[Abstract]:Based on the existing literature and archaeological materials, and on the basis of extensively absorbing and referring to the relevant research results at home and abroad, and by combining macroscopic investigation with case study, this paper makes a study of the development stage of the Guandong Haohao nationality in the Han Dynasty, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties. The form of clan, economic structure and its relationship with rural society were discussed in various aspects. It also reveals the evolution of Guandong Haozu in the eight hundred years since the Han Dynasty, and the relationship and interaction between the local social group and the social politics, economy and culture in each historical period. The author holds that (1) the Guandong Haozi have multi-level structural characteristics in their identity status, which are different from the general civilian class and are obviously different from those of the patriarchal families since the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is a constantly changing social stratum between "official" and "people". In different historical stages, the shape and development trend of Guandong Haozu are different. (2) Clan is the foundation and core of Guandong Haozu's social influence. In fact, the Guandong Haozu is a social and local force that focuses on a strong clan within the clan and gathers the members of the same clan into a whole. Therefore, maintaining the stability and continuity of clan organizations is of great significance to the survival and development of the Guandong Haozu. (3) the Guandong Haozu lacks the political privilege of the family, and the way out for its development depends to a great extent on the management of the land and making it rich, not mainly on the management of politics. Economic activities in the Guandong Haozu social life has always occupied a primary position. (4) as a regional social group, the development of the power of the Guandong Haozu usually does not have a direct impact on the upper echelons of the dynasty, but their influence on the rural society has never been interrupted. Moreover this kind of influence generally has the destructive and the constructive dual characteristic. In addition, some concrete and difficult problems are analyzed, demonstrated, and some new opinions are put forward.
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