
发布时间:2018-07-03 13:53

  本文选题:唐代 + 粮食 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:粮食作为国计民生的最基本物资,在唐帝国的盛衰荣辱中扮演了重要角色。粮食问题处理得好,即国泰民安、军力强盛、四夷宾服;粮食问题处理不好,就会经济衰退、军心不稳、民心思变。唐代粮食问题,包括粮政思想、粮食生产、流通、分配、消费及粮食政策的具体运用等。粮政思想作为观念上层建筑,对粮食政策制定有决定性影响;而粮食政策又直接影响着粮食生产、流通等状况。正由于粮食在国计民生中的特殊地位,使得研究粮食问题可以作为了解唐代历史的很好切入点。文章共分五个部分: 第一部分,唐代粮政思想。唐代人,特别是居于高位的皇帝和大臣,既继承了前人重视粮食的基本观点,又有所发展。作为王朝政策的制定者和执行者,其粮政思想能较好地转化为实际生产力。因此,了解其粮政思想对我们认识唐代经济制度和政策有重要意义。他们都认识到粮食对于国计民生的重要性,认识到:粮食乃民生之本源,粮价乃百价之根基,粮政乃治国之要举。粮食不仅是人类赖以生存的最基本生活资料,还是国家重要的战略物资、宏观调控物资和应急储备物资,粮食安全关系着国家安全。因此,国家政权必须采取种种措施来恢复、发展粮食生产、保征人民和国家粮食储备,并对粮食价格和粮食流通予以控制。很明显,唐代前期,多数皇帝与大臣在思想上重视生产、爱惜民生,故而在政策上也体现为均田制、租庸调制、仓廪制度等——强调的是如何发展与保障;而到唐后期,因为均田制瓦解,政府在粮食生产上作用减弱,很多皇帝、大臣更多致力于思考如何横征暴敛、鱼肉百姓,故而在政策上也体现为两税法、贡赋三分、义仓赋税化等——强调的是如何聚敛与分配。这种经济思想上的差异,影响到国家政策,进而影响到国运盛衰,不能不引起重视。 第二部分,唐代粮食生产。在经济运行中,国家政府并不总是站在百姓对立面。当它能够正确行使权力,既能为粮食生产提供制度保障,又能通过组织生产、兴修水利、改良技术、指导田间管理等方式推动生产发展。在专制权力高度集中的古代社会,一个国家、一个地方粮食生产能否发展、百姓生活是否安乐,实在与皇帝、地方长官的个人才能、品质及施政方略有密切而直接的关系。正因如此,中国百姓有很深的“明君”和“清官”情结。总体而言,唐代前期粮食生产得到很好发展:均田制较好解决了劳动力与土地结合问题,租庸调制为百姓生产提供了进一步制度保障;耕地面积扩大、人口数量增加,各地粮食单产、总产量提高,为唐帝国走向兴盛奠定了坚实的物质基础。唐代后期,南北方粮食生产均遭不同程度破坏,但因为战乱、割据的中心在北方,南方经济得到较快发展。再加上北方割据势力强大,政府对江淮钱粮的依赖大为加强。但从人口迁移角度看,粮食生产重心转移并不明显,只能说南方也成为了重要粮食产区。在南北粮食生产发展中,许多荒地、山林、湖泊池陂得到迅速开发,在缓解了人地矛盾的同时,对局部生态环境也有所破坏,产生了些不良后果。 第三部分,唐代粮食流通。唐代粮食流通主要包括三部分内容:粮食储藏、粮食运输、粮食贸易。其一,唐王朝为满足国家机器粮食需求,建立了一整套完备的仓廪系统。其仓建造科学、布局合理、管理严格。各仓职能相对独立又相互交叉,是联系生产与消费的纽带,对调节市场粮食供求、保障国家粮食需要有重要意义。其二,在粮食运输方面,一方面是唐律令对各水、陆运输有细致而明确的规定;另方面是出现了一批批致力于改良运道、保障供给的官吏,其中既有改良得法、卓有成效的裴耀卿、刘晏等,也有不顾实际、劳民伤财的杨务廉等。从粮食运输的程序看,是先集中再转运;从粮食运输的人员看,既有百姓自运也有专业雇佣人员;从粮食运输时间看,是严格期限与灵活规定相结合;从粮食运输的方式看,是既有陆路也有水路,漕运具有举足轻重的地位;从粮食运输的距离看,是既有短途运输也有长距离运输。粮食运输顺利与否,与唐王朝盛衰密切相关。其三,在粮食贸易方面,官方粮食贸易占有重要位置,民间粮食贸易也很活跃。唐政府对粮食贸易虽然采取较为自由的管理政策,但最大宗的粮食贸易都掌握在政府手里。政府粮食贸易的方式,也经历了主要由官府直接经营到更多假手中间商的演变。唐代民间粮食贸易发展迅速,不但参与人数众多,经营理念也很丰富,他们倡导诚信交易,并懂得使用广告招揽。政府粮食贸易行为在保障军粮供应、平抑粮价、维护市场秩序方面,发挥了重要作用;民间粮食贸易行为在活跃市场、满足百姓生活所需方面,也功不可没。然而,由于农民市场经济行为具有不完全之特点,结果就造成了中国古代社会,虽然有时看上去商品经济非常繁荣,但更像是一种假象;虽然有时候参与市场活动的人数众多,但又缺乏商品经济全面发展所依赖的广大社会基础。也因此,古代商品经济难以发展成一种独立的、强大的经济形式,也就不能产生出足以改变社会发展方向的新生政治、经济力量,中国古代社会也只能在一次次看似要“蜕变”的时候,却又依然宿命般地“停滞”不前了。 第四部分,唐代粮食分配与消费。唐代官府手里的粮食分配,主要指供应皇室、百官俸禄、厨食、赈灾用粮及供应军队用粮等。消费方面,则先简要介绍唐代粮食加工的有关情况。唐代面粉加工业发展迅速,官方和私人碾xY遍及全国各地。另外,面食加工、酿酒等方面,唐代也有很大发展。在粮食消费方面,皇室、官吏和军队的消费无疑占有重要地位。为了更直观地比较官民粮食消费水平、了解唐代农民生活状况,对唐代官民收入及其生活水平进行了粗略计算。结论是,唐代鼎盛时期,百姓生活状态基本良好;安史之乱后,则总体限于贫困。农民作为一个整体受到国家高度重视,但作为个体,其生活却非常艰难。 第五部分,唐代粮食政策的具体运用及其得失。唐政府充分利用粮食手段来治国安邦,主要表现有四:利用粮食敛散实现宏观调控;通过赈济灾荒维持社会稳定;作为税收补充支持国家财政;作为战略物资保障国家安全。唐代粮食政策与管理体现出这样的特点:一、在政策上,将粮食安全与国家安全放在一起考虑。二、在管理上,对粮食控制非常严格。三、在运用上,将粮食运作当成治理国家的一种手段。但唐代粮食政策本身及其执行中也存在种种问题,如政府为保障粮食生产限制农民人身自由、采取重农抑商政策,严重抑制了商品经济发展,从而更不得不依赖农民,从政策上构成了农民贫困的根源;严格控制粮价导致农民根本无法从市场行为中受益,只能承受“谷贱伤农”、谷贵亦伤农的悲惨宿命;粮食赈济则有时“虚受吾君蠲免恩”,有时还遭遇地方官变本加厉的压榨。但无论如何,研究唐代粮食问题,可以使我们从中得到借鉴:既要如唐王朝一样对粮食问题引起足够的、持久的重视,又要注意借鉴其经验教训,健全法规制度,还应该与时俱进向发达国家学习,加大对粮食生产的补贴力度,维护国家粮食安全。
