本文选题:宋代 + 祖宗家法 ; 参考:《人民论坛》2013年16期
[Abstract]:In the imperial era, the emperor had the supreme authority. How to restrict it was one of the problems encountered by bureaucrats. The "ancestral law", which was jointly refined and maintained by the monarch and ministers of the Song Dynasty, alleviated this knot to a certain extent and respected the "ancestral method" ("ancestral clan method"), which was an outstanding historical phenomenon in the Song Dynasty. The emphasis of the two Song dynasties on the law of ancestors was quite conscious, and could be said to have reached an unprecedented level. We discuss the vitality and stagnation of centralization of power in the Song Dynasty, the separation and concentration of the power structure at all levels, the development of the pattern of "defending the internal deficiency and the exterior", the formation of the relationship between the checks and balances between the civil and the armed forces, and the operation of the bureaucratic mechanism.
【作者单位】: 国务院;中国宋史研究会;北京大学历史系;
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