
发布时间:2018-06-04 01:17

  本文选题:李绂 + 陆子学谱 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2003年博士论文

【摘要】: 明朝末叶,陆王学术盛极而衰,入清之后,王学“空谈误国”成为一时学者舆论的主流。尽管如此,陆王学术并没有成为绝学,依然按照其内在逻辑向前发展。康熙年间,王学大儒孙奇逢著《理学宗传》,黄宗羲著《明儒学案》,为王学争正统的目的显然已获实现。而由于黄宗羲《宋元学案》的未及完成,于是为陆学争正统的任务便历史地留给了陆王后学。 在清代陆王学术的发展中,李绂是其关键人物之一。李绂一生致力于陆王学术,,著有《陆子学谱》、《陆子年谱》、《朱子晚年全论》诸书,极力为陆学争正统。《陆子学谱》二十卷,用李绂的话来说,是他一生“最用力最得力者,生平一知半解,立身居官,悉本此书”。做为一部理学史著述,李绂以为陆九渊编纂学谱的形式,爬梳文献,考证辨析,历时五年而成书。全书以朱陆之争为其背景,阐明陆学宗旨,梳理陆学统绪,从而达到树立陆象山学术正统地位的目的。 李绂编纂《陆子学谱》,兼采朱子《近思录》和《伊洛渊源录》二书之体例,把言与行合而为一。李绂于开篇即阐明陆九渊为学取向,其后又叙列陆九渊家学、门人、弟子和私淑,从宋代一直序列到明代,上下几百年连绵不断。以此来表明:陆九渊不仅仅继承了孔盂之学,成为其当然传人,而且还把孔孟之学继续传衍下去,使之得以不绝。全书旨在说明,陆九渊不只是一个道统传人,而且是一个道统传承功臣,其功劳不可磨灭。 《陆子学谱》一书的撰述具有重要意义。其一,《陆子学谱》是陆九渊学术的总结性著述。就彰显陆王学术而言,较孙奇逢、黄宗羲二人更能凸显陆九渊学术体系和特点。可以说,李绂完成了孙奇逢、黄宗羲未竟之工作。其二,《陆子学谱》的编纂以详尽的文献资料为基础,继承清初的务实学风,为其后乾嘉汉学的崛起做了铺垫。其三,《陆子学谱》以黄宗羲《象山学案》稿为基础,充实增订,独立成编,在学案体史籍的演进过程中,发挥了承先启后的作用。 基于以上认识,本文采取学术史和社会史相结合的方法,试图通过对李绂学行与《陆子学谱》的董理,以期全面地了解和把握李绂学术思想的本来面目,进而对入清以后陆王学术的演进轨迹进行梳理。
[Abstract]:At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the academic prosperity of Lu Wang declined. After entering the Qing Dynasty, Wang Xue's "empty talk by mistake" became the mainstream of scholars' public opinion. In spite of this, Lu Wang's learning has not become an absolute study, and still develops in accordance with its internal logic. During the period of Kangxi, Sun Qi, a great scholar of Wang Xue, met the Biography of Confucianism, and Huang Zongxi wrote the case of Confucianism in Ming Dynasty, which obviously achieved the aim of fighting for orthodoxy by Wang Xue. Due to the incomplete completion of Huang Zongxi's case of Song and Yuan Dynasty, the task of fighting for orthodoxy in the field of land science was historically left to Queen Lu. Li Fu was one of the key figures in the academic development of Lu Wang in Qing Dynasty. Li Fu devoted his life to the academic work of Lu Wang, author of Lu Zi's Chronicles, and Zhu Zi's whole Theory in his later years. He tried his best to fight for orthodoxy in land science. "Lu Zi Chronicles" was, in Li Fu's words, "the most powerful person in his life." A little understanding of life, set up an official, know this book. As a work of the history of Neo-Confucianism, Li Fu thought that Lu Jiuyuan compiled the form of the academic spectrum, crawling through literature, textual research and analysis, it took five years to complete the book. The book takes Zhu Lu's contention as its background, clarifies the purpose of land science, combs the thread of Lu Xuezhong, and achieves the purpose of establishing Lu Xiangshan's academic orthodoxy. Li Fu compiles Lu Zi's Chronicles, and adopts the style of Zhu Zi's Book of recent thought and the Book of Yiluo's Origin, which combines words and deeds into one. At the beginning of the article, Li Fu clarified that Lu Jiuyuan was the orientation of learning, and then described the Lu Jiuyuan family, people, disciples and private Shu, from the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, up and down for hundreds of years. This shows that Lu Jiuyuan not only inherits the theory of the hole pan and becomes its natural descendant, but also continues to pass on the study of Confucius and Mencius, so that it can continue. The book aims to show that Lu Jiuyuan is not only a preacher, but also a meritorious person, whose merits are indelible. The compilation of Lu Zixue is of great significance. First, Lu Zixue is a summative work of Lu Jiuyuan. As far as Luwang is concerned, Huang Zongxi and Huang Zongxi can highlight the academic system and characteristics of Lu Jiuyuan more than Sun Qi. It can be said that Li Fu has completed the work of Sun Qi and Huang Zongxi. Secondly, the compilation of Lu Zixue is based on detailed literature and inherits the pragmatic style of study in the early Qing Dynasty, which paves the way for the rise of Sinology in Qianjia. Thirdly, Lu Zixue, based on Huang Zongxi's draft of Xiangshan case, is enriched and edited independently, which plays an important role in the evolution of historical books. Based on the above understanding, this paper adopts the method of combining academic history with social history, and attempts to understand and grasp the true nature of Li Fu's academic thought by means of Dong Li Fuxing and Lu Zixue. Then after entering the Qing Dynasty, the evolution of Luwang academic track was combed.


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