
发布时间:2018-06-26 08:51

  本文选题:清代 + 东北地区 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:东北地区,气候多样,林木茂密,草原广袤,资源丰饶,是清初我国生态环境较好的地区之一。有清一代,虽然政府对东北边疆管理政策不断调整,但内地人民进入东北的步伐并没有被遏止。无论是政府公开经营,还是流民私自开发,他们对东北地区各种资源的开发,均导致了生态环境的变化。本文在利用档案、实录、方志及考察笔记等资料的基础上,以“自然生态-自然灾害-政府管理-民众开发”四个相关层面的研究视角,对清代东北地区生态环境变迁分阶段进行研究。 清军入关前,为了斗争和发展需要,清政府不断把东北人口向辽河东岸地区集中。虽然促进了当地经济发展,但也使得人口迁出地的人口更加稀少,生态环境更加原始。随着清军入关,东北人口大量内迁,人烟较为稠密的辽河东岸地区也变成了地旷人稀的榛莽荒原。为充实根本之地,顺治十年(1658年),清政府颁布“辽东招垦令”,积极招徕内地人口移居东北,初步改变了东北南部地区的荒凉。 康熙、雍正年间,清政府一方面沿袭顺治朝的招垦政策,继续鼓励内地人民迁居东北;另一方面把大量流人发配东北,戍边开发。大量民人和流人的进入,促进当地农业开发和城镇繁荣,也进一步改变了当地生态环境。为强化管理,清政府在东北修筑了柳条边,设立了围场和牧场,划定了若干禁区,其目的虽是为了满足皇室和政府的特殊需要,但也规范了普通民众的开发范围,并在一定程度上保护了禁区内的生态资源和自然环境。同时,清政府还设立盛京内务府、打牲乌拉总管衙门和布特哈衙门等特殊机构,以官方形式采挖人参,捕捉貂鼠等珍稀生物资源;设立伐木山场制度,官方采伐山林。这些政府行为也深刻影响了东北地区生态环境。另外,该时期东北的自然灾害相对较少,地点也主要集中在辽河西岸地区。清政府采取一系列措施积极应对,在一定程度上缓解了自然灾害对当地人文环境的破坏。 从乾隆五年(1740年)至道光三十年(1850年),清政府为了维护皇室和旗人利益,颁布了封禁令,限制内地人民前往东北。于此同时,清政府陆续把京师的旗人向东北迁移,垦荒僻壤,与流民争夺资源。不仅如此,清政府还不断加强对盛京内务府等特殊机构的管理,加大对东北珍稀动植物资源的开发力度;强化对东北各地木税局的管理,增加对森林资源的开发强度。虽偶有政府允民出关的行为,但在总体上清政府还是施行封禁措施。为满足生存和发展需要,大量内地民众不断冲破政府的封禁,潜入封禁区域,从事私垦、私采、私伐和偷猎等经济活动。政府行为和流民活动的增强,对东北生态环境造成很大影响,森林面积退缩,野生动植物锐减。随着生态环境的退化,东北地区自然灾害也不断加剧,受灾范围逐渐扩大。为应对灾害,政府主导,社会协同,多措并举,大大减轻了自然灾害造成的人员伤亡和社会经济破坏。 降至晚清,清政府逐渐弛禁,开始局部放垦,招徕民人垦殖,东北开发进入新阶段。人口的增加,城镇的繁荣,农田的扩展,资源消耗的加剧,导致东北生态环境失衡加重。近代以来,俄国、日本等列强不仅侵占了我国东北的大片领土,更是大肆掠夺资源,严重破坏了生态环境。 光绪二十一年(1895年),为挽救统治和实民固边,清政府最终解除了对东北的封禁,鼓励内地人民移居东北,施行全面放垦,在对经济发展有促进的同时,对生态环境的影响也逐渐加大。另外,朝鲜人也大量进入东北定居,开荒种地,开发东北资源,影响了当地生态环境。经过二百余年的开发,清末的东北生态环境已经发生巨大变化,珍稀资源锐减,草原沙漠化加剧,水土流失严重,河流淤塞,航运受阻,自然灾害发生频率加快,鼠疫等大型灾疫的爆发,更是严重危害了东北社会经济发展。 总之,清代东北地区生态环境变迁的内容主要体现为生态资源的大量消耗和自然地貌的改变。其变迁在很大程度上受到清政府的管理政策、人口流动与分布、资源开发方式、自然灾害等因素的影响,并贯穿于清代东北地区生态环境演变的始终。近代以降,随着外国列强侵略加深,东北地区生态环境的退化加剧,从而构成近代东北地区生态环境演变的新特点。
[Abstract]:In the north - east area , the climate is diverse , the forest is dense , the grassland is vast , the resources are abundant , it is one of the areas in which the ecological environment is better in the early Qing Dynasty . In spite of the government ' s open operation and the development of the Northeast frontier management policy , the development of various resources in Northeast China has led to the change of the ecological environment .

In order to fight and develop the Qing army , the Qing government keeps the northeast population concentrated in the east coast of Liaohe River . Although it has promoted the local economic development , the population moved out of the land is more scarce and the ecological environment is more primitive .

During the reign of Emperor Kang Xi and Yongzheng , the Qing government , on the one hand , inherited the land reclamation policy of the DPRK , and continued to encourage the people of the mainland to move to the northeast ;
In order to meet the special needs of the royal family and the government , the Qing government has set up a number of forbidden zones in order to meet the special needs of the royal family and the government .
In addition , the natural disasters in the northeast of the period are relatively few and the locations are mainly concentrated in the West Bank of Liaohe River .

The Qing government has issued a ban on the protection of the interests of the royal family and the flag , the Qing government issued a ban on the protection of the interests of the royal family and the flag , and imposed a ban on the mainland ' s people to go to the northeast . At the same time , the Qing government moved the flag of the capital to the northeast , reclaimed wasteland and fought for resources with the people .
In order to meet the needs of survival and development , a large number of people in the mainland continue to break down the government ' s ban on the ecological environment , the forest area is shrinking , and the wild animals and plants are reduced . With the deterioration of the ecological environment , the natural disasters in the Northeast region have been intensified .

In the late Qing Dynasty , the Qing government gradually relaxed , began local reclamation , recruited the people to cultivate , and the northeast developed into the new stage . The increase of the population , the prosperity of the towns , the expansion of the farmland and the intensification of the resource consumption caused the imbalance of the northeast ecological environment . Since the modern times , the Russian and Japanese powers have not only invaded the large tracts of the northeast of our country , but also plundered the resources and seriously damaged the ecological environment .

After more than two hundred years of development , the north - east ecological environment of the Qing Dynasty has changed greatly , and the natural environment has been affected by the development of more than two hundred years , the grassland desertification is intensified , the soil erosion is serious , the river siltation , the navigation is blocked , the frequency of natural disasters is accelerated , and the plague is caused by the outbreak of the large - scale plague , and the economic development of the northeast society is seriously jeopardized .

In short , the content of eco - environmental changes in the northeast of Qing Dynasty is mainly embodied as the great consumption of ecological resources and the change of natural landscape . The changes of ecological environment in the northeast of Qing Dynasty are influenced by factors such as government ' s management policy , population flow and distribution , resource development mode , natural disaster and so on .


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