发布时间:2018-06-01 14:10
本文选题:宋代商人 + 家庭生活 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:宋代商人家庭研究是家庭史与商业史研究的一个交汇点。宋代的文集、笔记小说、方志,以及墓志资料中程度不同地记载了宋代商人家庭的有关情况。本文尝试从经济史与社会史相结合这一视角出发,努力探究趋于真实的宋代商人家庭生活状态。 宋代商人家庭的居住环境与经商活动、日常生活密切相关。从家庭居住地的空间分布看,与唐代长安强制措施下聚居两坊的布局相比,宋代两京(北宋东京和南宋临安)商人家庭择居的自由度更大,呈现聚居与散居并存的特点。从家庭住宅与经商活动空间的关系看,“宅店分离”较好地保留了家人生活的私密性空间,“宅店合一”更便于经商活动的开展,租赁住宅则是维持家计的权宜之选。从家庭住宅与日常生活空间的关系看,居住环境与家庭经济实力直接相关。富商大贾择居时主要考虑居住的舒适度,追求的是生活。他们的住宅往往“逾制”,不仅拥有园林式宅院,还“宅外有别业”,形成家外有家的居住模式;收入微薄的小商贩择居以便于经商为第一要义,讲究的是生存。住宅时常因陋就简,随遇而安而已。 宋代商人的家庭生计富于变化。家庭生计的角色结构更为多样,可分为夫妻主导型、父子主导型、全家参与型,以及独自支撑型,这与小农家庭“男耕女织”的角色分工不同。宋代小农家庭谨守四季之时莫能违,是待时而动,商人家庭则是乘时而动,在不断捕捉商机之中寻求发家致富。乘时逐利、灵活治生、诚信与否皆为利、借钱经商、偶然发家,都是乘时而动之举。宋代商人的家庭经济观念尚在“进退”之间。“尚利求富”是进而为商之举,“浮财易失”、“不乐己业”则流露出经商的无助与无奈,常有退而为农的想法。宋代商人家产的析分和流向更能体现其“求稳”的愿望,这是一种“半农半商”心态的流露。 宋代商人的婚姻生活既不是风花雪月,也非举案齐眉,而是与社会变动、家庭经济状况,以及经商活动方式直接有关。受“婚姻不问阀阅”之风影响,宋代商人择婚士人成为其婚姻的一大特色。商人家庭之间经济状况的差异往往成为彼此通婚的现实阻隔,家庭经济状况的变化又是夫妻关系变动的重要影响因素,这反映出商人阶层内部的差异与家庭成员间的不平等。商娼关系多数情况下仅为商人婚姻的暂时性补充,与宋代商人离家经商、夫妻分居的生活方式不无关系。 宋代商人妇作为家中的“半边天”,对于家庭生活的维系尤为重要。商人妇通常带着“名利”入夫家,或者以嫁奁给夫家提供财力支持,或者以出身给夫家带来名誉。此后,养家与守家成为商人妇家庭生活的重任。走出家门专职经商以养家是宋代商人妇养家的特点之一,夫妇共同经商,协助丈夫经商也是商人妇参与养家的方式。守家之难莫过行商妇,行商妇不仅承受着精神上的孤苦,还要面临诸多家庭困难。姻亲扶助、外出寻夫,以及私通成为摆脱生活困境的几种途径,其中也反映出守家行商妇独立维持家庭生计能力的不足,这与经商养家的商人妇形成鲜明对比。 宋代商人家庭父子间的代际变化,从家庭传承的视角透视出了商人家庭的名利观,代际变化主要体现在家产流向与社会身份变化两方面。代际间营生旨趣、家风传承的差异使商人家庭走向了兴家、败家两条不同的发展轨迹。父辈的权威与导向对代际变化有直接影响,父商子仕的变化最能体现这一点。代际中断时家庭经济出现波动,商人家庭常采取姻戚抚育幼子、立养子等补救形式使家庭的传承不至中断。宋代商人家庭也实行诸子平均析产,父辈的权威并不能完全阻止家产析分时的离心倾向。 宋代商人家庭的社会交往面扩大,但与亲属邻里的交往“人情味”更浓,鲜见家庭间深层次的经商合作。宋代商品经济的发展客观上有利于商人家庭与官僚、士人的走近与交往,但家庭财富的累积并未带来其社会地位根本性的改观。 宋代商人家庭的鬼神崇信体现了其于现实世界和精神世界之间的多次游走。家庭生计中的鬼神崇信,既反映出通过超自然力多获利的愿望,也透露出应对现实处境时的无奈。宋代商人家庭中,夫妻关系的维系主要靠家庭内部的捏合力,家庭外来的压力对婚姻及家庭的稳固作用影响不明显。鬼魅崇信往往成为修复夫妻关系,化解婚外情冲突的一种途径。 宋代商人家庭的经商活动以及日常生活的诸多安排都与其观念直接相关,寻求内心深处的真实观念可以更深层地解读商人家庭。与宋代乡村小农家庭、明清商人家庭相比,宋代商人家庭的观念特色体现在三个方面,即“尚官进而入仕”的社会价值取向,“重家胜过经商”的家庭观念,和“善变但更求稳”的生活理念。观念离不开传统文化的土壤,中国古代根深蒂固的官本位传统观念、浓厚的家观念,和不自觉回归的小农意识是解读宋代商人家庭观念特色的几把钥匙。从中国传统文化及其深远影响这一视角出发,或许也可以为“中国古代商品经济的发展始终未能突破旧的体制框架”这一谜团提供一种解题思路。
[Abstract]:The study of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty is a intersection point of the study of family history and commercial history. The anthology of the Song Dynasty, the notes, the chronicles, and the information of the epitaph records the related situation of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty. This article tries to find out from the perspective of the combination of economic history and social history and try to explore the true family of the merchants of the Song Dynasty. The state of life.
