
发布时间:2018-06-17 00:15

  本文选题:嬴秦 + 礼俗 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:嬴秦族是我国境内历史上很重要的民族,秦国是我国古代很重要的诸侯国,秦代是我国历史上第一个统一的帝国。 嬴秦人以一个居于西垂之地的民族,在不被当时人们看好的情况下,凭借其强大的军事力量、不同于东方诸国的礼俗一统中国,随后又在短短的十五年内迅速灭亡,这一现象一直为历代政治家们讨论的话题。 梳理嬴秦的礼俗对于弥补和促进嬴秦历史和文化的研究,进而推动对整个中国历史的研究都是大有裨益的。 本文共有五章,分为绪论、嬴秦礼俗产生的条件和背景、嬴秦历史阶段的礼俗状况、嬴秦礼俗的特征、嬴秦礼俗和古代社会。 第一章主要叙述了本文的背景、意义,本课题的研究现状,本课题可以依靠的主要史料,本文研究的基本思路和基本方法。对于嬴秦历史和文化的研究自秦亡以后就开始了,历朝历代的政治家门都会对嬴秦的历史进行反思和回顾。当时真正把嬴秦历史放在学术视野中来研究应该是从上世纪初开始的,尤其是新中国成立后,唯物史观的应用和上世纪七十年代以秦陵和秦简的出土为标志的嬴秦考古学的兴起,为嬴秦史的研究提供了更为有利的条件,使嬴秦史的研究上了一个台阶。 由于对嬴秦历史和文化关注得较多,因此有关嬴秦的研究成果也是很丰富的,不过以往对嬴秦历史和文化的研究,尤其是对嬴秦礼俗的研究过于注重对具体事实的考证,而对于其载嬴秦历史过程中的变化,及由此对嬴秦的历史和社会产生的影响阐述不够,这也是本文的切入点。《日书》这一最能体现嬴秦礼俗的作品的出现也为我们研究嬴秦的礼俗提供也条件。 第二章通过嬴秦所处的社会人文环境、自然环境、生产特点来分析了嬴秦礼俗产生的条件。通过对嬴秦人所处的各种环境的分析,认为嬴秦是有着自身特色的民族,其所处的环境应该是很适合人们生产生活的,在这样的环境下,嬴秦人也取得了很大的成就。 第三章对嬴秦人在历史时期各个阶段的礼俗发展进行了动态的分析。本章首先认为嬴秦人是一个处在周文化西部的一个民族,生活生产习惯既不同于中原的礼乐文化,也不同于自己生活范围内的戎狄文化,而是有着自身特色的民族。 嬴秦礼俗的动态发展过程是随着嬴秦人的东向而逐渐接受中原文化,最后达到全面的华夏化的,同时自己的礼俗文化对东方诸国的人们的文化也有着影响。 第四章比较详细的分析了嬴秦礼俗的各种特征。本文认为嬴秦在丧葬、宗教祭祀、婚姻、宗法、秦俑和《日书》中所反映的嬴秦人的不同于中原礼乐文化的具有自身特点的礼俗文化。认为嬴秦人在丧葬时尚西,屈肢葬,这是和东方诸国最明显的标志。嬴秦人的殉葬方式、墓葬随葬品的组合和中原也是不一样的。在宗教崇拜上,嬴秦人和中原也不一样,崇尚的是多神教,对祖先神没有放在最主要的位置。祭祀时,有自己特殊的祭祀仪式—ud祭。嬴秦人的婚姻具有浓厚的实用性,但不是随心所欲的,有着很严格的规定。宗法关系上,没有中原的嫡长子继承,而是选贤与能,充分利用有能力的人。嬴秦尚武的礼俗在军礼和游艺上也有着明显的表现。 秦俑和秦简的《日书》本身就是最具有礼俗特征的载体,本文专门把他们列出来,通过对《日书》中的日常生活、生产、多神崇拜、出行的考察,分析了嬴秦特殊的礼俗特征。 第五章是本文的结语,认为自从秦统一中国,才是真正意义上的统一,在此之前的商周时期,尽管是“统一”的,但当时境内还是存在很多的群体的。 从秦亡后,西汉人们对嬴秦的思考中,看出嬴秦的所谓的暴政仅是秦亡的表面的原因,真正的原因或许就是在礼俗中,嬴秦在东向的过程中,充分吸收了东方诸国的礼俗,同时也把自己的礼俗施行与东方诸国,导致了东方诸国贵族的不满,所以才会在两汉之际出现一批研究风俗的著作。 同时对嬴秦礼俗的研究也使得我们对于古代中国中,区别于国家的“社会”的存在有了一个思考的平台。
[Abstract]:The Qin Dynasty is an important national in the history of our country , and the Qin Dynasty is the first unified empire in our country .

