本文选题:明清 + 江淮 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2004年博士论文
【摘要】:自然灾害是指自然力对人类社会造成的损害。明清时期江淮地区的自然灾害主要包括水、旱、蝗、潮、瘟疫、地震、大风、冰雹、雪灾和低温霜冻等。本文以灾害为切入点,试图对明清时期的自然灾害与江淮地区社会经济互动过程作一系统而深入地考察,,以冀对丰富历史研究内容以及今天江淮地区的社会经济发展和防灾减灾大有裨益。 全文以灾害的生成与人类的应对为主线,分置七章。第一章论述明清时期江淮地区的生态环境和人文环境。自然灾害的发生是自然这一外营力作用于人类社会的过程,是自然因素和社会因素共同作用的结果。一方面,江淮地区过渡性的地形、气候、水系是造成该地区多灾的重要自然地理因子。而南宋以来的黄河夺淮又扰乱了江淮地区的水系,从而增加了自然因子的孕灾机率。另一方面,明清时期江淮地区人地关系失调所造成的农业过度垦殖,废湖涸塘为田,伐林拓地垦荒,使得原本就比较脆弱的自然生态环境更趋恶化,这样又加大了成灾的强度和频度。南宋以降,屡遭灾害袭击的江淮地区社会经济长期处于停滞状态,至明清时期仍然处在“不发展”的农耕社会阶段,这种农耕社会环境虽然不是导致灾害发生的原因,但这种经济形态无疑加大了灾害的破坏力和破坏程度。而频繁的灾害和灾度的放大,反过来又大大降低它自身处理和化解灾害以迅速恢复生产的的能力。 第二章分灾种概述明清时期江淮地区的灾情。水灾为江淮诸灾种之首,主要有雨水之灾、山洪之灾、江河湖漫溢决口之灾、坍江之灾四种类型。旱灾是仅次于水灾的灾种。从时间分布上看,江淮地区水旱灾害多集中于春夏秋三季。从空间分布上看,旱灾发生的机率由江淮南部向北部逐渐加大,其中江淮丘陵地区旱灾比较严重。沿淮、沿江一带多堤防溃决之灾,江淮西部和中东部山地多山洪之灾,里下河地区多坝水之灾,长江三角洲北岸平原多坍江之灾。蝗灾和旱灾相关性很强,一般都是旱蝗相继。除了沿江洲地和湖区、江淮平原、滨海平原低洼之地是蝗虫的适生地以外,江淮的蝗灾多是飞蝗所为。江淮的潮灾有风暴潮、海水漫溢、涵水倒灌、江潮诸形式,以风暴潮、江潮成灾最重。瘟疫、地震、大风、冰雹、雪灾和低温霜冻虽然不是江淮地区的主要灾种,但灾害降临时都具有极强的破坏性。 第三章从生产力和社会秩序两个方面论述了灾害对江淮地区社会经济的强烈冲击。灾害往往造成人口的大量死亡和逃亡,从而使得灾地人口大量的缺失,对生产力产生极大的破坏。灾荒频仍还是江淮部分地区逃荒习俗形成的一个重要原因。 中文摘要 灾害还使灾地耕地严重缺损,耕作制度发生一定程度的逆转。灾害还导致江淮地区 社会矛盾激化,水利构讼纷纷,饥民抢米风潮不断,盗贼因灾而勃兴,江淮地域社 会时常处于动荡不安状态。 第四、五、六、七章从应灾的角度以灾前、灾中、灾后为线索,分别论述了江 淮地区民众的水利治灾、仓储备荒、抗灾救灾、攘饵减灾。第四章论述了江淮地区 的水利治灾工程建设。江淮地区河道整治主要是兴建江河堤防以防洪和开浚河道以 减水涨。江淮东部河道整治是重中之重,但由于治黄、治淮、治运以服从保护运道 和祖陵安全为目的,水利减灾实效大打折扣。江淮农田水利治灾成效显著,不但因 地制宜地发展出了多种水利形式,还兴修和维护了一批重大的农田防洪灌溉工程。 其中好田水利形式获得了大发展,取得了明显的减灾效益。 第五章论述了江淮地区的常平仓和义仓、社仓。江淮的备荒仓储建设尽管因投 入不足、管理不善、战乱破坏等因素而导致兴废不常,但总的来说还是在一定程度 上发挥了它的防灾救荒作用的。第六章论述了官民在灾中和灾后的抗灾救灾工作。 官府虽然仍然是江淮地区仓储建设、抗灾救灾的主导力量,但民间个人和社会组织 的防灾备荒、抗灾救灾作用也不可忽视,它是对官府仓储备荒、抗灾救灾工作不足 的一个有力补充。不过,由于社会经济发展水平高低的差异,江淮地区仓储备荒、 抗灾救灾工作中的官民格局也存在着地区差异。江淮南部和西部因社会经济发展水 平较高,民间社会力量发展得比较充分,民间个人和社会组织力量成为当地防灾救 灾的一支生力军。而江淮北部和东部滨海地区则因为社会经济发展水平相对较低, 民间社会力量参与防灾救灾的作用微乎其微。从中我们可以深切透视明清以来江淮 逃荒习俗、江北人下江南谋生业这种社会经济现象的更深层次的社会背景。 第七章从人文减灾角度分别论述了江淮地区的雨旱信仰、水利信仰、虫疫灾害 信仰。攘灾信仰不能简单地视之为迷信,实际上它是人们面对频繁灾害在精神层面 作出的一种应对,是人文减灾的重要内容。江淮雨早信仰、水利信仰类型的多样化 以及官民的普遍信奉,说明了江淮地区水早灾害的频繁和严重。与其它地区相比较, 蝗虫、瘟疫信仰也体现出了地域性特点。尽管江淮人们信奉的蝗神有多种,但主要 还是信奉传说在江淮驱蝗有功的刘铸,而非刘宰或者刘承忠。崇奉的瘟神也主要是 都天大帝,其原型就是唐代保障江淮有功的张巡。因其死得惨烈,死后由厉鬼而演 变为瘟神,所以在祭祀时间、祭祀仪式等方面与其它地区的瘟神崇拜相较都有很大 的不同
