本文选题:汉传佛教政策 + 满清诸帝与佛教 ; 参考:《浙江学刊》2013年01期
[Abstract]:There are many subjective misjudgments in academic circles about the religious tendency of Manchu emperors and the Buddhist policy of the Qing Dynasty: conjecture that Aisinjue Luo Xuanye conjectures the sage ancestor Aisin Chuehue Ye and abhors Buddhism, while Gaozong Aixinjue Luo Hongli is the emperor of "vanquishing Buddha"; It was asserted that the Manchu government's position on religion was that "all religions, including Buddhism and Taoism, except Confucianism are illegal" and even the law of Gaozong's Aisin Chueh-luo Hongli aimed at gradually eliminating the sand was not observed. The "dealing with monks" and "religious order scum" when asked about the Zen Buddha Association, and the Buddhist act of discriminating monks and nuns with a clean and original face, is interpreted as "in a way that does not cause social unrest as much as possible, and over time." The means of eliminating Buddhism are more sinister and poisonous than those of "three Wushu", and so on. Historiography takes seeking truth and truth as its purport and soul. It is not allowed to over-interpret and extrapolate by subjective will, and not to use personal likes and dislikes to make up hypotheses. This paper, based on the raw historical materials of pushing and aiding the schools, makes an effort to reproduce the evolution and intrinsic essence of the Han Buddhism policy in the Qing Dynasty, like the autumn pool night moon or the Qing Dynasty more Hu Jia.
【作者单位】: 浙江省社会科学院;
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