation , and development in the processing concept .



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2 张凤;;汉代的炙与炙炉[J];四川文物;2011年02期

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