[Abstract]:Grain, as the most basic material for the national economy and the people's livelihood, plays an important role in the decline and disgrace of the Tang Empire. The food problem is handled well, that is, the state Tai and the people, the strength of the army, the four barbarians, and the grain problem, the economic decline, the instability of the army and the change of the people's hearts. The grain problems in the Tang Dynasty, including grain and political ideas, grain production, circulation, distribution, are the problems of grain. As the superstructure of concept, grain policy has a decisive influence on the formulation of grain policy, and the grain policy has a direct influence on grain production and circulation. Because of the special status of grain in the national economy and the people's livelihood, the study of grain can be a good way to understand the history of the Tang Dynasty. The article is divided into five parts:
The first part, the Tang Dynasty thought of grain administration. The Tang Dynasty people, especially the emperor and the minister in the high position, not only inherited the basic views of the grain, but also developed it. As the policymaker and executor of the dynasty policy, the grain and government thought could be transformed into the actual productive forces. Therefore, it was understood that the thought of grain administration thought to us the economic system of the Tang Dynasty. They all realize the importance of grain to the national economy and the people's livelihood. They realize that grain is the root of the people's livelihood, the basis of the price of grain is the basis of the price of grain, the food and government is the key to govern the country. Grain is not only the most basic living material for human existence, but also the important strategic material of the state, the macro regulation and control materials and the emergency reserve. As a result, food security is related to national security. Therefore, the state power must take various measures to restore, develop grain production, protect the people and national grain reserves, and control grain prices and grain circulation. It is obvious that in the early Tang Dynasty, most emperors and ministers thought about producing and cherishing the livelihood of the people. For the equal field system, renting the mediocre modulation, granary system and so on, it