
发布时间:2018-06-01 15:36

  本文选题:魏晋南北朝 + 九卿 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 官僚制度史的研究作为中国古代政治制度史中重要的研究环节,历来都受到相当地重视。近代以来,研究中国政治制度史的著作,大多对官制有所叙述。本文所要研究的九卿制度就属于中央官制的一部分。 汉与唐两个大一统的王朝经常作为中国早期帝国的典型而被并举,汉制与唐制也多为后代所效仿。在近代以来的研究著作中,汉制与唐制也经常是研究者用力最勤的地方。具体到中央官制,汉制被称为“三公九卿”制,而唐制则被称为“三省六部”制。西汉武帝中期以后,少府属官之一的尚书权势渐升,魏晋南北朝时期进而取代三公成宰相机构,至唐而三省鼎立,尚书省又下辖六部,完成宰相制度的三百年演变过程。在这个过程中,三公、三省、六部的形成与演变研究颇多,而对于九卿却研究很少。汉代三公、九卿参与国政讨论,唐代尚书六部与九寺诸监有下行上承之关系,九卿的权力、地位虽然发生了变化,但直到满清,尚有太常、光禄、大理、太仆、鸿胪等寺。延续两千年以上的这一整套机构,存在的理由就是其为事务机关。偌大的帝国总得有衙门办事,在中央,九寺就承担了这样的角色。九寺变为事务机关而著之于法令,则是从唐代开始的。而在秦汉以后,唐代以前,即魏晋南北朝时期的九寺机关,其职官性质及地位如何?这就是本文研究的目的。 通过本文的研究,发现魏晋南北朝时期,诸卿之中,太常作为掌管礼仪的官员,廷尉作为掌管司法审判的官员,鸿胪作为掌管外交的官员变化均不太大。光禄在魏晋时期宿卫职能不断削弱,管理宫廷杂务的职能却不断增强。到了南朝更变成了虚职,北朝则将光禄定位成管理外朝宴会的机构,在太官一职的处理上颇费心思。卫尉由司宫城宿卫之官变为掌器械、文物之官,究其原因,在于魏晋时期,领、护等护卫帝王的禁卫力量发展壮大,严重削弱了卫尉的原有职能。司农由司钱帛粮食之官变为专司粮食之官,这应当与汉魏之际的战乱频繁,从而首重粮食有关。而魏晋南北朝时期,朝廷仍然有大笔的钱帛出入,魏晋时期管理钱帛的机构很多都是皇帝的私库,但这些库藏之间统属关系暖昧不明。及至南北朝,商品货币经济的发展使钱币的流通大为增加,这从国家的铸币事业中也可以看出来。所以设立一个专管钱财的机构,与大司农分职,并将零碎的财政机关置于统一的领导之下,成为当务之急,这就是南北朝时期太府创立的背景。宗正在魏晋南北朝时期只管理皇族的图籍,并非如两汉般对宗室有较大的权力。两晋时期设立的宗师对于宗正的权力产生了比较大的影响。宗师就是宗室的“中正”,他对宗室的教育与选举具有相当大的发言权,北魏道武帝在设立宗师之初就明言是仿中正制度的,目的就在于辨宗党、别人才。随着中正制度的衰弱,仿中正制的宗师制到了唐代就不再看到了。太仆所掌舆马本包括御用和国用两个部分,南朝时期,一方面太仆不再掌车,另一方面国用与御用区分开来,北朝形式上虽然仍沿汉魏旧制,车马均在太仆辖下,但将御用与国用区分开来则是承南朝制度。少府在诸卿之中,是皇室“家臣”色彩最浓的一个官员。西汉时期管理着帝室的财政,东汉虽然将财政权统归司农管辖,但少府所掌仍然以宫廷事务为主。魏晋时期,将东汉文属少府的机构划出,而刘宋时期少府属下尚方令从掌御用刀剑的制造到掌军国刀剑的制造,这种突破带动了少府突破家臣的色彩,也被隋唐所继承。 引起九卿职能变化的原因约有三个。 首先是九卿与尚书权责不清。尚书在逐渐形成为权力中心的过程中,不可避免的要与九卿产生摩擦。在整个魏晋南北朝时期,就尚书与九卿的存废问题有过好几次讨论,而且九卿也曾一度合并废罢,但始终不能废一存一,始终是两者并存,表明二者关系亟待理清,但总的倾向仍是尚书诸官对九卿职权的侵夺。 其次是门下省与九卿的分工。汉代九卿有很浓重的家臣色彩,即除掌管国家事务之外,还掌管大量的宫廷事务。但是魏晋南北朝时期,九卿职能的一大转变就是渐渐脱离宫廷事务的管理而转向专管国务,即完成了其从家臣到朝臣的转变。究其转变的原因,很重要的一点就是门下省对于宫廷事务的管理。至隋炀帝分门下置殿内省,专管皇帝事务,可以说,对魏晋南北朝时期九卿掌管宫廷事务方面的职能做了一个总结,也使九卿家臣的色彩大为减低。 第三是时代的因素。这以魏晋南北朝时期的光禄与卫尉职能的变化最为明显。光禄与卫尉本来都职司宫廷护卫,但到了唐代却完全没有了这种职能。这种转变发生在汉魏之际。当时曹操独揽大权,但并不敢突破大义名分,为了能使自己的官僚系统实际掌管国政,他新设了很多职官来控制权力。在这个过程中,为了保护自身的安全,建立了以亲兵为主的护卫组织,后来发展成为领、护军系统,而在许昌职司保卫汉帝的光禄、卫尉自然在曹操削弱之列。曹操新设的护卫系统为后代所继承,剥夺了原光禄、卫尉的职能。这并不是两卿本身发展的结果,而是人为的因素。 汉代九卿制度历经魏晋南北朝时期到隋唐做了一个总结,原来的“三公九卿”体制变成了“三省六部”体制。唐代九卿不再参与政务的制定,退出了行政中枢的行列,变成了一个负责具体执行的事务机关。
[Abstract]:The study of the history of bureaucracy, as an important research link in the history of Chinese ancient political system, has always been paid much attention to. Since modern times, most of the works on the history of political system in China have been narrated by the bureaucracy. The Jiu Qing system, which is to be studied in this paper, is part of the central bureaucracy.
The two dynasties of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty were often taken side by side as typical of the early Chinese Empire, and the Chinese system and the Tang system were imitated by the later generations. In the modern research works, the Han system and the Tang system are often the most diligent places for the researchers. "Six provinces of the three provinces" system. After the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, the power of the Shang Dynasty was gradually rising, and the period of the Wei, Jin, and the northern and Southern Dynasties replaced the three Gong as prime minister, to the Tang Dynasty and the three provinces under the jurisdiction of the three provinces, and to complete the three hundred year evolution process of the prime minister system. In this course, the formation and evolution of the three provinces, the three provinces and the six departments were studied. However, there were few studies on Jiu Qing. In the Han Dynasty, the three Gong and Jiu Qing participated in the discussion