
发布时间:2018-04-19 10:18

  本文选题:沿海贸易 + 天津关 ; 参考:《南开大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】:天津的前身为直沽寨,明代永乐元年设天津卫,成为护卫京师的军事要地。清代天津撤卫设州,后又设府。 清初解除海禁之后,天津的商货运输渠道除运河之外,新增海路运道。清代中期之后,运河逐渐衰落,海路逐渐成为天津贸易最大宗来源。开埠之前天津沿海贸易主要包括渤海湾内的粮豆贸易以及闽粤、江浙地区的长途贸易。开埠之后,天津被纳入到国际贸易市场范围,轮船贸易与帆船贸易均得到较大发展,逐步成为我国北方地区最重要的国际贸易港口。 清代天津沿海贸易的发展从税关征收情况亦可得到印证。天津相继设有常关和海关三处,常关为天津关及征收海税的机构。天津关设立之后即显示了较强的税收能力,在乾隆中期税额最高。清代初期,海税只是一个地方性的小税种,税额相当有限。嘉庆年间,因海税税收不断增长,清政府将其纳入中央管辖,定额四万两,实征税额在嘉庆年间最高。常关税收总计,从清初至嘉道年间,税收由十万余两增长到十三、四万两左右。1901年常关归由海关兼管,天津常关税额呈现急遽增加态势,税额高达一百余万两。清末天津开埠之后,为征收洋船贸易,于天津新设津海关。自设立初期以至清末,津海关税额不断增长,由初期的30万余两,到清末增至80余万两。1901年海关兼管常关,海、常税额合计高达二、三百万两。 根据计算可知,清代前中期,天津常关税收中,海上贸易份额占一半左右,每年大概有五、六万两的税额来自海路贸易;嘉道年间已占三分之二左右,税额为九、十万两左右。咸丰年间漕粮改由海运之后,天津常关税收基本来自海路,合计天津海上贸易所纳税额则在十三、四万两左右。1861年天津海关成立之后,天津海上贸易跨上一个新的台阶,合计天津每年的海路商货贸易税额自七、八十万两至几百万两不等。 开埠之前,天津关主要以闽广、江浙等地商货为征税来源。开埠之后,经由津海关进口商货主要分为两类:进口洋货和进口土货,其中洋货以鸦片、羽毛等为主,土货则仍以糖、茶叶等大宗。出口商货以皮毛、药材、草帽辫等商货为大宗。开埠之后随着天津进出口贸易的扩大,其腹地范围扩大到华北、北方地区的大部,包括蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东等地。 清代随着商品流通的发展,天津城市商业繁荣、商人聚集。天津外来客商众多,以闽粤、江浙、山西等地商人为主,他们均在天津建有多所商业会馆。天津本地商人则以盐商和粮食商为主。清末天津出现了新式的商人群体和组织:作为中外贸易中介的洋行买办,他们是天津城市新兴的商人群体,其中尤以广东商人势力最大;清末天津新设商会,跨越了地缘和业缘纽带,是商人逐步迈向近代化的标志。 清代天津城市最为繁华的商业区为北门外和东门外地区,分布在天津贸易汇集点——三岔口的两翼。北门外商业区是天津贸易最兴盛的地方,这里汇集了天津城市最为著名的商业街,如估衣街、竹竿巷等。北门外地区尤以东部地区最为发达,这里俗称“侯家后”,南部为贸易区,靠北则为娱乐区。东门外地区亦是天津较为发达的商业区,尤以天后宫附近为最,最繁荣的两条街市为宫南和宫北大街。 1860年天津开埠后,随着对外贸易的发展,城市商业不断发展。一方面,在传统的商业街区内,传统的钱业、典当业以及汇兑业均有较大发展;同时,又有各类新式银行相继设立。此外,为城市物流服务的旅馆、行栈数量不断增多,餐饮、娱乐业亦有很大发展。开埠之后,随着外国租界区的建立,在海河东岸建成了一片新城区。随着租界区人口的聚集、商业的发展,这里新设了各式金融机构、旅馆货栈以及餐饮、娱乐等消费市场,成为天津老城区之外又一处商业汇聚之所。 总之,自清初至乾嘉年间,沿海贸易逐渐成为天津商业贸易的主体,促使天津由一个清初一个运河城市转变为海港城市;咸丰初年开始,天津的商货已基本来自海路。咸丰十年(1860)开埠直至清末这四十余年的时间内,随着国内外市场的扩大,天津的海上贸易又有进一步发展,到清末天津已经成为华北地区最大的国际港口城市。
[Abstract]:Tianjin, formerly known as the first year of the Yongle of Ming Zhi Gu Zhai, Tianjin Wei, became the imperial guard military site. The withdrawal of Tianjin in the Qing Dynasty who established the state, after a palace.
