
发布时间:2018-06-04 21:00

  本文选题:秦汉 + 农民 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:本篇论文主要论述的是秦汉农民的犯罪现象,,即通过对相关史料的整理,罗列出秦汉农民犯罪的表现形式,并总结这段时期各类农民犯罪的特点和影响。全文共分为五章: 第一章:谋反罪 本章叙述秦汉农民的武装谋反罪,但由于这类犯罪的研究已经非常全面和深入,论文只对其作些概括性的阐述。 第二章:盗罪 盗罪即侵犯财产关系罪,本章以秦汉农民的所盗之物和行盗方式为考察对象,来分析和探讨秦汉农民的盗窃活动。秦汉时期农民盗罪的主要类型可以分为窃盗、群(共)盗、强盗和诈取,盗取的物品多为农业生活生产资料,或是随葬品和皇家庙器。 第三章:贼罪 贼罪或称为伤害人身权利罪,文中秦汉农民的贼罪包括杀伤罪、诬告罪和劫略罪,其中杀伤罪是论文重点论述的内容。本章将结合有关的民间案件和国家法令,对秦汉农民杀伤罪的罪名和刑罚原则,以及当时社会上几种比较突出的类型案例作出详细的阐释。 第四章:破坏赋役制度罪 户籍是封建国家征派赋税徭役的主要依据,为反抗残酷的封建剥削和压迫,秦汉农民不断掀起破坏封建国家户籍管理和赋役制度的犯罪,本章的主要内容是论述秦汉农民破坏封建赋役制度罪的主要类型即脱籍逃亡、隐匿诈伪和逋事乏徭。 第五章:其它罪 本章论述秦汉农民破坏农业生产和滥用环境资源的犯罪行为,主要包括不田作和违时令两类。 结语: 结语部分将对秦汉农民犯罪的整体状况进行概括,同时比较先秦平民斗争和秦汉农民犯罪的差别,突出后者的时代特征。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the criminal phenomenon of the peasants in the Qin and Han dynasties, that is, through sorting out the relevant historical data, it lists the manifestations of the crimes committed by peasants in the Qin and Han dynasties, and summarizes the characteristics and effects of all kinds of crimes committed by peasants in this period. The full text is divided into five chapters: Chapter one: the Crime of conspiracy This chapter describes the armed insurrection crime of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties, but because the research of this kind of crime has been very comprehensive and thorough, the paper only makes some general exposition to it. Chapter II: theft The crime of theft is the crime of infringing upon property relations. This chapter analyzes and probes into the theft of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties by taking the stolen property and the way of theft of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties as the object of investigation. The main types of crime of theft of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties can be divided into theft, group theft, banditry and fraud, and the goods stolen were mostly agricultural means of production, or funerary objects and royal temple objects. Chapter III: the Crime of Thieves Crime of burglary or crime of harming the right of person, the crime of theft of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties includes the crime of killing and wounding, falsely accusing and robbing, among which the crime of killing and wounding is the main content of the thesis. This chapter will combine relevant folk cases and state decrees to explain in detail the crimes and principles of punishment of peasants in Qin and Han dynasties as well as several outstanding types of cases in the society at that time. Chapter IV: crime of undermining the system of servitude Household registration is the main basis for the feudal state to levy taxes and corvee. In order to resist the cruel feudal exploitation and oppression, the peasants of the Qin and Han dynasties incessantly set off the crime of destroying the feudal state household registration management and the system of taxation and servitude. The main content of this chapter is to discuss the main types of peasants' crime of destroying the feudal system of tax service, that is, the escape from nationality, the hiding of falsehood and the lack of keeping taxes. Chapter V: other crimes This chapter discusses the crime of destroying agricultural production and abusing environmental resources by peasants in Qin and Han dynasties. Conclusion: The conclusion part will generalize the whole situation of peasant crime in Qin and Han dynasties, at the same time, compare the difference between the civil struggle in pre-Qin Dynasty and peasant crime in Qin and Han dynasties, and highlight the characteristics of the latter era.


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