of the State Administration. The six books in the Tang Dynasty and the nine monastery in the Tang Dynasty had descending relationship. The power of the nine Qing dynasties had changed, but until the Manchu Qing, there were too often, Lu Lu, Dali, Tai Wu, hung Lu and other monastery. The reasons for the existence of the whole body for more than two thousand years It was the office of the affairs. The huge empire had to have the office of the Yamen. In the central, the nine Temple took on such a role. The nine temple was changed into a transactional organ, and it began in the Tang Dynasty. And after the Qin and Han Dynasties, before the Tang Dynasty, the nine Temple organs of the Wei, Jin, and the northern and Southern Dynasties, what was the nature and status of its officers? This is the study of this article. Objective.
Through the study of this paper, it was found that in the period of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, the officials of the courtesy were too often to be in charge of the etiquette, and as an official in charge of the judicial trial, hung Lu was not very much changed as an official in charge of diplomacy. In the Northern Dynasty, the North Dynasty positioned the Northern Dynasty as an institution to manage the banquets of the outside Dynasty. It was very costly to deal with the office of the official. Wei Wei, the officer of the palace guard of the Miyagi City, became a handheld device. The official of the cultural relics is the reason for the development and expansion of the guard power of the emperor in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, which seriously weakened the original function of Wei Wei. On the occasion of the Wei, Jin, and the northern and Southern Dynasties, the imperial court still has a large amount of money and silk, and many of the organizations that manage money and silk in the Wei and Jin Dynasties are the private treasury of the emperor. The development of the currency economy makes the circulation of coins increase greatly, which can be seen from the state's Mint cause. Therefore, it is urgent to set up an organization that specialize in money and money, and put the fragmentary financial organs under the unified leadership. This is the background of the founding of the southern and Northern Dynasties. In the period of the period, only the imperial family's books were managed, not like the Han Dynasty, which had great power in the clans. The teachers in the Jin Dynasty had a great influence on the power of Zong. The master was the "Zhong Zheng" of the clan. He had a great voice in the education and election of the clan, and the emperor of the North Wei Dao was imitated at the beginning of the founding of the master. In the middle of the system, the purpose of the system is to distinguish between the party and the people. With the decline of the middle school system, the imperial master system of imitating the middle system is no longer seen in the Tang Dynasty. The Tai Mao's palmar and Ma Ben includes two parts of the imperial court and the national use. In the Southern Dynasties, the Tai servant no longer held the car, on the other hand, the state was distinguished from the imperial use, although the Northern Dynasty still along the form along the North Dynasty. In the Han and Wei dynasties, all the horses and horses were under the jurisdiction of the imperial servants, but the system of the South Dynasty was separated from the government. In the middle Qing Dynasty, the emperor was the most colorful official of the imperial