The phenomenon has been the subject of discussion among the politicians in the past fifteen years .

It is of great benefit to comb the custom of winning Qin to make up and promote the study of the history and culture of the Qin and Qin , and then promote the study of the whole history of China .

In this paper , five chapters are divided into three chapters : the introduction , the conditions and the background of the custom of the Qin Dynasty , the customs of the historical stage of the Qin Dynasty , the characteristics of the custom of the Qin and Qin , the custom of the Qin and the ancient society .

The first chapter mainly describes the background , significance , the present research situation of the subject , the main historical materials that the subject can rely on , the basic idea and basic method of this research .

Because of the more attention to the history and culture of the Qin Dynasty , the research on the history and culture of the Qin Dynasty is also very rich , but the previous research on the history and culture of the Qin Qin is too much attention to the examination of the specific facts , and it is also the entry point of this paper .

The second chapter analyzes the conditions of the folk customs of the Qin Qin by the social and cultural environment , the natural environment and the production characteristics of the Qin Dynasty . Through the analysis of the various environments in the Qin Dynasty , it is believed that the winner Qin is a nation with its own characteristics , and the environment in which it is located should be very suitable for people ' s production and life . In such an environment , the winner of the Qin Dynasty has achieved great achievement .

In the third chapter , the author makes a dynamic analysis of the development of the Qin - Qin people during each stage of the historical period . In this chapter , it is believed that the winner of Qin - Qin is a nation in the western culture of Zhou Dynasty . The living habits of the Qin - Qin people are not only different from the traditional music culture , but also different from Rongdi culture in the scope of their own life .

The process of the dynamic development of the custom of the Qin Dynasty is to gradually accept the Central Plains culture with the east of the winner of the Qin Dynasty , and finally reach the comprehensive Huaxia culture , while its own custom culture has an influence on the culture of the people in the Orient .

In the fourth chapter , the characteristics of the common customs of the Qin - Qin people are analyzed in detail . In this paper , it is believed that the Qin - Qin people are the most obvious sign of the Chinese traditional music culture in the funeral , religious sacrifice , marriage , clan law , Qin - cotta and other day books . In the worship of the Qin people , there is a special sacrifice ceremony - ud sacrifice .

Qin ' s tomb and Qin Jian ' s day book is the carrier of the most popular features . This article specifically lists them . Through the study of daily life , production , multi - god worship and travel , the special customs features of the Qin and Qin periods are analyzed .

The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper . It is believed that since the unification of Qin and China is the unification of true meaning , the Shang and Zhou dynasties , in spite of " unification " , still exist in China .

After Qin ' s death , the Western Han people have seen the so - called tyranny of the Qin Dynasty only as the reason of Qin ' s death . The real reason may be that during the course of the East China , the Qin Dynasty fully absorbed the customs of the Oriental kingdoms , and also put its own custom into the oriental countries , which led to the discontent of the noble lords of the Oriental kingdoms , so that a batch of works of study customs appeared on the occasion of the Han Dynasty .

At the same time , the study also makes us a platform for thinking about the existence of " society " in ancient China , which is different from the state .


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