emphasizes how to develop and ensure the development and guarantee. In the late Tang Dynasty, because of the disintegration of the uniform system, the government's role in the grain production weakened, many emperors and ministers were more committed to thinking about how to collect the people, so that the two tax law was also embodied in the policy, the tribute Fu was three, and the granary was taxed. And so on -- emphasis is on how to amass and distribute. This kind of economic ideological difference affects national policies, and then affects the ups and downs of national movements.
The second part, the grain production in the Tang Dynasty. In economic operation, the state government does not always stand on the opposite side of the common people. When it is able to exercise power correctly, it can provide system guarantee for grain production, and can promote production and development by organizing production, building water conservancy, improving technology, guiding field management and so on. In a country, a country, a local grain production can develop, and the people's life is happy or not, it has a close and direct relationship with the emperor, the local chief's personal talent, the quality and the administration strategy. For this reason, the Chinese people have a deep "Ming Jun" and "clear official" complex. In general, the grain production in the early Tang Dynasty was very good. Development: the equal field system better solved the problem of the combination of labor and land, and the renting mediocre modulation provided a further system guarantee for the people's production; the cultivated land area expanded, the population increased, the grain production and total output increased, which laid a solid material base for the prosperity of the Tang Empire. In the late Tang Dynasty, the grain production in the South and the North was different. Degree destruction, but because of the war, the center of the separatist is in the north, the south economy has developed rapidly. In addition, with the powerful North separatist forces, the government's dependence on Jianghuai money and grain is greatly strengthened. But from the point of view of population migration, the shift of grain production center of gravity is not obvious, only the South has become an important grain producing area. During the exhibition, many wasteland, mountain forest and lake pond have been developed rapidly. At the same time, the contradiction between people and land is relieved and the local ecological environment has also been destroyed, and some adverse consequences have been produced.
