
发布时间:2018-07-29 06:52
【摘要】:陆游的《入蜀记》是宋代著名的一部笔记,后人对它的重视主要集中于其史地考订方面的成就,,例如《四库全书总目》卷五八评价它说:“游本工文,故于山川风土,叙述颇为雅洁。而于考订古迹,尤所留意。……非他家行记流连风景,记载琐屑者比也。”的确,《入蜀记》在考订历史、地理方面达到了很高的成就,除了《四库全书总目》中指出的十五六则以外,还有不少颇有学术考订性质的段落,堪称精确。 南宋时期两浙路和成都府路是经济文化最为发达的地区,而蜀东则极为落后。陆游自吴入蜀,所经吴越、荆楚、巴蜀地区各具鲜明的区域文化特色,这些不同的区域人文在服饰、行旅、农耕、信仰等方面的表现各有特色,因为《入蜀记》对此有生动的记载,因而《入蜀记》亦有极高的南宋民俗研究价值。宋代的城市经济有了很大发展,反映城市民俗文化的保留作品也较多,如《宋朝事实类苑》、《武林旧事》、《东京梦华录》等,宋代文人的诗词文稿中亦多有涉及。但是反映农村和墟市草集的民俗作品相比之下则少得多。陆游自京口登舟沿江入川,所经之地多有乡镇草市,其作品中反映的行舟、野祭、服饰、农耕牧等内容能够弥补以往史料之不足,具有很高的民俗研究价值。事实上国内的民俗研究著作中凡与南宋民俗相关者,多将《入蜀记》作为重要参考资料。 民俗研究的内容涉及面较广,美国著名化的民俗学家理查德·多尔逊就认为凡是涉及到传统民间文化范畴的社会学对象和文学对象都是民俗研究的内容。本文将全书中涉及到风土人情、行旅交通、宗教信仰等方面的部分民俗内容加以梳理、汇总和分析,参考同时期宋人其他记载,进行了一些专项研究,如当时长江上舟子击鼓行舟的风俗等。《入蜀记》中还有很多沿岸风土记载亦极具学术考订价值,但因为前人已作深入细致的专题研究,如交游风俗和茶饮风俗等,本文不再进行讨论。
[Abstract]:Lu you's Book of entry into Shu is a famous note in the Song Dynasty. The attention paid to it by later generations was mainly focused on its achievements in historical and geographical textual research. The narrative is rather elegant. And in the study of monuments, pay particular attention to. It is not his family that haunts the scenery, and records the trifles more than he does. " Indeed, the book of entry into Shu has achieved great achievements in textual history and geography. In addition to the fifteen or six items pointed out in the book, there are quite a number of academically textual paragraphs that are accurate. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Liangzhe Road and Chengdu Road were the most developed areas in economy and culture, while East Shu was extremely backward. Lu you from Wu into Shu, through Wu Yue, Jingchu, Bashu region each has distinct regional cultural characteristics, these different regional humanities in clothing, travel, farming, faith and other aspects of the performance of their own characteristics, Because of the vivid record of entering Shu, the book of entering Shu also has very high value in the study of folk customs in Southern Song Dynasty. The city economy of the Song Dynasty has developed greatly, and there are many preserved works reflecting the urban folklore culture, such as "the Song Dynasty fact Garden", "the Old Wulin affair", "the Tokyo Dream Hua Lu" and so on, and the poems and poems of the Song Dynasty literati are also involved. But the folklore works that reflect the grass collection in rural and market markets are much less. Lu you boarded a boat from Jingkou and entered Sichuan along the river. Most of the places through which there are townships and townships are grass and grass cities. The contents reflected in their works, such as boats, wild sacrifices, costumes, farming and animal husbandry, can make up for the shortage of historical materials in the past and have high folklore research value. As a matter of fact, the book of entry into Shu is regarded as an important reference material in the folklore research works of the Southern Song Dynasty. The study of folklore involves a wide range of contents. Richard Dorson, a famous American folklore, thinks that all sociological objects and literary objects involving traditional folk culture are the contents of folklore studies. In this paper, some folklore contents related to local customs, travel and transportation, religious belief and so on are combed, collected and analyzed, and some special studies are carried out with reference to other records of Song people in the same period. For example, at that time, the customs of canoeing with drums and drums on the Yangtze River, and so on. There were also many records of the coastal areas in the book of entry to Shu, which were also of great academic value. But because of the in-depth and meticulous special studies made by the predecessors, such as the customs of friends and tea drinks, etc. This article is not discussed.


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