[Abstract]:Natural calamity refers to the damage caused by natural forces to human society. The natural disasters in the Jianghuai area in the Ming and Qing Dynasties mainly include water, drought, locusts, tide, plague, earthquake, wind, hail, snow disaster and low temperature frost. This article attempts to make a systematic and profound study of the natural disasters in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the social and economic interaction process in the Jianghuai area. It is of great benefit to enrich the contents of historical research and to promote social and economic development and disaster prevention and reduction in Jianghuai region today.
The full text is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter discusses the ecological environment and the humanistic environment in the Jianghuai region of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The occurrence of natural disasters is the process of the natural forces acting on human society, the result of the common use of natural factors and social factors. On the one hand, the transitional period in the Jianghuai Region The terrain, climate and water system are the important natural geographical factors that cause multiple disasters in this area, and the the Yellow River Huaihe River Basin since the Southern Song Dynasty has disrupted the water system in the Yangtze and Huaihe areas, thus increasing the natural factors of the disaster rate. On the other hand, the agricultural overland, the waste Lake dry pond is the field and the forest topology is reclaimed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the social economy of the Jianghuai region, which was attacked repeatedly by the Southern Song Dynasty, was stagnant for a long time, until the Ming and Qing Dynasties were still in the "non development" stage of farming society, which was not caused by the agricultural social environment. The cause of the disaster, but this economic form undoubtedly increases the destructive power and extent of the disaster. The frequent disasters and magnification of the disaster, in turn, greatly reduce its ability to deal with and dissolve disasters to quickly restore production.
