本文选题:唐代 + 吏部科目选 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2014年11期
[Abstract]:On the basis of the selection and judgment of the Civil Service of the Department of Civil Service, the equal subdivision gradually evolved into an independent subject, which was superior to the official, and was first found in Xiangheng in the first four years. Wu Zetian named trial, further standardized the equal subdivision, Kaiyuan 18 years of Bachelor's examination system of practice, established a, B, C, D grade system. Although the Equal subdivision is not as well-informed as the Macro ci Department, and the Diocesan Branch is of great importance, the number of students in the Department is higher than that of the former. Therefore, the number of subjects and the number of people who have solved the problem of Brown interpretation are even larger. On the whole, the level of income and the release of brown officials were higher than that of Jin Shi and Shi Guangguan, who had studied the subject. In the same way, because of the superiority of the number of people in this section, its influence on the transfer of the scholars also exceeded that of the erudite macro ci department and the branch of book judgment and extraction. The official after the examination was the combination of the number of people who had entered the university, the combination of his previous origin and the former official, and the combined factors of the former official and the former official. Generally, they were awarded the clear positions in the grassroots and middle level officials, and many of them were in the Qing Dynasty, which had a profound influence on the election system of the middle and late Tang Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学历史学院;
【基金】:2013年国家社会科学基金项目“唐代制举考试与社会变迁研究”(13B2S029) 北京市教育委员会2013年度社科计划资助重点项目“唐代童蒙教育研究”(SZ201310028014)前期的阶段性成果
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