
发布时间:2018-05-11 01:01

  本文选题:清代 + 阿拉善和硕特旗 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 史料是史家与史事之间的惟一桥梁。然而史料又是多层次的,不同性质的史料所反映的历史真实度不同。档案是在历史研究中属于“遗留性史料”,对复原、考证历史史事方面与其它史料不可同日而语的作用。在浩如烟海的清代多语种档案中,阿拉善和硕特旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案尤其自己的特色和利用价值。今阿拉善左旗档案馆珍藏着清康熙三十六年至民国三十八年间的6900份档案。其中清代2497份,民国时期有4493份。多数为蒙古文珍贵档案。从内容来看,涉及有关边界纠纷档案、宗教、军事和蒙汉民词讼档案等。本文在前人研究基础上,依据清代阿拉善和硕特旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案,首次较全面系统的介绍阿拉善和硕特旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案的种类、写作体裁体例以及史料价值进行了考述。 绪论部分,介绍了选题的目的及其意义、本课题的研究现状、研究方法与创新之处等技术问题。 第一部分介绍了清代阿拉善和硕特旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案的内容、体裁体例、写作模式等举例探讨。 第二部分对清代阿拉善和硕特旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案将从地方社会组织、财政状况以及有关阿拉善右寺(最好查找牌匾名称)与达克布呼图克图的蒙古文档案、草场、生态保护、自然资源开发情况等方面的史料价值。 最后为结论部分,对上述论述作了概括,阐明研究利用阿拉善和硕特旗蒙古文档案的重要性和该档案在地方史志研究中的作用。
[Abstract]:Historical materials are the only bridge between historians and historical events. However, historical materials are multi-level, different nature of historical data reflect different historical truth. Archives are "legacy historical materials" in historical research, which can not be compared with other historical materials in restoring and textual research. In the vast multilingual archives of Qing Dynasty, the Zasak Yamen archives of Alashan and Shuote Banner have their own characteristics and utilization value. The archives of Alashan Zuo Banner hold 6900 files from 36 to 38 of Kangxi Qing Dynasty. Of these, 2497 in the Qing Dynasty and 4493 in the Republic of China. Most of them are valuable files in Mongolian. From the content point of view, involving the border dispute files, religious, military and Mongolian and Han ci file and so on. On the basis of previous studies, according to the archives of Zasak Yamen in Alashan and Shuote Banner in the Qing Dynasty, this paper introduces the types of the archives of Zasak Yamen in Alashan and Shuote Banner for the first time in a comprehensive and systematic way. The style of writing and the value of historical materials are discussed. In the introduction part, it introduces the purpose and significance of the topic, the research status, the research methods and innovations, and other technical problems. The first part introduces the contents, genres and writing patterns of the Zasak Yamen files in Alashan and Shuote Banner in Qing Dynasty. The second part of the Qing Dynasty Alaxa and Shuoteqi Zasak Yamen Mongolian archives will be from local social organizations, financial situation and about the Alashan right Temple (preferably find the name of the plaque) and the Daqbuhtuktu Mongolian files, pastures, Ecological protection, exploitation of natural resources and other aspects of historical value. In the last part, the author generalizes the above exposition and expounds the importance of studying and utilizing the Mongolian archives of Alashan and Shuote Banner and the role of the archives in the study of local historical records.


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3 刘晓U,




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