The third part, the circulation of grain in the Tang Dynasty. The circulation of grain in the Tang Dynasty mainly includes three parts: grain storage, grain transportation and grain trade. First, the Tang Dynasty established a complete set of granary system to meet the grain demand of the state machine. The link between production and consumption is of great significance to regulating the supply and demand of the market and ensuring the national grain needs. In the field of grain transportation, on the one hand, the Tang and decrees have detailed and clear regulations on all water and land transport; on the other hand, there are a batch of officials who are committed to improving the transportation and ensuring supply. The fruitful Pei Yaoqing, Liu Yan and so on, but also have no regard to the actual situation, the people and the people are cheap, and so on. From the grain transport procedure, it is first to concentrate and then transshipment; from the view of grain transport personnel, both the people and the professional employees; from the time of grain transportation, it is the combination of the strict period and the flexible provisions; the way of transportation from grain. See, there are both land and water, water transport has a pivotal position. From the distance of grain transportation, it has both short and long distance transportation. The smooth grain transportation is closely related to the prosperity and decline of the Tang Dynasty. Thirdly, in the grain trade, the official grain trade occupies an important position and the folk grain trade is very active. Although the government has taken a more free management policy on the grain trade, the most bulk of the grain trade is in the hands of the government. The way of the government's grain trade has also experienced the evolution of the main merchants, which are mainly operated from government officials to more fake intermediaries. The folk grain trade in the Tang Dynasty has developed rapidly, not only in the large number of people, but also in the rich business philosophy. They have played an important role in guaranteeing the supply of grain, reducing the price of grain, and maintaining the order of the market. The behavior of the folk grain trade in the active market and to meet the needs of the people's lives, however, can not be ignored. However, the economic behavior of the farmer's market is not complete. As a result, the result has resulted in the ancient Chinese society. Although it sometimes appears that the commodity economy is very prosperous, it is more like an illusion. Although there are a large number of people involved in the market activities, there is a lack of social foundation for the overall development of commodity economy. The powerful economic form can not produce new politics and economic power that can change the direction of social development, and the ancient Chinese society can only be "stagnant", but still like "stagnation".
The fourth part, the distribution and consumption of grain in the Tang Dynasty. The distribution of grain in the hands of the government of the Tang Dynasty mainly refers to the supply of royalty, the salary of a hundred officials, the food and food, the food for disaster relief and the supply of grain for the army. In the consumption aspect, the food processing in the Tang Dynasty is briefly introduced. The Tang Dynasty flour processing industry has been developed rapidly, and the official and private xY spread throughout the country. In addition, In the aspects of pasta processing and wine making, the Tang Dynasty also developed greatly. In terms of food consumption, the consumption of the royal family, officials and the army undoubtedly played an important role. In order to compare the food consumption level of the officials and the people, understand the living conditions of the peasants in the Tang Dynasty and make a rough calculation of the income and the living level of the Tang Dynasty, the conclusion is that the Tang Dynasty was at its peak. The living state of the common people is basically good; after the turmoil of the history of Anshi, it is generally limited to poverty. As a whole, the peasants are highly valued by the state, but as individuals, their lives are very difficult.
The fifth part, the specific use of the Tang Dynasty grain policy and its gains and losses. The Tang government made full use of grain means to govern the state. The main performance of the Tang government is four: the use of grain convergence to achieve macro regulation and control; through relief famine to maintain social stability; as a tax supplement to support the state finance; for strategic materials to safeguard national security. The Tang Dynasty grain administration. Policy and management reflect such characteristics: first, in policy, the food security and national security should be considered together. Two, in the management, the grain control is very strict. Three, in the use of grain operation as a means to govern the country. But there are also various problems in the grain policy and its implementation in the Tang Dynasty, such as the government as a guarantee. Grain production restricts the personal freedom of farmers and adopts the policy of heavy farming and restraining commerce, which seriously inhibits the development of commodity economy, and thus has to rely on farmers and form the root of farmers' poverty from the policy. In any case, the study of the grain problem in the Tang Dynasty can be used for reference, as the Tang Dynasty, like the Tang Dynasty, should not only cause enough and lasting review of the grain problem, but also draw attention to its experience and lessons, and improve the regulation of the law. We should keep pace with the times, learn from developed countries, increase subsidies for food production, and safeguard national food security.


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