The residential environment of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty is closely related to business activities and daily life. From the spatial distribution of the home residence, compared with the layout of the two houses in the Tang Dynasty under the compulsory measures of Changan, the freedom of the two Jing (the Northern Song Tokyo and the Southern Song Ling'an) is more free, showing the characteristics of the coexistence and the coexistence of the residence and the residence. In relation to the relationship between the business space and the business space, "the separation of the house stores" keeps the private space of family life better, and the "one" is more convenient to carry out the business activities. The rental housing is the choice of sustaining the family plan. From the relationship between home and daily living space, the living environment is directly related to the family economic strength. When choosing a residence, it mainly takes into account the comfort of residence and the pursuit of life. Their housing is often "over the system", not only with a garden style house, but also "outside the house", forming a home mode of living outside the home. And it's just.
The family livelihood of the businessmen in the Song Dynasty is rich and varied. The role structure of family livelihood is more diverse, which can be divided into husband and wife dominated, father and son, family participation, and alone support type. This is different from the role of "men and women" in the small peasant family. In the continuous capture of business opportunities, we seek to get rich in the course of capturing business opportunities. The help and helplessness exposed to business often have the idea of returning to agriculture. The segregation and flow of the household property of the merchants in the Song Dynasty more reflect the desire for "stability", which is an expression of a "half peasant and half business" mentality.
The marriage life of the merchants of the Song Dynasty was neither a wind, a snow moon, nor a single eyebrows, but a direct connection with social changes, family economic conditions, and the way of business activities. Influenced by the wind of "marriage without asking the threshold", the merchants of the Song Dynasty became a major feature of their marriage. The differences in economic conditions between businessmen and families often became one another. The real barrier of intermarriage and the change of family economic condition are the important factors that influence the change of husband and wife relations. This reflects the differences within the merchant stratum and the inequality between the family members. The relationship between commercial sex workers is only a temporary supplement to the merchant's marriage in most cases.
The merchant woman in the Song Dynasty, as a "half day" in the family, is particularly important for the maintenance of family life. Merchant women usually bring "fame and wealth" into their husbands, or give financial support to their husband's family by grafting, or bring their family to their husband's family. After that, the family and the guard are the important responsibilities of the merchant's family life. The family is one of the characteristics of the housekeeping of the merchants in the Song Dynasty. The husband and wife are doing business together, helping the husband to do business is also the way for the merchant to take part in the family. The difficulty of keeping the family is not the merchant. The merchant not only bears the mental hardships, but also faces many family difficulties. The marriage and the marriage help, go out to find a husband, and become a few ways to get rid of the plight of life. It also reflects the lack of independent family members' ability to support their families, which is in sharp contrast to the business women who support their families.
The intergenerational change between the father and son of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty shows the fame and fortune of the merchant family from the perspective of family inheritance. The intergenerational changes are mainly reflected in two aspects of the household production flow and social identity change. The difference between the generation of generations and the inheritance of family style makes the merchant family go to the home and the two different development tracks of the family, and the authority of the father's generation. And guidance has a direct influence on intergenerational change, and the change of father business and son is the most important. The family economy fluctuates during the intergenerational interruption, and the merchant families often adopt marriage relatives to nurture young children, and the remedial form of raising children can not break the family's inheritance. The merchant families in the Song Dynasty also carry out the average production of the Zhuzi, and the authority of the fathers can not be completely blocked. The tendency of centrifugation in the segregation of family property.
The social contact of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty expanded, but the relationship with the neighbourhood of the relatives was more strong, and the deep economic cooperation between the families was rarely seen. The development of the commodity economy in the Song Dynasty was objectively beneficial to the family and bureaucracy of the merchants and the intercourse of the scholars, but the accumulation of family wealth did not bring about a fundamental change in its social status.
Chongxin, the ghost God of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty, embodies the many walks between the real world and the spiritual world. The spirit and God of the family, Chongxin, not only reflects the desire to make more profit through the supernatural force, but also reveals the helplessness of coping with the reality. The pressure of family external pressure has no obvious effect on the stability of marriage and family. Ghosts and goblins in Chongxin often become a way to repair marital relationship and resolve the conflict of extramarital affairs.
The business activities of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty and the many arrangements of daily life are directly related to their ideas. To seek a deeper understanding of the true ideas in the heart can be more deeply interpreted by the merchant family. Compared with the small peasant families in the Song Dynasty and the merchant families in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the special color of the merchant family in the Song Dynasty is embodied in three aspects, namely, "the official entry into the official official". The social value orientation, the family concept of "heavier home than business", and the life concept of "changing but more stable". The concept can not be separated from the soil of traditional culture. The deep-rooted traditional concept of official standard in ancient China, the strong concept of family and the consciousness of unconsciously returning to the small farmers are the keys to the interpretation of the characteristics of the family concept of the merchants of the Song Dynasty. From the perspective of Chinese traditional culture and its far-reaching influence, it may also provide a solution for the puzzle of "the development of China's ancient commodity economy has not been able to break through the old institutional framework".
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