
发布时间:2018-07-15 15:06
【摘要】: 本文在回顾唐以前《孝经》研究状况的基础上,从文献学角度,主要是通过相关文献的比较以及对解经方式的分析,对《孝经注疏》(唐玄宗注,元行冲、邢呙疏)这一《孝经》研究史上最重要作品的内容,从经文、注、疏三方面做了考察,以求有助于对该书的更深入认识。 第一章主要介绍了唐以前《孝经》的成书、流传和研究状况以及《孝经注疏》的成书。在《孝经注疏》出现以前,《孝经》研究逐渐由汉代的起步阶段发展到了南北朝时代注本纷呈的繁荣局面。这种繁荣为随后《孝经》经义的统一提供了充分和必要的前提。在统一的政治形势下,唐玄宗为了以孝道教化天下人心,领导并亲自主持了对《孝经》细致、认真的整理、注释工作。 第二章着重考察了唐玄宗对《孝经》经文的正定情况。通过将《群书治要》、《经典释文》、敦煌《孝经》写本中所录玄宗以前《孝经》文本面貌与玄宗天宝重注本中经文做对比,可以看到:玄宗正定经文与通常学者校定古籍的作法不同。他的目的是普及统一的孝道精神,而不是单纯为了恢复经文原貌。因此,玄宗正定经文的首要标准就是切合现实的文字使用状况,从而使正定后的《孝经》经文通俗易懂,得到最广泛程度上的流传。不过在不违背这一标准的前提下,玄宗对经文的正定基本上还是很认真、细致的。除了一处为了更有利于孝道的推行而减字外,所定经字都有异文或比较可靠的文献依据。再结合玄宗开元初注本中的经文来看,玄宗对《孝经》文的正定工作并不是在作注之先一次集中完成,而是在初注和重注时都有所进行;在初注时正定的文字,,到重注时有些又做了调整。 第三章主要对唐玄宗《孝经御注》的内容做了专门探讨。唐玄宗先后在开元年间和天宝年间两次为《孝经》作注。在辨析今传开元初注本抄刻错误的基础上比较两注,两注在思想内容上出入不大。重注主要是从更准确的阐注经义和文字更通畅、简明、规范化这两方面来对初注做增删改动,以期兼具学术性和通俗性。注文内容上的一大特色是广泛征引前代旧注。将今尚存的郑注、孔传与注文所引相比较,一 二回回【、傅士学位论文 V回回民00口m*凡l1)m肌M1’!ON 方面略见御注征引旧注的方式、特点:主要是节引其辞,或仅取旧注大义,很少直 录原文;一方面也显示出玄宗对郑注、孔传同样重视,井不因郑注长期为士人习读、 孔传流传无绪而有所厚薄。玄宗取用郑注多因其简炼明晰,故往往在引用时不大改 动。孔传长于义理发挥,但行文繁冗,所以玄宗只是引取其义不用其文。在内容上, 与郑注、孔传比较,注文表现出三个明显的特点:①摒弃琐碎的训估、考证和铺陈 发挥的文风,注文力求简炼、平实;②不拘学派门户,博采前代旧注本的研究成果; ③注文贯彻“孝治天下”,“以孝移忠”的思想,颇具传统儒学的现实精神。 第四章重点对《御注孝经疏》进行了考察。为玄宗《孝经御注》做疏的工作历 时 3 00年左右,先后有唐开元年间元行冲初疏本、天宝年间重疏本和北宋邢裹最后 写定本。本章通过对疏文内容的辨析,推定今本《孝经注疏》的疏文并非如通常所 认为是北宋邢是依天宝重疏本改修,而是邢患直接据开元元行冲疏文剪截而成。疏 文与玄宗注文一样,也具有博征前代旧注的特色。通过考查发现:①作疏者对旧注 的征引有古文孔传一派的倾向;②疏文所引“旧说”、“旧解”、“旧注”并非专指前 代某一家注,而是一种泛称;③疏文对玄宗《制旨》一书的征引似为邢裹在镀截开 元元疏时所为。疏文的解经方式是本章最后关注的对象。在体例上,疏文上承南北 朝以来的义疏体著作,经、注兼释。在内容上,仍然是在继承前代优良传统的基础 上,疏文通过对经、注文做详细的疏释、解说,从而在学术性上很好的弥补了略显 单薄的玄宗注文。同时,疏文表现出对名物训权 典制考辨的重视,而对经文义理 的阐发相对不足的倾向。 本文最后的结语简要概括了《孝经注疏》全书的主要特点。玄宗的注文既注重 广泛的现实适用性,又不忽视自身的学术质量;由于作者之间有一种分工合作的明 确意识,因而《注》、疏》在内容的互补性上关系极为密切。这是《孝经注疏})得 以取代前代所有旧注,成为后世通行用本的最主要原因。
[Abstract]:On the basis of reviewing the status of the study of filial piety before the Tang Dynasty, this paper, from the perspective of philology, mainly through the comparison of the relevant literature and the analysis of the way of interpretation, the internal capacity of the most important works in the history of filial piety, such as "filial piety annotation >" (Tang Xuanzong's note, Yuan Xing Chong and Xing Shu), has been investigated from the aspects of Scripture, note and sparse, in order to be helpful. A deeper understanding of the book.
The first chapter mainly introduces the book of filial piety before the Tang Dynasty, the status of the spread and research and the book of the annotation of filial piety. Before the appearance of the filial piety annotation, the study of filial piety has gradually developed from the beginning stage of the Han Dynasty to the prosperous situation of the annotation of the northern and Southern Dynasties. Under the unified political situation, in order to enlighten the people of the world with filial piety, Tang Xuanzong led and personally presided over the meticulous, careful arrangement and annotating work of the "filial piety".
The second chapter focuses on the investigation of Tang Xuanzong's positive setting for the scriptures of filial piety. Through the comparison of the texts of Xuanzong before the book of Xuanzong and Xuanzong Tianbao, we can see that Xuanzong Zhengding is different from that of the ancient scholars. It is to popularize and unify the spirit of filial piety, not simply to restore the original text of the Scriptures. Therefore, the primary standard of Xuanzong's classical Scripture is to conform to the practical use of words, so that the original "filial piety" is easy to understand and the most widely spread. It is still very serious and meticulous. In addition to the reduction of a word in order to be more beneficial to the implementation of the filial piety, there are different texts or more reliable documents for the word. All of them were done at the time of injection, and some adjustments were made when the initial notes were positive.
