发布时间:2018-06-26 08:29
本文选题:明代 + 内阁制 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:明代内阁是一个不断演变的政治组织,它肇建于永乐年间,以正统七年翰林院迁出文渊阁为正式形成标志。明代内阁制则是以明代内阁政治为基础的政治制度,它拥有一套系统而完整的政治设施作为保障。内阁过渡为永久性的政治机构、票拟制与首辅制确立是其形成的三大界标。 明代内阁制的缘起可追溯至相权与君权的斗争过程。两汉以降,相权的弱化与君权的强化是一个总体的历史趋势。朱元璋称帝后,以胡惟庸案为契机,,废除了沿革一千多年的宰相制度,并试图以四辅官和殿阁大学士取代消失的宰相。这种政治改革虽因其先天的政治发育不良而流产,但它却在某种程度上为后世内阁的创立埋下了伏笔。 明代内阁制发端于永乐朝的内阁肇建。靖难之役后,朱棣出于建立亲己的官僚集团目的,启用了一些职位低微的翰林学士组成内阁。内阁肇建时隶属于文渊阁,阁臣入直亦称为“入直文渊阁”。内阁预机务是高度机密的,因而作为内阁的办事场所设在奉天门中东侧东角门内,它与奉天门内的文渊阁有一定的距离。迁都北京后,明成祖仿南京旧制亦设文渊阁与内阁,后世陆续有损益,直至崇祯时毁于兵燹。正统七年,翰林院新署落成,文渊阁遂成为内阁专有官署,内阁由临时性政治机构过渡为永久性的政治设施。永乐时七名阁臣入直预机务,兼有顾问与秘书的双重职能,他们的主要任务是入阁治事与扈从行营,他们的荣辱进退,取决于朱棣对他们的政治能力、道德品质及私人情感的认同程度,这最终造成了七人霄壤之别的政治际遇。 明代内阁制定型于票拟制与首辅制的确立。票拟分为视草与批答两种情况,前者指草拟皇帝的敕旨诏令,形成于洪熙年间:后者是对地方及中央奏启提出批阅意见,正式确立于正统年间。票拟使得内阁权力获得大幅度的提升,是内阁制最终形成的一个重要的分水岭。首辅制确立于嘉靖年间,是时,严重的内忧外患要求明中央政府提高办事效率,为迅速决策,内阁中就必须形成主次之分。张璁、夏言、严嵩、徐阶、高拱、张居正等人当任时,巩固并加强了首辅的地位。首辅权重,成为大臣倾轧对象。首辅制使得内阁等级为之一肃,明代内阁制也得以完全形成。 总体而言,明代内阁属于次君权力集团,这是因为作为决策层的内阁,在权力上高于作为执行层的部院;其次,在皇权控制的决策系统中,内阁仰附于司礼监的时间较少;还有,由于机构的惯性力量与阁臣的人格魅力,内阁在决策过程中常常处于主导地位。在具体的权力变化进程中,内阁经历了论思备顾问、行宰相部分职能及行宰相职权的三个阶段。内阁的宰相化始终没有得到君权法定的首肯,内阁处于一种有相职相责、无相名相权的尴尬境地,它以无权之官,强作有权之事,迫受过望之责,这就是明代内阁最终以悲剧收场的主要原因。
[Abstract]:The cabinet of the Ming Dynasty is an evolving political organization , which has been established in Yongle years . It is a political system based on the Ming Dynasty ' s cabinet politics . It has a set of system and complete political facilities as the guarantee . The Cabinet is a permanent political institution , and the system of drafting and the first auxiliary system is established as the three landmarks formed by it .
The reason of the cabinet system in Ming Dynasty can be traced back to the process of the struggle between the right and the monarch . The weakening of the right and the strengthening of the monarch are an overall historical trend .
In the Ming Dynasty , the cabinet was established by the cabinet of Yongle . After Jing ' s service , Zhu Di , for the purpose of setting up his own bureaucratic group , has set up a cabinet with low - micro Hanlin . After moving to Beijing , the cabinet is established in the eastern corner of the cabinet . The cabinet is composed of temporary political institutions . It is a permanent political facility . The main task is to enter the government and the public . Their honor and disgrace are dependent on the political power , moral character and the degree of identity of the private feelings .
In the period of Jiajing , the former refers to the imperial decree of the emperor , which is formed in the reign of Hongxi . The latter is an important watershed in the final formation of the cabinet . The first auxiliary system is established in Jiajing period .
In general , the Cabinet of Ministers of the Ming Dynasty belongs to the sub - monarch power group , because as the cabinet of the decision - making layer , it is higher in power than that of the executive layer ;
Secondly , in the decision - making system under the control of imperial power , the time of the cabinet to be attached to the supervisor is relatively few ;
Moreover , because of the inertia force of the organization and the personality charm of the Cabinet , the cabinet is often dominant in the decision - making process . In the course of the concrete power change , the Cabinet has experienced three stages of thinking and preparation , the functions of the prime minister and the power of the prime minister .
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1 张思;张居正赋税改革思想及其法律实践[D];黑龙江大学;2011年
2 张玉月;杨士奇与明前期政局[D];东北师范大学;2011年