[Abstract]:After the establishment of Hexi County in Han Dynasty, because of many factors such as war, population and so on, for a long period of time, the basic unit system of each county did not generally implement the organizational structure pattern of "County-Township-Li" as in the mainland. According to unearthed documents, Hexi County is generally implemented in the form of "county-li" regime. In order to make up for the actual weakening of the township system, the government has implemented the special system of "du Xiang", which is responsible for the management of a county and township. Duxiang came into being under the background of political division, frequent war, population migration and other social unrest. It was the transitional regime form of governing grass-roots society in the early stage of feudal society, and played an important role in social stability. With the formation of the unification of Sui and Tang dynasties, the township system came to an end.
【作者单位】: 高台县博物馆;
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