The second chapter is an overview of the disasters in the Jianghuai region of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The flood disaster is the first of the Jianghuai various kinds of disasters. There are mainly rainwater, mountain flood, river and lake overflow, four types of flood disaster. The drought is the second only after the flood. In time distribution, the water and drought disasters in the Jianghuai area are concentrated in the spring, summer and autumn three seasons. As a result, the probability of drought is increasing from the southern part of the Huaihe River to the northern part of the Huaihe River, and the drought in the Huaihe and Huaihe hilly region is more severe. Except along the Jiangzhou and lake areas, the Jianghuai plain and the low-lying land of the coastal plain are the locust locust areas, and the plague of locusts in the Jianghuai area is most of the locusts. The tidal floods in the Huaihe Huaihe River have storm surge, the overflow of the sea water, the pouring of water, the flood tides, the heaviest flood tide, the plague, earthquake, wind, hail, snow disaster and low tide. Although frost is not the main disaster in Jianghuai area, disaster is very destructive.
The third chapter expounds the strong impact of disaster on the social economy in the Jianghuai region from the two aspects of the productive forces and social order. The disaster often causes a large number of deaths and escapes of the population, which makes the population of the disaster a large number of missing and greatly destroyed the productive forces. The frequent famine is still an important part of the formation of the famine relief custom in some areas of the Yangtze and Huaihe Huaihe regions Reason.
Chinese abstract
The disaster also caused serious shortage of cultivated land and a certain degree of reversal of the farming system.
Social contradictions are intensifying, water conservancy litigation is in succession, hunger victims rush to catch rice, and thieves thrive because of disasters.
It will always be in a state of turmoil.
In the fourth, fifth, six and seven chapters, from the point of view of disaster, we discuss the river before disaster, disaster and post disaster.
In the fourth part, the Jianghuai region is discussed.
The river regulation in Jianghuai area is mainly to build river dykes for flood control and dredging.
River regulation in the eastern part of the Yangtze Huaihe River is the most important. However, because of harnessing the Yellow River, harnessing the Huai River and controlling the traffic, it follows the protection route.
For the purpose of ensuring the safety of the ancestral tomb, the effectiveness of water conservancy and disaster reduction has been greatly reduced.
Various forms of water conservancy have been developed, and a large number of major farmland flood control irrigation projects have been built and maintained.
Among them, the form of good farmland water conservancy has been greatly developed, and obvious benefits of disaster reduction have been achieved.
The fifth chapter discusses the Changping warehouse and Yicang, the social warehouse in Jianghuai area.
Inadequacy, mismanagement, and destruction of war and other factors result in frequent disappearance, but in general, it is still in a certain degree.
It has played its role in disaster prevention and famine relief. The sixth chapter discusses the disaster relief work of the government and the people after and after the disaster.
Although the government is still the leading force in the construction of the Yangtze and Huaihe region, it is the leading force in disaster relief.
The disaster preparedness and famine can not be ignored. It is against the shortage of official storage and disaster relief work.
However, due to the difference of social and economic development level, the storage area in Jianghuai area is short of famine.
There are regional differences in the pattern of official and civilian in disaster relief work.
At a relatively high level, the forces of civil society have developed fairly well, and the power of private individuals and social organizations has become the local disaster prevention and rescue.
The northern and eastern coastal areas of Jianghuai are relatively low in social and economic development.
The role of civil society forces in disaster prevention and relief is negligible. From this perspective, we can have a deep look at the Jianghuai area since the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
The custom of escape from the lower reaches of Jiangnan is the deeper social background of this social and economic phenomenon.
The seventh chapter discusses the belief of rain and drought, the belief of water conservancy and the pest and pest disaster in Jianghuai region from the point of view of human disaster reduction.
Belief in disaster can not be simply regarded as superstition. In fact, it is that people face frequent disasters at the spiritual level.
A response is an important part of human disaster reduction.
As well as the general belief of the government and the people, it explains the frequent and serious water and morning disasters in Jianghuai area.
Locust and plague belief also have regional characteristics. Although there are many locusts in Jianghuai, they are mainly
Or believe in the legend of Liu Zhu, who is active in Jianghuai, but not Liu Zai or Liu Chengzhong.
The archetype of the God of heaven was built by the Tang Dynasty to protect the Jianghuai meritorious service.
It becomes a god of plague, so there is a great deal of respect for the worship of gods in other places.
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