本文选题:贞观式 + 律令格式 ; 参考:《文史哲》2014年06期
[Abstract]:In 11 years, Taizong Taizong legislated on Zhenguan, What is issued is "Law", "order", "character", but does not include "Chastika style" and "Liushi GE". A group of historical materials typical of the Book of Criminal Law of the Old Tang Dynasty have occurred the errors of "one volume" and "< type > 33 articles" in the view of chastity. Because they are based on a mixed text of the National History. The two "chronicles of Criminal Law of the Tang Dynasty", "the Art of the New Tang Dynasty" and "the Ministry of Criminal Law of Yuan Tortoise of the Yuan Dynasty", and so on, together with the "Law", the "order" and the "style", issued the record of "style" together. Because its text is wrong and wrong Kaiyuan and Zhenguan times, it is absolutely impossible to establish. Because of this, the Tang Dynasty will only implement the "law", < order >, < order >, but not < style >, the "Tang Liu Dian" about the "imperial dynasty" < style > started from the Zhenguan and the "style" began in the description of the Emblem, it is even more accurate and worthy of credit. It is true that Zhenguan did not practice "style" in 11 years, but "style" is used to refer to the habits of certain norms and the examination and compilation of various kinds of imperial edict, there is a new trend. The formulation of "eternal emblem" and the "law", the birth of a parallel system of "order", "formality", "style", "style >," It is the result of this development.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;
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