
发布时间:2018-08-22 12:48
【摘要】:本文以建安时期的学术为研究对象。尝试对建安学术作较系统的研究。 建安时期(196—219年)是中国中古史的重要阶段。以汉献帝年号为断限,该时期东汉已名存实亡,三国鼎立局面逐渐形成。在国家从统一走向分裂的过程中,政治秩序的变化与统治方法的改变,对人们的学术取向产生深刻影响。 从学术史发展看,该时期是汉代学术向魏晋学术转型的过渡期,人们的观念发生变化,不同系统的知识重新进行整合。两汉时期形成的经学传统并未中断。建安时期伴随着统一王朝的解体,出现了文化多元的局面,如道家、法家、兵家、纵横家、阴阳家等在这一时期都有一定的表现。六朝时期出现的种种思潮在建安都能找到其端绪。 建安学术史虽然重要,但前人所作的研究却不够充分。在中国古代社会,学者对学术史的关注重点是经学研究,由于这一时期的经学相对不发达,导致后世研究的薄弱。清代和近代学者在经学和思想方面虽有所涉猎,对汉儒如郑玄也多有研究,但还是偏重于对汉代治学方法和经解注疏的研究。他们对建安时代学术其他领域的成就,在从总体上认识亦有不足。 在历史上,社会发生剧变之际,旧秩序的解体往往伴随着新思想的产生。先秦时代,伴随着周王朝的逐渐失控,出现了王官之学衰而诸子峰起的学术局面。同样,汉代统治由盛转衰的过程,也正是学术由经学之一元走向多元的过程。 东汉后期经学自身的烦琐化、谶纬化,宦官的打击,商品经济的发展等因素导致经学的衰退和思想多元的出现。但经学的衰退,不等于学术的发展就此停止,相反,长期作为官方学术的经学的衰退,恰恰为新学术方法和新思想的产生提供了更广阔的空间,经学衰退的过程,也就是人们知识结构的重新整合,学术重心逐步转移的过程。在儒学衰落期,新的学术格局也正在形成,建安时期的外戚宦官阶层、党人阶层、及普通士人分别代表了不同的学术文化取向。伴随着这一学术的分化,在社会思想领域也产生了深刻的变化,道家学说被作为新的救世思想而出现了复兴,与道家思想有着不解之缘的民间道教也因而得到了发展,法家思想被作为一种治乱世的有效的实用思想也在建安年间受到重视。新的学术取向导致士人在知识结构和学术方法、学术旨趣方面发生了很大变化,在知识结构方面才艺类实学受到部分士人的重视,在学风上轻章句之学,博览群书,浏览书籍而了解其中的主要思想成为一些人的学习方法,士人研究问题的出发点也发生了变化,在学术研究中个体的价值得到重视。故建安时期,经学虽还在荆、交二州得以延续,但从广袤的地域看,二地的经学并不是建安时期的学术主流。建安时期学术日趋务实,权谋术受到许多学者的重视,统治者重事功、轻浮华的政策也促进了学术的务实性和弘通性。这使建安时代的学术范围脱离经学的藩篱,呈扩大化趋势。汉儒师法传统也遭到重创而呈断绝状态。 建安时期学术格局的变化使建安学术发展走上了与东汉不同的道路。建安学术的面貌表现在:经学方面,学术传统虽未停止,但对诸经的研究如《春秋》谷 梁学等己处于难以为继的状态,相反,《易》学却因其特殊的占验功能却在此时 期尤受重视,孟子学也因其民本思想与时代结合得较紧密而重受重视。史学因其 能提供史鉴,受到三国统治者和士人的重视,虽未出现如司马迁、班固等具开创 性的著作,但对前史的删要及诸家所撰的私人撰述,无疑促进了史学的繁荣,,终 于出现了荀悦的《汉纪》。建安时期的诸子学也成为学术创新的思想源泉,学者 虽大率依托先秦学者,对之进行阐发和润色,但能将先秦诸子的思想融入时代, 赋予传统思想以新的内容,同样产生了学术创新。如申、商之法,在汉代多遭贬 议,而这一时期却又受到重视。 在建安年间,经学于衰退之际,仍然出现了一批杰出的学者,他们或从事传 统经学的整合工作,或研究现实政治,共同构建起建安学术的大厦。 郑玄、何休、蔡岂、应助等代表着东汉经学最后的辉煌,郑玄对今、古文经 学作了全面总结,实现了统一经学的学术目标;何休从尊今抑古的立场,为申明 经典的价值,作了进一步的努力:蔡岂从典制、文体、史学等更宽博的学术层面 全面诊释传统思想;应助则从正风俗这一独特的学术视角对传统伦理作阐释。 与郑、何等对经学作总结差不多同时,学术领域也逐渐出现了融儒、道、法 于一炉的杂家化倾向。仲长统,荀悦是这一学术新变的典型代表,他们都能从先 秦诸子思想中获得借鉴,对治国主张作务实、具体的阐释,提出了许多对当时社 会和后世都很有价值的社会政治主张,他们的学术代表了这时期的显学。经学也 还在继续发展,但亦已出现务实的趋向,刘熙和孔融是这时期新经学的代表,刘 熙对典制和器物名称的解释开辟了经学研究中博物学的新领域。孔融则对儒家伦 ,理作新的论释,既表现为传统的一面,又背离儒家传统演绎出一些大胆而激进的 观点。 随着经世学术思潮的继续发展,学术领域内不仅会通融合的趋势更为显著, 学术也出现专门化的趋势,与此同时,学术风格也因区域不同而出现差异,出现 了学术领域的多元化。刘助
[Abstract]:This paper takes the academic study of Jianan as the research object, and tries to make a systematic study of Jianan's academic work.
