
发布时间:2018-08-23 10:08
【摘要】:中国先秦、秦汉时的统一是一个变动发展的过程,统一思想也从无到有。夏、商以前中国没能形成统一,因而也不可能有统一思想;周代是我国第一个可以称之为统一的王朝,也是我国统一思想形成的第一个时期;秦朝是我国第一个统一的中央集权的国家,但秦朝却没能形成统一思想;汉朝471年的时间(包新莽政权与蜀汉政权)则是中国新的(区别于西周)统一思想的形成、成熟期。因此本文在写作过程中打算以时间为梯度,分五个部分进行阐述。 第一部分写先秦统一思想。主要对周代统一思想进行研究,认为周代形成的统一思想并不是全民的统一思想,它只为统治者所有,可以说周代的统一是政权与政权间的统一,只限于统治者。所以当周王室衰落,各个诸侯政权强大后这种以宗法制为基础的统一也就随着宗法制的崩溃而崩溃了。从表面上看这是对统一和统一思想的破坏,但是由于对权力、土地等的争夺却促进了统一与统一思想的进一步发展。 第二部分写秦朝。主要分析秦朝失败的原因,为说明新时期的统一思想的形成是一个长期的过程作铺垫。秦朝虽然没能形成统一思想,但它对异质的文化巴蜀的改造却是极其成功的。相对于对六国的统治来说这种统治是“无为”而致的,不是“一统于法”所能办到的。秦朝由于在六国故地片面强调“一统于法”而忽视几百年分裂所造成的差距,,从而使它为统一的付出都被看作是“暴政”。 第三部分写五年楚汉战争。周代八百年的历史与秦朝十五年的历史比较从感观上一眼就可以判断出哪一个实行的制度会更有利于统治。但是周实行分封的成功与失败却是项羽所不能明白的,所以项羽貌似统一全国的分封由于没有基础而很快失败。 第四部分把西汉、东汉、三国揉合到一起对统一思想作一个简要说明。秦朝统一中国的不成功恰好为西汉成功统一并成功治理中国提供了借鉴,为西汉形成统一思想提供了平台。对于西汉统一思想的形成主要从上、中、下三个层面加以说明。继西汉后的东汉本身就是一个刘姓的统一政权,这就说明了西汉时期形成的统一思想已经开始执行了;东汉末的起义战争则补足了西汉时期三个层面统一思想的一些不足;三国虽然分裂,但这个分裂本来就是统一的一种畸形形态,因为他们是在共同的统一思想基础上的分裂。 第五部分主要分析中国能形成统一思想的两大条件。其一自然条件,即共同的农业文化圈。虽然我国南北方水旱农业差距比较大,但是由于在南北之间有水旱两季农业区作为衔接过度,再加上生产工具的进步,所以南北之间的认可是比较容易办到的。其二为人文条件,即共同的始祖的认识。在战国以前人们对于远古历史所
[Abstract]:The unification of pre-Qin and Qin and Han dynasties in China was a process of change and development. The Zhou Dynasty was the first dynasty in China to be called a unified dynasty, and it was also the first period of the formation of the unified thought in China. The Qin Dynasty was the first unified centralized country in China, but the Qin Dynasty failed to form a unified thought, while the Han Dynasty 471 years (Bao Xinmang regime and Shu Han regime) was the formation and maturity of China's new unified thought (different from the Western Zhou Dynasty). Therefore, this paper intends to use time as a gradient in the process of writing, divided into five parts. The first part is about the thought of unification of pre-Qin Dynasty. This paper mainly studies the unified thought of Zhou Dynasty, and thinks that the unified thought formed in Zhou Dynasty is not the unified thought of the whole people, it is only owned by the rulers, it can be said that the unity of the Zhou Dynasty is the unity between the regime and the political power, which is limited to the rulers. So when the royal family fell, the unity based on the patriarchal system collapsed with the collapse of the patriarchal system. On the surface, this is the destruction of unity and unity, but the struggle for power, land and so on promotes the further development of unity and unity. The second part is about Qin Dynasty. This paper mainly analyzes the causes of the failure of Qin Dynasty and lays the groundwork for the formation of the unified thought in the new period. Although the Qin Dynasty failed to form a unified thought, it was extremely successful in transforming the heterogeneous culture of Bashu. Compared to the rule of the six Kingdoms, this rule is caused by inaction, not by unification in the law. Due to the one-sided emphasis on "unification in the law" in the six countries, Qin Dynasty ignored the gap caused by the separation for hundreds of years, so that it was regarded as "tyranny" to pay for unification. The third part is about the five-year Chu-Han War. Comparing the history of Zhou Dynasty 800 years with the history of Qin Dynasty 15 years we can judge which system is more favorable to rule. But the success and failure of Zhou's implementation of the seal is beyond the understanding of the Xiang Yu, so the Xiang Yu seems to have failed quickly because of its lack of foundation. The fourth part of the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three countries together to make a brief explanation of the unity of thought. The unsuccessful unification of China in the Qin Dynasty provided a reference for the Western Han Dynasty to unify and govern China successfully, and provided a platform for the formation of the unified thought of the Western Han Dynasty. The formation of the unity of the Western Han Dynasty mainly from the top, middle, the next three levels to explain. After the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty itself is a unified regime surnamed Liu, which shows that the unified thought formed in the Western Han Dynasty has already begun to be carried out, while the uprising war at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty has made up some deficiencies of the three levels of unified thought in the Western Han Dynasty. Although the three countries split, but this division is originally a form of unity, because they are on the basis of a common unity of thought. The fifth part mainly analyzes the two conditions under which China can form a unified idea. One natural condition is the common agricultural cultural circle. Although the agricultural gap between the north and the south of China is quite large, it is easy to get the approval between the north and the south because the agricultural areas between the north and the south are used as a link between the two seasons of agriculture, coupled with the progress of the means of production. The second is the human condition, that is, the common understanding of the ancestor. Before the warring States period, people were concerned about the ancient history.


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