本文选题:北宋前五朝 + 农业生产 ; 参考:《河北大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 农业政策与人民生活息息相关,历来开明统治者无不重视这一问题。宋代经济文化的高度发展与北宋前期几朝的农政措施有着不可忽视的联系。北宋前五朝政府采取了一系列政策刺激农业经济,注重主佃关系的调整及对私有产权的保护,农民的生产经营与前代相比较为自由,这为北宋前期经济的发展创造了条件;经济的繁荣有赖于统治者的开明经济政策,北宋前五朝政府在农业的恢复和发展方面做了很大努力,譬如屡次诏令重农、积极扶助指导农业生产、兴修水利和保护畜力等。政府对农业生产的重视与推动是北宋前五朝农业发展的前提与制度保证。同时,政府在澄清吏治、打击豪强方面所采取的一系列措施,对于稳定社会秩序、调动人民生产积极性和促进社会公平起到了一定作用;繁重的赋役不利于农业再生产的进行,因此北宋政府注意调整、减免农民赋役来减轻农民负担,从而使他们致力于农耕;粮食政策是农政问题中很重要的一项,北宋时期自然灾害频繁,政府注重粮食的储备与流通,实行“常平仓”制度,做到丰年不伤民,灾年进行救济,在一定程度上保护了农民利益。以上这些措施极大地推动了当时农业经济的发展,并为宋代的全面繁荣打下了基础。本文既注重探讨这一时段的农政措施,还力求对政策的实效进行客观分析。
[Abstract]:The agricultural policy is closely related to the people ' s life , which has always been enlightened by the rulers . The high development of the economic culture in the Song Dynasty has not been neglected . The government has adopted a series of policies to stimulate the agricultural economy , pay attention to the adjustment of the main tenancy relationship and the protection of the private property rights . The production and operation of the farmers are relatively free compared with the former generations , which creates conditions for the development of the economic development in the early period of the Northern Song Dynasty ;
The economic prosperity depends on the enlightened economic policy of the rulers , and the government has made great efforts in the recovery and development of agriculture in the first five dynasties of the Northern Song Dynasty .
The heavy duty is not conducive to the agricultural reproduction . Therefore , the government of the Northern Song Dynasty should pay attention to the adjustment , reduce the farmers ' burden to lighten the burden of the farmers , so that they are committed to farming ;
Food policy is one of the most important issues in agriculture and politics . During the Northern Song Dynasty , natural disasters are frequent , the government pays attention to the reserve and circulation of food , implements the system of " common silo " , and has protected the interests of peasants in a certain extent . These measures have greatly promoted the development of agricultural economy at the time and laid the foundation for the full prosperity of the Song Dynasty . This paper focuses on discussing the agricultural and political measures in this period , and also seeks to objectively analyze the effectiveness of the policy .
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