After the Qing Dynasty to lift ban on maritime trade, Tianjin's cargo transport channels in the canal, the new sea road. In the mid Qing Dynasty, the canal gradually declined, the sea has gradually become the largest source of trade in Tianjin. Before the opening of Tianjin coastal trade include the Gulf of Bohai grain trade, Fujian and Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang long-distance trade. After the opening, Tianjin was included in the the scope of the international trade market, trade ships and sailing ships have been greatly developed, and gradually become the most important international trade port in northern China.
The development of Qing Dynasty in Tianjin coastal trade situation is also confirmed from the collection. Tianjin has a normally closed and normally closed customs three, Tianjin customs and tax levy sea organization. After the establishment of Tianjin Customs show a strong tax base, in the middle of Qianlong. The highest amount of early Qing Dynasty, the sea is a small tax tax where the tax is quite limited. Jiaqing years, due to the continuous growth of sea tax, the Qing government will be incorporated into the central jurisdiction, forty-two thousand quota, tax in the Ming Dynasty. Frequent tariff in total, from the Qing Dynasty to Yoshimichi years, two tax from one hundred thousand increased to thirteen, about forty-two thousand years to close.1901 by the customs and Tianjin, showing a rapid increase in the number of normally off tax situation, tax of up to Yibaiyuwanliang. After the opening of Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty, for the collection of foreign ships in the Tianjin trade, the new Tianjin Customs. Since the establishment of the early and late Qing Dynasty, Tianjin customs tax The amount of growth, from the initial 30 to 80 by the end of the Qing Dynasty more than two, two million years of customs and.1901 off the sea, and often tax a total of up to two, three million and two.
According to the calculation results, before the mid Qing Dynasty, Tianjin frequent tariff, maritime trade share accounted for about half a year there are about five, sixty-two thousand tax from sea trade; Yoshimichi years accounted for about 2/3, the tax is nine, about one hundred thousand and two. After Xianfeng years of grain by sea, Tianjin frequent tariff basically come from the sea, the total Tianjin sea trade taxes in thirteen, about forty-two thousand.1861 years after the establishment of the Tianjin customs, Tianjin maritime trade on a new step, the total annual Tianjin sea cargo trade tax from seven, eight hundred thousand and two to Jibaiwanliang range.
Before opening, Tianjin mainly from Fujian, Zhejiang and other places of goods for tax source. After the opening, the importer by the Tianjin Customs goods are divided into two categories: the import of foreign goods and imports of foreign goods in the home, opium, such as feathers, local products are still sugar, tea and other export goods in bulk. Fur. Medicinal herbs, etc. for the bulk goods braided straw. After the opening of Tianjin with the expansion of import and export trade, expand the scope of its hinterland to the north, large parts of northern areas including Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong and other places.
With the development of commodity circulation in the Qing Dynasty, Tianjin city commercial prosperity, businessmen gathered. Many foreign businessmen in Tianjin, Fujian and Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shanxi and other businessmen, they built many business hall in Tianjin. Tianjin is a local businessman with salt and grain traders in Tianjin in late Qing Dynasty. The new business groups and organizations: as a foreign trade intermediary comprador, they are Tianjin city merchants emerging, especially in the most powerful businessmen in Guangdong; the new chamber of Commerce in Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty, across geographical and industrial link, is gradually moving towards the modernization of the merchants sign.
Tianjin city in the Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous business district for the north gate and East Gate area, distribution in the wings of Tianjin trade collection points - three fork. Outside the North business district is Tianjin's most prosperous trade places, where a collection of the most famous commercial street in Tianjin City, such as Gu Yi Street, bamboo lane outside the north area. Especially in the eastern region is the most developed, here called "Hou", the Southern Trade Zone, on the north is the entertainment district. The east field area is Tianjin more developed commercial area, especially near the Thean Hou Temple as the most, the most prosperous city is two blocks south of the palace and the Palace North Street.
In 1860 after the opening of Tianjin, with the development of foreign trade, the development of city commercial. On the one hand, in the traditional commercial district, traditional industry, pawn and the exchange industry has great development; at the same time, there are all kinds of new banks have been established. In addition, the logistics services for the city hotel, increasing the number of rows stack, catering, entertainment industry have developed greatly. After the opening, with the establishment of foreign settlements, a new city built in the east of the Haihe River. With the concession in the aggregation of the population, the development of business, where a variety of new financial institutions, warehouse and hotel catering, entertainment and other consumer market, and become the old city of Tianjin a business together.
In a word, from the Qing Dynasty to the Qianlong Dynasty, the coastal trade have gradually become the main body of Tianjin commercial trade, promote Tianjin from a Qing Dynasty into a canal city harbor city; Xianfeng Dynasty began, Tianjin's goods have basically come from the sea. Xianfeng ten years (1860) the time of the forty years of the opening until the late Qing period, with the to expand domestic and foreign markets, with further development of maritime trade in Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty, Tianjin has become the largest international port city in North China.



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