[Abstract]:During the Song and Yuan dynasties, Arab trade accelerated or delayed the rise and fall of the Southern Song regime. On the one hand, Arab trade provided a huge amount of customs revenue for the central and local governments of the Southern Song Dynasty. On the other hand, the Arab merchant group headed by Pu Shougeng and the Fujian left-wing army formed a kind of local influence on the political trend of the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties and the Southern Song Dynasty. In the last period of the war between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty, Pu Shou-kung defected the Song Dynasty and voted in the Yuan Dynasty, which accelerated the death of the Southern Song Dynasty. Therefore, there are different opinions on the achievements of Pu Shougeng and the academic circles. This paper argues that the indirect cause of his rebellion against Song is the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by Chen Yizhong, which results in the mutual distrust between the left-wing army and the court in Fujian. Of course, the immediate cause was Zhang Shijie's ship and fortune.
【作者单位】: 河北大学;
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