family. In the period of the Western Han Dynasty, the financial authority of the emperor was governed by the Eastern Han Dynasty, but the palm of the minority was still dominated by the Court Affairs. The institutions of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which belonged to the minority, were drawn out, and the Liu Song period was made from the manufacture of the sword of the palm and sword to the sword of the palmar state. This breakthrough led to the breakthroughs of the minority government and was inherited by the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
There are about three reasons for the changes in the functions of the nine Qing Dynasties.
In the process of gradually becoming the center of power, the Shang Dynasty inevitably has to have a friction with Jiu Qing. In the period of the Wei, Jin, and the northern and Southern Dynasties, there have been several discussions on the preservation and abolition of the book and the Jiu Qing, and the Jiu Qing also once merged with the abolition, but it has always been unable to abolish one and always be both coexistence, It is clear that the relationship between the two needs to be straighten out, but the general inclination is still that the officials of the Shang Dynasty invaded the nine ministers.
The second was the division of labor between the province and the nine Qing Dynasty. The Han Dynasty Jiu Qing had a strong color of the family, that is to say, in addition to the state affairs, it also took charge of a large number of Court Affairs. But in the period of the Wei, Jin and the northern and Southern Dynasties, a major change in the function of the nine Qing Dynasties was to turn away from the administration of the Court Affairs and turn to the state affairs, that is, the transformation from the courtiers to the courtiers was completed. The reason for the change is that it is very important to manage the palace affairs under the door of the province. To Suiti, the imperial palace is placed in the province, and the emperor's affairs are in charge. It can be said that the functions of the palace affairs in the period of the Wei, Jin, and the northern and Southern Dynasties have been summarized, and the color of the nine ministers is greatly reduced.
Third is the factor of the times. This is the most obvious change in the functions of Lu and Wei Wei in the period of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties. In this process, in this process, in order to protect their own security, in order to protect their own security, a guardians were set up to protect their own security. Later, he developed into a leader and a military system. In Xuchang, the guard of Han Emperor's light, Wei Wei was naturally weakened by Cao Cao. Cao Cao's new guard system was established. The inheritance of the descendants deprived the function of the original Guang Lu and Wei Wei. This is not the result of the development of the two ministers themselves, but the man-made factors.
The system of the Jiu Qing Dynasty in the Han Dynasty, through the period of the Wei, Jin, the northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, made a summary. The original "three Gong and nine Qing" system became the "six provinces of the three provinces".


中国期刊全文数据库 前1条

1 刘军;;拓跋宗师考述[J];唐都学刊;2012年01期

中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条

1 闫宁;中古礼制建设概论:仪注学、故事学与礼官系统[D];山东大学;2012年

中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条

1 李晓斌;汉唐谒者官制研究[D];鲁东大学;2012年




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