The third chapter mainly discusses the contents of Tang Xuanzong's "filial piety Royal injecting". Tang Xuanzong has made a note of "filial piety" two times during the Yuan Dynasty and the Tianbao period. On the basis of discrimination and analysis of the errors of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the two notes are compared, and the two notes are not very important in the content of the thought. Unobstructed, concise, and standardized these two aspects to add or delete to the initial note, with a view to both academic and popular.
Two return
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There are some ways to introduce the old notes in the imperial notes. The main features are the following: the main words are to quote their words, or only to take the old ones, but seldom.
On the one hand, Xuanzong also attaches importance to Zheng's note. Kong Chuan attaches importance to it.
The spread of the word "Kong Chuan" is not easy and thick. Xuanzong uses Zheng Jian because of its simplicity and clarity.
In fact, the word "Chuan" is more important than righteousness, but it is very complicated.
Compared with Zheng Zhu and Kong Chuan, there are three obvious characteristics in the note: 1. Discard trivial training estimates, textual criticism and elaboration.
The style and note of the play should be simplified and plain.
Third, the implementation of "the rule of filial piety" and "loyalty to filial piety" are very realistic in traditional Confucianism.
The fourth chapter focuses on the study of Yu Zhu's filial piety.
In the 300 years or so, there were Tang Yuan Kaiyuan in early Tang Dynasty.
In this chapter, through the analysis of the content of the sparse script, it is presumed that it is not usual for this book to be written in the book of filial piety and commentary.
It is believed that the Xingsong of the Northern Song Dynasty was built on the basis of the value of the treasure, but that the Xing Xing was cut directly from the Yuan Yuan line.
Like Xuanzong's notes, Wen also has the characteristics of the old annotation of the previous dynasties.
The quotations have the tendency to pass the ancient texts and the Confucian school.
Instead of a note, it is a general term.
The way of explaining the Scripture is the final object of this chapter.
Since the beginning of the book, it has been annotation and explanation. In content, it is still the basis for inheriting the fine traditions of the former generation.
On the basis of the detailed explanations and commentary on the classics and the notes, Shu Wen made a good complement in academic sense.
At the same time, sparse script shows the importance of textual research on the system of training for the right of name, and the textual meaning of Scripture.
To elucidate the tendency of relative insufficiency.
The last concluding remarks briefly summarize the main characteristics of the book of filial piety and commentaries.
A wide range of practical applicability, without neglecting the academic quality of its own, because there is a division of labor between the authors.
Therefore, there is a close relationship between the content and the complementarity.
In order to replace all the old notes of the former generation, it is the main reason for later generations to access books.


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2 张巍;中晚唐经学研究[D];山东大学;2008年

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2 牛新政;两汉《孝经》编年及其孝道探研[D];广西师范大学;2008年

3 王倩倩;《孝经注疏》词汇研究[D];河北师范大学;2012年

4 钟夏;宋代《孝经》文献研究[D];河南师范大学;2013年




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