The Jian'an Period (196-219) was an important stage in the middle ancient history of China. The Eastern Han Dynasty was famous for its existence, and the trinity of the Three Kingdoms gradually took shape. In the process of the state from unification to division, the change of political order and the change of governing methods had a profound impact on people's academic orientation.
From the development of academic history, this period is a transitional period from the Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties. People's concepts have changed and different systems of knowledge have been re-integrated. Home, Yin-Yang home and so on all have certain performance in this period.
In ancient China, scholars paid more attention to the study of Confucianism, which was relatively undeveloped in this period, leading to the weakness of later generations. Although scholars in Qing Dynasty and modern times had been involved in the study of Confucianism, such as Zheng Xuan, there were many scholars in Han Dynasty. However, they still lay particular stress on the study of the methods and annotations of the Han Dynasty.
In the pre-Qin Dynasty, with the gradual loss of control of the Zhou Dynasty, the academic situation of the decline of the imperial officials and the rise of the scholars appeared.
In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the trivialization of Confucian classics, the eunuch's attack, the development of commodity economy and other factors led to the decline of Confucian classics and the emergence of pluralistic ideas. In the declining period of Confucianism, a new academic pattern is taking shape. The class of eunuchs, the class of Party members and the ordinary scholars in Jian'an period represent different academic and cultural orientations. Differentiation has also brought about profound changes in the field of social thought. Taoism has been revived as a new salvation thought. Folk Taoism, which has an indissoluble bond with Taoism, has also been developed. Legalism, as an effective practical thought in dealing with troubled times, has also been paid attention to during the Jian'an Period. As a result, great changes have taken place in the knowledge structure, academic methods and academic purport of scholars. Some scholars have attached great importance to the practical study of talent and art in the knowledge structure. In the period of Jian'an, though the study of Confucian classics was still in Jing and Jiao'erzhou, it was not the mainstream of the study of Confucian classics in the period of Jian'an. In the period of Jian'an, scholars paid more and more attention to the study of Confucian classics, and the rulers paid more attention to merits and less attention to the policy of magnificence. It also promotes the practicality and extensiveness of the academic field. This makes the academic scope of the Jian'an period break away from the fence of Confucianism, showing a trend of expansion.
The academic development of Jian'an was different from that of the Eastern Han Dynasty because of the change of academic pattern in the period of Jian'an.
Liang Xue and others are in an unsustainable state. On the contrary, Yi's learning is due to its special function.
Mencius'thought of people-oriented is closely related to the times. Historiography is attached great importance to because of its close combination with the times.
Shi Jian can be provided by the rulers and scholars of the Three Kingdoms. Although they did not appear, such as Sima Qian and Ban Gu, they were created.
Sexual works, but the deletion of previous history and private writing by various authors undoubtedly promote the prosperity of historiography.
In the period of the Han Dynasty, Xun Yue has become the source of academic innovation.
Though relying heavily on pre Qin scholars to elucidate and polish them, they can integrate the thoughts of pre Qin philosophers into the times.
Giving the new content to the traditional thought has also created academic innovation.
However, this period has been taken seriously.
In the years of Jianan, when scholars were learning to decline, a group of outstanding scholars still appeared.
The integration of Confucian classics, or the study of real politics, together builds the building of Jianan academic.
Zheng Xuan, he Xiu, Cai Yao, Ying Fu and so on represented the last glory of Confucian Studies in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Zheng Xuan's ancient prose classics
He made a comprehensive summary and realized the academic goal of unifying Confucian classics; he Hsu took the stand of respecting the present and suppressing the old.
The classic value has made further efforts: CAI has learned from the broader academic level of Dian, style and historiography.
We should comprehensively interpret traditional ideas, and help to interpret traditional ethics from the unique academic perspective of positive customs.
In the same way as Zheng, how to summarize Confucian classics, academic circles gradually emerged Confucianism, Taoism, and law.
In a furnace, the trend of miscellaneous family is becoming more and more complicated. Zhong Chang Tong and Xun Yue are typical representatives of this new academic change.
In the Qin Dynasty's thought, we drew lessons from it, and made specific and concrete explanations for the ruling state.
The society and later generations are very valuable social and political propositions, their academic representative of the period of prominent scholarship.
It is continuing to develop, but there has also been a pragmatic trend. Liu Xi and Kong Rong are representatives of Neo Confucian Studies in this period.
Xi's interpretation of classics and the names of utensils opened up a new field of natural history in the study of Confucian classics.
New explanations of the theory are both traditional and radical.
Point of view.
With the continuous development of the academic trend of thought, the trend of convergence in academic field is more significant.
There is also a trend towards specialization in academic studies. Meanwhile, academic styles also vary from region to region.
The diversification of academic field.


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